Although he had already chopped off the heads of Dr. Fashion and the others, Chu Yufan still stabbed each corpse in the heart to avoid any unexpected situations.

After doing this, Chu Yufan returned to the cabin with the imperial weapon.

Sibiya also dealt with the remaining enemies including Doroma, and at this time she was holding a knife and stabbing the corpses one by one.

"Sibiya, where is Alyssa?" Chu Yufan asked

"Sister Alyssa is cleaning the cabin, removing traces of life inside and packing some materials."Sibiya replied

"So... let's finish the last hit first."

With Chu Yufan joining the last hit team, the two quickly completed the last hit task and went into the cabin to help Elisa.

Soon everything was done, but the three did not dare to rest and left directly.

Half an hour after the three left, Esdeath led the hunters and the guard team to the scene.

"Are these people... all Mr. Fashion's enhanced soldiers?" Porus said, looking at the corpses scattered all over the ground.

"……That should be it. It seems that Shishang discovered the White Death and was killed by him... What a stupid man." Esdeath shook her head and said

"General Esdeath, Mr. Fashion's body has been found on that hilltop."Lan used the Imperial Tool to scout from the sky and found the bodies of four people, including Dr. Fashion.

"The imperial weapon was probably taken away as well...Did you spot any suspicious people in the sky?"

"No findings"

"It seems that the other party has escaped……"Esdeath murmured

"Not only did they escape, but they also cleared all traces."Nahash came out of the cabin and said

"It was cleaned up very cleanly, leaving no trace at all"

"Um... Will, Hei Tong, have you found any survivors?"

""No, General Esdeath. Each body had two fatal wounds and was completely dead." Will replied

"Humph, you are worthy of being the White Death, you didn't leave any trace at all"

"No, the wounds on each body were not caused by one person. There was at least one other person at the scene besides the White Death."Hei Tong checked the wounds on the bodies and said

"……Unfortunately, this doesn't prove anything. Many people know that the White Death is not acting alone, but no one has caught it yet.……"

"Next, continue to strengthen the vigilance of the imperial capital! Don't miss any details!" said Esdeath


Late at night, two figures sneaked to the scene to investigate. They were Leona and Akame from the night raid.

"Wow~ The smell of blood is too strong. My sense of smell has become more sensitive after using the imperial tool, but it has become even more uncomfortable."Leone kept rubbing his nose and said

"Be careful, Leona, there might be enemies nearby."Akagi said, keeping an eye on the surroundings.

"Don't worry, I've sensed that there's no one else nearby." Leone said

"Still need to be careful... It seems that a big battle took place here. It's a pity that the bodies were cleaned up by the hunters, otherwise we would not know who was fighting who."Akagi said

"No, it's not hard to guess. If you look at the scene, you can tell that there are quite a lot of people participating in the battle. Besides us, the only one who has this kind of treatment is the White Death."Leone said

"Hmm... I just don't know who will win or lose?"


"Phew! I can finally take a break." Sibiya said as she sat on the sofa.

The three of them were now in the backup base that Alyssa had already arranged, in the jungle in the opposite direction of the original cabin.

"Are you okay, Alyssa?" Chu Yufan looked at Alyssa's pale face and couldn't help but ask with concern.

""Phew! I'm fine, sir. Sorry to have worried you." After taking a few deep breaths, Alyssa replied.

Alyssa really didn't have much fighting power, so much so that after the three of them hurried on, Alyssa was a little overwhelmed.

"But how did the guys from the imperial capital find us?" Sibiya said

"Phew! Judging from the imperial equipment, it was Dr. Fashion from Hunter who found us. He is a mad scientist who uses death row prisoners in prison to reform them. I guess it was the people he reformed who found us."After Elisa calmed down a little, she explained

"But he only brought his own soldiers with him. He is so confident."Sibiya said

"……No, it is precisely because of this kind of confidence. We were able to escape safely this time. If we had come with other hunters, both of you would have died except for me."Chu Yufan said.

According to the calculations after the battle, Dr. Shishang's private soldiers are quite strong. If the entire"Hidden" force were to go out and fight with them, it would be estimated that there would be heavy losses.

If Esdeath and the hunters were added, even Chu Yufan would have to temporarily avoid the attack, and might even need to join forces with Night Raid and others to fight Esdeath and all the hunters.

It can only be said that Dr. Shishang was too confident, which caused him to lose his life.

"However, with this imperial tool, the power of"Yin" can be improved."Chu Yufan took out the imperial tool, the God's Hand [Perfect].

This imperial tool can be said to be a completely auxiliary imperial tool, but the ability it can exert is much more useful than some combat imperial tools.

"If this imperial weapon is given to Beckwell, he might be able to create some great weapons and equipment for the Hidden Army!" Chu Yufan said.

"Bakewell... is the one who made the sword for you, right? Do you need me to go and bring him over?" Elisa asked.

"……Well, prepare the venue and facilities, and then let him come over. I'll leave this to you, Alyssa."

"Don't worry, sir, I will be well prepared."Alyssa promised

"Next up……"

"It's me! Boss Chu!" Sibiya said loudly

"Boss Chu, didn’t you say that if I really learned the breathing method in less than a month, I would do anything you asked me to do!"

"!"Alisa narrowed her eyes and looked at Sibiya.

"Yes, yes, but I am more curious about how you did it."Chu Yufan said

"Hehe~ This has something to do with my practice in the Royal Fist Temple." Sibiya said.

It turns out that the practice in the Royal Fist Temple is to exercise the internal organs first. Of course, the training here does not mean to train the internal organs to be invulnerable.

Instead, the internal organs should be trained to be very soft and can change positions freely in the body. Only in this way can you control your body freely without causing damage to the internal organs.

From this, it can be seen that it is not easy to reach the level of the Four Rakshasa Ghosts in the Royal Fist Temple. After all, only the Four Rakshasa Ghosts can freely control their bodies.

Although Sibiya cannot reach this level, she is still quite clear about how to exercise the internal organs of the body.

"So that's how it is. In other words, if the"Hidden" troops can first learn the cardiopulmonary control method of the Royal Fist Temple, and then practice the breathing method, they can achieve quick results?"Chu Yufan said. If this is true, wouldn't it be rich?

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