"Boss Chu, you're thinking too much, aren't you? Even learning the cardiopulmonary control method of the Royal Fist Temple took me nearly half a year. Are you still thinking of quick success?" Sibiya rolled her eyes and said

"No, if you simply learn the breathing method from scratch, it will take at least a year for an average person to get started."

"The reason why my three disciples were able to learn the breathing method within two months was mainly because they had received instruction from a retired imperial soldier. Their physical fitness was already stronger than that of ordinary people, which is why they were able to learn so quickly."

"If learning the cardiopulmonary control method of the Royal Fist Temple takes about half a year, and then learning the breathing method...if this process can be completed in less than a year, it is already a quick success."Chu Yufan explained

"I see……"

"Sibiya, you will be the instructor of the Hidden Troops from now on. As for the escort mission of Alyssa, I will find someone else to choose."Chu Yufan said to Sibiya. After all, only Sibiya knew the methods of the Royal Fist Temple, so it was most appropriate for her to teach the Hidden Troops.

"Ah...but, Boss Chu, I……"

"I think what the adults said is right, Sister Sibiya, now you are the best choice to teach the"Hidden" troops to quickly form combat effectiveness."Alyssa interrupted what Sibiya wanted to say and said with a smile

""Tsk~" Sibiya was speechless when she saw this. After all, she had already joined their organization, so in principle, she should put the organization first.

However, seeing Elisa's smiling face, Sibiya suddenly felt a little unhappy. The friendship was really overturned at any time.

However, I! Sibiya! I am not a soft persimmon.

""Master Chu, have you forgotten what you promised me?" Sibiya raised her eyebrows at Chu Yufan. For some reason, Chu Yufan felt his scalp tingling when he saw Sibiya like this.

"……Tell me, what do you want me to do?"Chu Yufan said

"I want to be your first wife!" Sibiya said loudly.

"No, I refuse because I already have a wife."Chu Yufan refused loudly and said

"Of course, if you can't find a partner, I'll introduce you to two guys I know."



Tatsumi and Iyeas, who were far away in the night raid base, sneezed at the same time, causing the others to be extremely surprised.

"Did you two plan this? You can sneeze in sync?" Leone said with a smile.

"Maybe someone is talking about us behind our backs?" Tatsumi said, wiping his nose with a tissue.

"It's really strange, who could it be?"Iyeas said


"What?! What?! Someone got there first!"Sibi Ya fell to her knees, with a look of despair on her face.

""Okay, okay, why are you being so dramatic?" Chu Yufan rolled his eyes and flicked his finger towards Sibiya's forehead.

"It hurts!"Sibi Ya jumped up and said, holding her forehead.

"Damn it! I won’t give up! You just wait for me!" Sibiya covered her forehead and rushed out of the door, still shouting

"Wow! Really?……"

It must be said that Sibiya's sudden self-exposure did scare Chu Yufan a little. Did he do anything that made her misunderstand?

"My Lord, although Sister Sibiya likes you, you don't have to tell her that you already have a wife to reject her, right? This will make her sad."

Although she was talking about Sibiya's sadness, Elisa's face was full of smiles. Unfortunately, Chu Yufan's words in the next second made her smile freeze instantly.

"I'm not lying, I do have someone I like."Chu Yufan said



"Why did I suddenly sneeze? Could it be that Chu Yufan was thinking about me?"Cornelia murmured to herself

"Hum~ Tatsumi wrote to say that Chu Yufan is in the capital now. After Mr. Bakewell helps me make the prosthetic limbs, I will see how I will deal with you after I find you!"


It has been about ten days since Dr. Fashion was killed by Chu Yufan, and the long-silent Night Raid has finally made some moves.

"This time, the case is about an organization called An Ning Dao. It is a religion located in the east of the imperial capital and widely believed by the people."Najta said while smoking a cigarette.

"An Ning Dao?! I know! When I was still living in the village, I heard the village chief say that this religion came to the village to spread its teachings."Sayou said

"Oh, I know that too. Now in the village chief's house, there is still the strange ornament that the missionaries gave to the village chief."Iyeas said

"After ten years of development, An Ning Dao has gained quite a lot of followers. It has formed a great power in the east of the imperial capital. According to reliable information, An Ning Dao is planning to launch an armed uprising... that is, to launch a religious rebellion. We are considering using them to……"

"Please wait a moment!" Tatsumi suddenly interrupted Nadezhda.

"If a rebellion is launched like this, how many ordinary civilians will die?! Shouldn't such a rebellion be stopped?"

"The corrupt politics of the empire has made the people of the country miserable. Even if the rebellion in Anning Dao is prevented, public anger will erupt in other places.……"Nadezhda says

"Calm down, Tatsumi, the boss hasn't finished speaking yet."Chelsey saw that Tatsumi was still excited and wanted to say something, so she quickly reminded him.

"That's right, Tatsumi. The empire is still very powerful now, and it's only a matter of time before the rebellion of Anning Dao is suppressed. If the minister follows his previous methods, I'm afraid the sacrifice will be even greater."Rabbock said.

Just as Najeta explained the next situation to Tatsumi and others. On the other side, Chu Yufan and Alisa also discussed the matter of Anning Dao and the Revolutionary Army.

"The revolutionary army intends to use the rebellion of Anning Dao as a fuse to launch an attack on the empire... It's really anxious."Chu Yufan said as he looked at the information in his hand

"Yes, the current strength of the Revolutionary Army, even with the three allied ethnic groups and the internal rebels, is no match for the Esdeath Army and the Bud Army."Alyssa said.

Although she knew that Chu Yufan already had someone he liked, Alyssa did not neglect the work of the organization. After all, the two sides did not come together because of the so-called love, but because they had the same ambitions and ideals.

Public is public, private is private, and Alyssa still knows this clearly.

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