The leader of An Ning Dao, the leader (no name in the original book). He has extraordinary personal charm, and is born with the ability to heal wounds and predict the future. This makes him highly supported and loved by believers, who even regard him as a true god descended to earth.

"Judging from the information, the leader himself is also the kind of person who doesn't want to see bloodshed. Unfortunately, having extraordinary personal charm does not mean that he has excellent ruling ability."Chu Yufan commented

"That's right, such people will eventually become pawns and be controlled by others. Whether they become pawns of the empire or the revolutionary army, the result is probably not what the leader wants to see."Alyssa nodded and said

"Let's not talk about the revolutionary army for now, but Minister Ernest might have intervened, right?" Chu Yufan asked

"Of course, the person that Minister Ernest planted in Anning Road was this guy."As Alisa spoke, she took out a document and handed it to Chu Yufan.

"Berwick, Deep���The leader's trusted right-hand man, and also the recognized deputy leader in Anning Dao……"

"So that's it. They plan to let Borik replace the original leader so that he can control the entire An Ning Dao and resolve the armed uprising without bloodshed... No, I'm afraid it's not that simple."Chu Yufan looked at Alyssa and said

"Yes, Minister Ernest deliberately leaked the information that Berlik was a spy, intending to use this as bait to attract a night attack and trap us."

"Sure enough...then the four Rakshasa ghosts will also be dispatched." Chu Yufan thought for a while and said

"The four Rakshasa ghosts have already set out, and are probably now in the church to protect Borik."

"……If I remember correctly, the four Rakshasa ghosts have the ability to identify secret agents."Alyssa, let all the"hidden" troops hide. I guess I'm the only one in the organization who can go on the field this time." Chu Yufan recalled that guy Goziqi and instructed Alyssa.

"The four Rakshasa ghosts actually have this ability... I will immediately let the"Hidden" troops hide. As for the intelligence, I will find a way to inform"Cha" and let her hand over the intelligence to you."

" looks like I'll be meeting...Esdeath again soon!"


"The hunters are doing their best to hunt us and the White Death, but the White Death has always been elusive, so the hunters are now focusing on finding our traces."

"We will only be passive if we continue like this, so this time, we have to take the initiative. Attract the hunters to the outskirts of the imperial capital and ambush them there!" Najeta said.

"Phew! The war is finally about to begin."Main said

"Ahhh... my blood is boiling!" Brand said excitedly.

"Sister... Let's end it this time.……"Chi Tong thought to himself

"Tatsumi, Sau and Iyeas, the three of you will be responsible for support this time."Najta said to the three of them.

"Huh? Why?……"

"Because all the hunters are Imperial Tool Users, although the three of you are quite strong, you will still feel a certain amount of pressure when facing an Imperial Tool User, so this time you will be responsible for the support operation."Najta instructed the three of them.


"Listen carefully, you three. This ambush is very dangerous. Even our lives are in danger."

"If something unexpected happens to any of us... then our legacy will need to be inherited by the three of you, understand?" Najeta looked straight at the three of them, and after staring at Najeta for a while, the three of them finally nodded.

""Ahaha~ Don't worry, boss. Don't make it seem like we're going to die. Maybe the White Death will show up and help us~" Seeing the atmosphere was a bit tragic, Chelsea couldn't help but joked.

"Alas, if that were the case, we could just face off against all the hunters, but unfortunately... the White Death might not take the initiative to help us."Najta said helplessly.

"Well, who knows?"Chelsea muttered softly.

"Okay, everyone, get ready!"


"General Esdeath, who was believed to be the person behind the night raid by Akame and Hill, was spotted on the eastern Romali Street. Lan found Esdeath and reported:

""Gather all hunters, assemble!" Esdeath adjusted her hat and said.

At the same time, the night raid mission intelligence came to Elisa.

"Do you plan to divide the hunters and defeat them one by one? What is Tea's suggestion?"Chu Yufan asked

"I hope you can go there and take charge."

"……After all, the night raid also played a role in attracting the hunters' attention. It has been a lot quieter here recently... So as a reward, I'll go and take a look." Chu Yufan said

"Got it. I wish you all the best."

Soon, Esdeath gathered the hunters and started moving in the direction where they saw the night raid.

During the night raid, everyone was playing in the lake in their swimsuits. Based on the intelligence, Najeta judged that at Esdeath's marching speed, it would take until tomorrow afternoon to reach the target location, so she asked everyone to relax a little.

"Chi Tong, what's wrong with you? Are you thinking about your sister?" Seeing Chi Tong's absent-minded look, Hill couldn't help but ask with concern.

Since their appearances were already known, they did not act with others.

"Ah... Hill... um……"

"After all, it was my sister who was targeted... I had some thoughts anyway." Akahide sat down and said

"Um……"Hill didn't know how to comfort Chi Tong, so he just hugged her.���

Chi Tong felt the warmth of being hugged by Xier, and her heart gradually calmed down.

"Thank you... Hill"

"Don't thank me, this is all I can do." Hill said softly with his eyes closed.……

"Well... according to the intelligence, after Najetta and Akame met here during the night raid, they split into two groups to act."

"Nadezhda went directly to the east, while Akame went to the south.……"Esdeath said

"This is an obvious trap... It seems like they are trying to lure us out of the capital and annihilate us." Nahashu said

"Well... although we know it's a trap, we can only face it and defeat them."Esdeath thought for a moment and then said

"Nahashi, Lan, I and others will go after Najeta, while Hei Tong, Will and Borus will go after Chi Tong.……"

"No, General Esdeath……"Lan suddenly said

"Lan, do you have any more suitable suggestions?"

"I don't think the Night Raid would be stupid enough to engage in a head-on conflict with you, General. If I'm not mistaken, their main purpose is to lure you away... If you want to turn the passive into the active, General, my suggestion is……"

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