"The situation is a bit bad... According to intelligence, the hunters have been divided into two groups according to the original plan.……"Nadezhda frowned as she looked at the information and said

"Isn't this just following the plan? Then why would you say it's not good?"Leone asked

"The point is... Esdeath is not in these two teams, and the detective has completely lost track of her."Najta's words made everyone present look serious.

The main purpose of this operation was to separate Esdeath from the other hunters. But now that Esdeath's whereabouts have been lost, it means that the next actions of the Night Raid will be restricted.

However, just like the hunters knew that this was a trap set by the Night Raid, they still chose to continue the action. Even if the Night Raid has lost the whereabouts of Esdeath, the situation is that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

"Esdeath should act as a support force. As long as we attack any side of the hunter team, Esdeath hiding in the dark will immediately provide support."

"Boss, what should we do now?"


Nadezhda did not answer. She was thinking about what to do. But she had no idea, unless someone in the night raid could stop Esdeath. And the only one who could do it was……

""Brand, Susanoo. If Esdeath shows up, you two will be responsible for holding her back. The others will proceed as planned." Najeta said.

Brand and Susanoo are now the two strongest people in the night raid team.


On the other side, Chu Yufan had already arrived at the designated location according to the intelligence and was waiting boredly.

"Hmm? The information is here.

A falcon came to where Chu Yufan was, dropped a note and left.

"……Is Esdeath missing? I plan to have Brand and Susanoo intercept the night raid, and the rest of the people will act according to the plan... Well, anyway, they can help me stop the other hunters."Chu Yufan put the note in his pocket.

"Come to think of it, Tatsumi and the other two are fine, right?"


Hei Tong, Will and Porus advanced rapidly in the canyon.

"My opponent is the famous Night Raid in the capital. I don't know if I can beat them.……"Porus said worriedly

"Don't worry, Borus, your imperial weapon can't be used against multiple people. I think it's very reliable."Will comforted

"What? Will is clearly holding us back."Hei Tong said

"What?! What did you say?! Do you mean you don't trust me? As long as I wear the noble chariot, I will be very strong!"Will said

"Then let me see how strong you are."

"Oh oh! I'll let you see!"

""Stop arguing, there's something going on ahead." Borus suddenly said.

A scarecrow-like thing appeared on the road ahead, standing strangely in the middle. The three of them hurriedly stopped when they saw it.

On a nearby mountain, Mayin was holding an imperial weapon and aiming at the three of them.

"Target confirmed, Esdeath is not here." Marin observed through the scope, then looked at Hei Tong

"They are sisters indeed. They look so alike.……"

"But that's why I don't want Chi Tong to do it herself.……"Myne focused her attention on Hei Tong and then fired.


A sense of danger came over him, almost as an instinctive reaction of his body, and Hei Tong instantly jumped to the left, avoiding the shot from Marin.

"What?! He actually dodged it? That reaction speed is definitely not something a normal human can have!" Marin thought in shock.


The scarecrow exploded, and Susanoo swept towards Hei Tong who had just dodged the attack with a spear in his hand.

"Hei Tong, be careful!!"Will, who was standing nearby, ran to Hei Tong and blocked Susanoo's attack. Will was instantly knocked far away.

""Wil-kun!" Porus shouted

"Although the sniper attack was unsuccessful, at least one combat force was reduced."Najta said as she led the night raid members to appear.

"Night raid... and it's all-out, it seems the other side is a complete illusion." Porus said

""Hei Tong and Bo Rus, as the most prominent targets among the hunters, be prepared!" Najeta said to the two.

"Target...Since he has burned countless people, it is understandable that he is targeted by assassins.……"

"But, I must not die!!"

As the only hunter who has a wife and children, Porus' only belief at this time is to survive the night attack.

"elder sister"

"Black pupil……"

"I really want to see you, it's great." Hei Tong said happily

"Let me kill you with my own hands, so that my sister can also enter the collection of the Eighth Room."Hei Tong, who was full of joy a second ago, said with murderous intent the next second.

Hei Tong raised the Eighth Room in his hand, and the whole canyon suddenly became earth-shaking. A huge dragon-like creature suddenly emerged from the ground where Hei Tong was.

"I am different now than I was before. Now, as long as it is a corpse, no matter what it looks like, I can turn it into a puppet, sister. Even a super dangerous species is the same~"

Hei Tong sat on the big hand of the dangerous species and rose into the air, looking down at Ye Xi and others like a god

"The Eighth House actually has such power?! But fortunately, if it's just this, everyone can still deal with it, as long as Esdeath doesn't show up.……"

""Najta, you think you can win this game if I don't show up, right?"

A female voice made all the members of the Night Raid shudder, and everyone looked up. Above the head of the dragon-shaped dangerous species summoned by Hei Tong, there was a long-haired queen standing there.

"Esdeath……"Nadezhda's pupils shrank, and the parts where her eyes and arms were missing were aching.

Everyone in the night raid was ready to face a formidable enemy, and Brand and Susanoo stood in front of everyone. Facing Esdeath, only these two could join forces to fight her.

"……Although I really want to freeze you and take you back, I don’t have time to take care of you right now." Esdeath suddenly said

"Because... a guest is coming"


There were soft footsteps behind Ye Xi and the others, and everyone turned around to look. On the top of the mountain, a man wearing a signature white mask was standing there.

"Finally I can fight you again!"

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