The three parties are as follows: Night Raiders

: The main fighters are Nadezhda, Susanoo, Brand, Akame, Leone, Mine and Hill, a total of seven people. Tatsumi, Sau, Iyeas, Chelsi and Lubbock are the reserve team.

Hunters: Esdeath, Kurome and Borus, a total of three people, and Kurome's eight corpse puppets.

Mysterious Forces: White Death, a total of one person.

Note: The author successfully watered down 134 words


The battlefield fell into an eerie silence for a while. No matter whether it was Ye Xi and his men, or Hei Tong and Borus, no one made the next move.

Because they were waiting for the next move of the two strongest players on the scene.

"I didn't expect that the White Death was actually in the same group as Night Raid."Esdeath looked at Chu Yufan and said

"……"Chu Yufan did not answer

"What a disappointment... I thought you had your own mysterious power, and I was thinking of playing whack-a-mole." Esdeath said regretfully.

"……"Chu Yufan still didn't answer

"Strange... When we met before, you were quite talkative, why are you silent now?" Esdeath narrowed her eyes and looked at Chu Yufan suspiciously.

"……I want to talk too, but Chi Tong is right below! Once I open my mouth, I can’t hide my identity anymore! I shouldn’t have shown off if I had known, but now it’s so embarrassing."Chu Yufan thought to himself

"Huh! Let’s stop talking nonsense and get started!

Chu Yufan’s figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already above Esdeath.

"Breath of the Moon, Form 8, Moon Dragon Tail - Vertical Slash."

The huge crescent sword energy was like a giant dragon's tail, covering Esdeath and the bodies of the super dangerous species under her feet.

"Damn it!"

Hei Tong, who was also enveloped by the sword energy, controlled the other corpse puppets to transfer himself. Because he used eight corpse puppets at the same time, Hei Tong's physical ability declined.


The sword energy hit the body of the super dangerous species, and the earth was also affected. After the sword energy dissipated, only deep grooves were left on the ground, and the body of the super dangerous species completely disappeared.

"Wow! So strong?!"Leone looked at the empty space and couldn't help but drop his jaw in shock.

"It's amazing! Even if I use all my strength, it won't have this effect." Brand said

"Even if Susanoo used his secret technique, it would be difficult to achieve this effect... Is this the power of the White Death?……"Nadezhda murmured

"Hahaha… Such a terrifying sword energy, you are indeed the White Death God himself!"

Esdeath came to Chu Yufan at some point, and she snapped her fingers casually, and a huge iceberg was created out of thin air by Esdeath, and it pressed towards Chu Yufan.

Under the iceberg, Chu Yufan, Ye Xi and even Hei Tong were all covered. Except for Chu Yufan, everyone else was so shocked by Esdeath's move that they were speechless.

""Breath of the Moon, Pick Up Form, Face-piercing Slash - Luo Yue."

Chu Yufan's figure seemed quite small in front of the huge iceberg, but the moves he released could cut through everything. Three swirling giant round moon-shaped sword energies, like a chainsaw, smashed the iceberg created by Esdeath into pieces. The iceberg fragments fell to the ground like hail, forcing Night Raid, Black Eyes and others on the ground to dodge everywhere.

"As expected, fighting with you is the most interesting."

Esdeath created ice blocks that moved in the air, and used the iceberg fragments as cover to come to Chu Yufan who was also in the air, and then created a large number of ice cones and fired them at Chu Yufan.

"Breath of the Moon, Shape of the Land, Long Night, Lonely Moon, No Space."

Chu Yufan swung the knife in his hand quickly, creating countless crescent-shaped blade winds in an instant. While breaking through Esdeath's ice cones, he swept towards Esdeath with undiminished momentum.

Esdeath quickly raised her hand, and a huge ice wall appeared out of thin air, blocking Chu Yufan's attack.

"Breath of the Moon, Seventh Form, Mirror of Evil: Moon Reflection."

Five giant shock waves slammed into the ice wall created by Esdeath, and huge cracks instantly appeared on the ice wall. Esdeath used the imperial tool to repair the cracks on the ice wall, thus blocking Chu Yufan's attack.

Both sides fell to the ground in mid-air during this process.

"This kind of battle... is no longer something that ordinary imperial weapon users can intervene in."Although he was wearing armor and his face could not be seen, his nervousness could be heard from his tone.

Brand knew that if he had been attacked by Esdeath just now, he would have been defeated long ago. However, the white death in front of him could block the attack and counterattack at the same time.

More importantly, such an attack seemed to be easy for the two people in front of him.

"They are really... two monsters." Leone complained

"While the White Death and Esdeath are fighting, let's go and complete our original goal!" Najeta finally reacted in shock and said to the others.

At this point, the battlefield was divided into two parts.

"Damn it! This kind of fight is obviously beyond the dimension, right?"In the distance, Lubbock couldn't help but sweat as he watched the fight just now.

"Wow! Is the Master so strong?"

"No way, wouldn't the three of us be useless in this case?"

"No! We have to work harder to become stronger!"

Tatsumi and the other two opened their own channels and discussed the fight between Chu Yufan and Esdeath.

"Still the same monster.……"Chelsea also complained in her heart

"It's really exciting! Are your injuries all healed? And you've become even stronger."Esdeath looked at Chu Yufan and said

"You too, have you recovered from the wound on your back? Will it leave a scar?" Chu Yufan saw that Ye Xi's attention had finally shifted, and he also answered.

"Haha, this kind of white death is normal~" Esdeath said with a smile, and then his face turned cold

"That blow in the back will be returned a hundredfold today!"

"Then let's give it a try?"

The two figures disappeared at the same time, and they reappeared less than two meters apart. The knife in Chu Yufan's hand collided violently with Esdeath's sword.


The collision between the two caused the entire canyon to tremble slightly.

"Tsk, this is really a fight between monsters."Main saw the fight between the two through the scope and couldn't help but complain.

"It's good for us to have one monster entangled with another monster."Hearing this, Hill also said with a smile

""Huh! That's right, let's finish our fight first." Marin let out a breath and then aimed her gun at Hei Tong and Borus who were confronting Ye Xiu and the others.

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