The battle between the Night Raid and the Hunters officially began.

Akahime quickly came in front of Kurohime, drew out the Murasame sword and slashed at Kurohime mercilessly.


Although controlling the corpse puppet would make Hei Tong dull, Hei Tong was much stronger now. I guess the Empire's strengthening medicine has been upgraded again.

Chi Tong failed to hit him and quickly turned around to hit him again, but a familiar figure quickly blocked Chi Tong's way.

""Natara?!" Akahima said in surprise.

Not long after Akahima joined the night raid, Natara was seriously injured in an operation. When he was about to die, he was killed by Hei Tong with the Eight Chambers and turned into a corpse puppet.

Natara waved his spear and attacked Akahima.

"Don't forget there are others!" Brand flew out from behind Chi Tong, and the Red-backed Shrike, the auxiliary weapon of the armor in his hand, swung it fiercely at Natara.


A crack appeared on the ground, but Natara knew he couldn't take the attack head-on and dodged it in time.

"""Brand, the slayer of a hundred people, is indeed worthy of his reputation." Black Eyes commented

""Melting magma."

Borus raised the launch port of the imperial weapon and fired a fire bomb at Brand and Akame. The two did not dare to take it head-on and chose to retreat to avoid it. However, at this moment, a huge figure suddenly approached the two. It was a dangerous gorilla.

The two were knocked back by the sudden appearance of the gorilla, and at the same time, they distanced themselves from Kurome and Natara.

"Prepare to attack……"

""Main, be careful!"

Hill suddenly pulled away Main who was about to shoot. As soon as the two of them dodged, several bullet holes appeared on the ground.

A girl holding two guns and a man in black wearing a cloak and a mask were standing there.

"It looks like it's two against two." Marin said, holding up the pumpkin.

"It seems so." Hill also took out the Ecstasy and was ready for battle.

"Let Doya (with two guns) and Hunter (with a cape) deal with the gunmen and Hill in the night raid. I, Natara and Appleman (gorilla) deal with my sister and Brand"

"Wall is responsible for protecting Mr. Porus, and the remaining ones are Lockegg and Caesar the Giant Frog, while the other side has three people left.……"

Just as Hei Tong was thinking about the situation, something unexpected happened. When Appleman attacked Brand, he was directly split in half by Brand.

"Damn it!"Hei Tong couldn't help but curse inwardly when he saw this.

"Come on! Chitong, give your sister a good beating!"


In other battlefields, Maine and Hill worked closely together to suppress the two corpse puppets and defeated them step by step.

Najeta fought with the former empire general Locke, while Leone and Susanoo dealt with the rest.

"Take my punch ahhhhhhhh———"

Leone jumped high, then punched Caesar's giant frog, knocking it into the ground with great force.

"It’s not over yet!"Knowing that he couldn’t really defeat the opponent just like this, Leone threw his fists like a storm and landed on Caesar the frog.

"Oka Ola Ola Ola———"

Susanoo was fighting with Wall and Borus. Although Susanoo was a humanoid imperial weapon with strong recovery ability, he did not dare to be hit directly by Borus' imperial weapon, so he could only find a way to break through.

"It seems that we have the upper hand."Lubbock breathed a sigh of relief.

"No... Whether we can win depends on the battle between those two guys.……"Chelsea looked at Chu Yufan and Esdeath who were fighting and said lightly

"Don't lose.……"


"Breath of the Moon, Form 16, Moon Rainbow: Solitary Moon."

A large amount of sword energy fell from midair, covering Esdeath's position. Esdeath used the imperial weapon and her own speed to dodge and block it.

"Pierce me!"

Esdeath stepped on the ground, and several huge ice cones pierced straight at Chu Yufan.

"The breath of the moon, the shape of the 14th, the fierce change, the sky is full of thin moon."

Countless crescent-shaped sword qi were released by Chu Yufan, and the ice cones were all broken into pieces wherever the sword qi reached.

However, the broken ice did not fall directly to the ground, but after a short stay in the air, it turned into bullets and collided with the sword qi released by Chu Yufan again.

"I didn't expect that. I thought I could easily take you down this time." Esdeath looked at Chu Yufan and said

"each other……"Chu Yufan frowned under the mask. It was obvious that Esdeath was more difficult than he expected.

"Since the last time I fought you, I have been trying to become stronger all the time, just so that I can ravage you in the next battle."

"But you have once again exceeded my expectations, White Death!"As Esdeath spoke, the imperial pattern just below the two collarbones emitted a faint blue light.

That was the symbol of Esdeath's imperial weapon, the manifestation of the demon god [Essence of the Devil]

"Are we going to get serious?……"

Feeling the temperature around him begin to drop, a hot breath came out from Chu Yufan's mouth and nose, which also meant that Chu Yufan's breathing method changed from moon breathing to sun breathing.

"Sun Breathing, Form 5, Train."

Chu Yufan came to Esdeath in an instant, and slashed at Esdeath with the knife in his hand at a scorching high temperature.

Esdeath's face was solemn and she didn't dare to take it head-on. After all, it was because of the head-on take that she had a knife wound on her back last time. But Esdeath also knew the weakness of Chu Yufan's moves, which was that he had no ability to attack on a large scale.

Esdeath released an iceberg again, suppressing Chu Yufan who couldn't use a large-scale attack.

Of course, Chu Yufan was also aware of this. But now Chu Yufan is more adept at using Sun Breathing than before, and it has also become faster.


Before the iceberg fell, Esdeath felt a chill on her back. Without any hesitation, Esdeath turned around and created ten layers of ice walls behind her.

""The Breath of the Sun, the Shape of the Land, the Burning Sun."

A swirling flame slashed with scorching heat and instantly broke through the ten layers of ice wall created by Esdeath. Esdeath also knew that this ice wall could only block for a moment, so she took the opportunity to distance herself from Chu Yufan.

However, Chu Yufan closed the distance in an instant and slashed at Esdeath's neck with the knife in his hand.


Chu Yufan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this knife would hit so easily. But then he found that Esdeath in front of him was actually an ice cube in disguise.

"Everything is frozen in front of me!"

Esdeath suddenly appeared behind Chu Yufan and grabbed Chu Yufan's shoulder with one hand.

In just a moment, Chu Yufan was frozen.

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