"Breathing of the Sun, Form Seven, Yang Hua Tu."

Chu Yufan came in front of Esdeath, and stabbed out with a knife carrying a ring of flames. However, the recovery ability of Esdeath's ice armor is indeed strong. Even if Chu Yufan activates the markings, he still cannot break the defense.

However, this is only temporary. Restoring the ice armor requires physical strength. Even with Esdeath's strength, she cannot ignore this physical consumption.

More importantly, Esdeath is now unable to fight back, because Chu Yufan, who has activated the markings, has increased his speed to the extreme.

In Esdeath's eyes, she could only see a blurry red light moving constantly, so now Esdeath can only rely on the ice armor to withstand it.

"I didn't expect that even with the markings activated, I still couldn't break the ice shell. It looks like I'm going to be stuck in another annoying protracted battle."

So, Chu Yufan began to use his combat skills to consume Esdeath's ice armor.

"Breath of the Sun, One Form, Round Dance"

"Breath of the Sun, Type II, Blue Sky"

"Sun Breathing, Form Three, Red Mirror of the Burning Sun."

Chu Yufan used three combat skills in an instant, attacking Esdeath from three different directions. Esdeath could only defend herself because she could no longer see Yufan's movements clearly.

"Wow! What happened? The White Death seemed to have directly suppressed Esdeath."Labbock looked at the scene in front of him and his jaw dropped.

Tatsumi and the other two were speechless. They were known as the most powerful generals in the empire! Since they were beaten by their own master, Tatsumi and the other two suddenly felt that they were still far from becoming masters.

But compared with these four people, Chelsea's face was quite calm. She had seen this scene once, when Chu Yufan broke into the palace for the second time and faced General Budd head-on.

At that time, Budd was also pressed to the ground by Chu Yufan. If it weren't for the fact that Budd had been providing shelter for the conscience faction of the empire, Budd would probably have been killed by Chu Yufan at that time.

It was also at that time that Chelsea met Chu Yufan, and then during the conversation with Elisa, she chose to join their mysterious forces and became a spy planted in the revolutionary army, code-named"Tea".

The reason for this code name is that Chelsea likes to drink black tea.

"Oh, it was so scary. I almost thought the leader was going to die, really... But then again, if the leader can get rid of Esdeath here, he can retire, right?" Chelsea thought to herself.

""Hey, hey, hey! Look! What is that?!" Tatsumi suddenly said in surprise, and pointed in a direction.

Lubbock and others looked in the direction Tatsumi pointed, and saw something like a gas tank flying in the air. With a burst of dazzling light, the whole thing exploded violently in the air.

Time went back to a little earlier.

As Najeta and others joined the attack on Kuroyon and Borus, the hunters were already retreating step by step.

"Damn armor bastard, my���There is absolutely no way to cut it."Hei Tong thought as he struggled to hold on.

The same thing happened to Natara on the other side. If it weren't for the fact that he was a corpse puppet, he would have been killed by Chi Tong long ago.

"Brand, Akame, we are here!"Hill and Leone rushed over and joined the battle

"Is it okay for Myne to be alone?"

"The boss went to protect her, and the other corpse puppets have been dealt with. Only Hei Tong, Borus and two corpse puppets are left."Leone replied.

On the other side, as Mayin shot Wall in half, Borus was the only one left on this side of the battlefield.

""I think that Xiao Hei Tong can't hold on any longer, and neither can I... I can only use my last trump card!" Borus quickly judged the situation at this time.

Borus quickly retreated, took out the imperial weapon on his back and threw it into the sky.

"Stop him! Susanoo! Mayin!"Najta shouted immediately.

But when the two of them reacted and were about to take action, the imperial weapon jar flying in the air emitted a dazzling light, and then a shocking explosion broke out in the canyon.


As Chu Yufan's attacks continued to speed up, the recovery ability of Esdeath's ice armor also declined visibly.

As long as Chu Yufan continued to attack like this, Esdeath would definitely die here today.

"Come on! Come on! Come on! As long as I kill this woman in front of me, I can retire, hahahaha!!" Chu Yufan thought as he sped up his attack speed again.

Indeed, the only one who could rival Chu Yufan in the Empire was Esdeath. As long as he killed her here, Chu Yufan could indeed retire, at least he wouldn't be needed for many future missions.

Of course, the main reason was that he didn't want to let the tiger go back to the mountain. This time, it was mainly because Chu Yufan had just awakened his markings that he was able to defeat Esdeath who was wearing ice armor.

If he let her go again this time, I don't know who will beat whom when they meet again next time.

However, as the saying goes, man proposes, God disposes, and the protagonist's plan is not as good as the author's.

When Borus's imperial weapon exploded, the shock wave caused by the explosion directly knocked Chu Yufan and Esdeath, who were unprepared, away

""Damn it! Who set off the fireworks?" Chu Yufan yelled. The shock wave sent the two flying in opposite directions.

By the time Chu Yufan had stabilized himself, Esdeath had already disappeared without a trace.

"Damn! That bastard caused this! What a damn bastard! He doesn't understand the pain of working people at all, bastard!"Chu Yufan cursed loudly. After all, the duck that was ready to be caught suddenly flew away, which was unacceptable to anyone.

The explosive power of the imperial weapon was indeed strong. Hei Tong and Natara also took the opportunity to retreat, and Borus also took the opportunity to retreat. This battle was over on the surface.

"Is everyone okay?"Main and Najeta were far away, so they were the least affected.

"I'm fine."Susanoo said

"Boss, we are fine too."

When the explosion happened, Leone protected Akame and Brand protected Hill. The four of them survived, but unfortunately they lost the trace of Hei Tong and Natara.

"Phew! Then we……?!"

Before Nadezhda finished speaking, a figure appeared. It was the White Death.

Brand and Susanoo stood in front of everyone. The fight between the White Death and Esdeath was impressive. It was not clear what the White Death thought of the night raid, so it was normal for everyone to be nervous and alert.


"The main target just took advantage of the explosion to escape. What a cunning guy."Lubbock said as he observed the mouth in the distance.

"If you find it, should you chase it?" Tatsumi asked

"This...Chelsey, what do you think? Chelsey?" Lubbock looked at where Chelsey was, but she was no longer there.

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