Night Raid and White Death faced each other for a while, neither side spoke.

"What on earth is this guy trying to do? He showed up but didn't say anything. Is there something wrong with him just standing there?"Ma Yin, who couldn't stand this atmosphere, said in her heart.

As for why she only said it in her heart, it was of course because Ma Yin didn't have the courage to say it directly.

That's a guy who can fight Esdeath!

Chu Yufan was also quite embarrassed at this time. He showed up just now because he wanted to ask which bastard had set off the fireworks just now. However, when Chu Yufan saw Chi Tong, he calmed down instantly.

Now is not the time to confess his identity to Chi Tong.

"Everyone! Are you all right?"Lubbock, Tatsumi and the other two came running over.

"We are all fine, but it's a pity that the hunter got away."Najta shook her head and said.

Tatsumi and the other two beside Lubbock kept stealing glances at the white death god, and Chu Yufan also looked at the three through the mask.

"The three of them seem to be safe and sound, that's good."Chu Yufan thought to himself.

"……Lubbock, where's Chelsi?"Najta asked when she saw that Chelsi was not there.

"Chelsea just disappeared. She may have gone to chase the hunter alone."

"What did you say?"Najta's face suddenly changed.

"Is it okay to give it to her? After all, there is only one person.……"Leone said

"I'm afraid there's a big problem. I don't know if Borus will succeed. But if it's Black Eyes, Chelsea is likely to fail."

"The actions that Hei Tong took when dodging my sniper might not be as simple as taking drugs... Maybe Hei Tong has undergone changes that Chi Tong is unaware of." Marin analyzed.

"Then we must catch up with her as soon as possible! Leone, Brand and Akame, the three of you quickly go find Chelsi!"Najta said


"Ah! That’s right, the White Death……"Nadezhda looked in the direction where Chu Yufan had just been, but Chu Yufan was gone.

"The White Death left while we were talking."Tatsumi said

"It's really strange, what on earth is this guy doing here?" Ma Yin complained


"Phew! Phew! I never thought... that there would be a day when I would be able to escape with the help of my subordinates.……"Esdeath was walking in the canyon, and the explosion just now gave her the opportunity to escape.

It can be said that the timing of Borus's imperial weapon's self-destruction was just right. Esdeath's ice armor at that time would be shattered on the spot if Chu Yufan slashed it twice more.

"I wonder how Borus and Hei Tong are doing... Damn it!" Esdeath, who had been fighting all her life, felt powerless for the first time in a battle.

"I will definitely defeat you...White Death!"


Hei Tong and Natara, who were also near the explosion, also escaped.

"This is... Mr. Borus's... cough cough!!"Hei Tong had only said half of his words when he began to cough violently.

"Ahhh…I’ve used up all the dolls…I’ve finished taking the medicine…Sister……"Hei Tong held his forehead with his left hand and thought to himself.

Obviously, the continuous high-intensity combat and the effects of drugs began to confuse Hei Tong's thinking ability.


On the other side, Porus managed to escape from the explosion with his physical fitness.

"Phew! Phew… I wonder how the others are doing… It would be great if they are all okay." As he walked, Borus began to reminisce.……

"Hey! Borus. Why don't you eat with everyone when your cooking is so good?"Esdeath called Borus to her office and asked

"……Because my face is ugly, it will make you feel that you can't eat."Polus replied

"Oh? You don't want me to see your face, but I want to see it even more." Esdeath walked straight to Porus and took off his hood without stopping him.

"……What? I thought it was something special. It's no big deal. I'm so disappointed in you, Porus."Esdeath looked at Porus' face carefully and said

"No one will care about this. Let's eat together!" Esdeath took Porus to eat with the others.

When the other hunters saw Porus's face, no one felt uncomfortable. Instead, they were happy that Porus could eat with them.

"……I wish I could eat with you all again...……"Porus murmured to himself


A burst of crying in front of him caught Porus' attention. It was a little girl, crying under a big tree by the roadside.

"Oh, this won't do. What's wrong with you?" Bolus immediately stepped forward and asked.

""Wow! Monster! Monster!" The little girl was shocked when she saw Borus's outfit.

"I, I'm not a monster! Don't worry, don't worry!"

"Ah! So you are injured too. Okay, okay, be honest!"

Soon, Porus bandaged the little girl's injured foot.

"Okay, that's all right."Polus said to the little girl.

""Wow! It's really better now, thank you, uncle!" the little girl said to Porus with gratitude.

"But... the places that the uncle burned can never be healed……"


The little girl hugged Porus' neck and then stabbed a needle into the vital part of Porus' neck. After the smoke dissipated, Chelsea's true body was revealed.

"The ones just now were children from the village you burned down. Because the village was suspected of joining the revolutionary army, you burned it down. But I'm afraid you don't remember what each of them looked like.……"Chelsi said slowly

"I know... one day... I will pay the price for what I did... but... even so……"

"I...must go back...the two of them...are still waiting for me...I...should go back...……"

Porus fell to the ground, slowly crawled forward, stretched out his hands to grab the empty space in front of him. In Porus' eyes, his wife and daughter were in front of him. His wife was holding her young daughter and waving at him.

"Welcome home, Daddy!"

His daughter's words seemed to still echo in his ears, and Porus died with regret.


Chelsi, who witnessed all this, also looked lonely.

"It's a really...disgusting feeling.……"Chelsea patted her cheeks with her hands, and then used the imperial weapon to transform into Borus.

"Next target, Black Eyes!"

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