"Ha...Except for Natara and Duoya, all the other corpse toys are destroyed...So tired." Hei Tong was walking on the road back to the imperial capital. He sat on a broken tree stump because he was too tired.

Hei Tong picked up the snacks again, but unfortunately, the strengthening medicine for the battle had been consumed in the fight with Brand. The snacks he was eating now were also a kind of medicine, but they were the kind that maintained the minimum mobility.

"There was a sudden sound in the woods next to her. Hei

Tong immediately put her hand on the hilt of the knife. But when she saw the person coming out, she immediately let down her guard.

"Ah! It's Hei Tong, I'm glad you're okay."

The person who came was Chelsea, who was pretending to be Borus. After finding Hei Tong alone, she took the initiative to greet him.

"Phew! Mr. Porus, it's great that you survived such a huge explosion.……"Hei Tong was obviously relieved to see that Borus was fine.

"After all, I was originally a member of the Incineration Corps and received fire resistance training."

"I see... That's great.���Hei Tong said with a smile

"But...I'm sorry, I lost my imperial weapon."

"According to the information sent back by Elisa, I have already figured out the personality and way of speaking of each hunter, so there won't be any loopholes for the time being."While talking to Hei Tong, Chelsea was thinking in her mind.

"The Eighth Chamber seems to have been released, but now is not the time to assassinate him. According to intelligence, Hei Tong usually has the habit of taking drugs.……"

"If I attack, I don't know how the other party will react... I must wait for a more decisive opportunity to take action!"


"Breath of the Beast, Seventh Form, Spatial Perception"

"……In that direction?"

Chu Yufan opened his eyes and ran towards the town.

Do you think Chu Yufan was afraid that Chelsea would be killed by Hei Tong? On the contrary, Chu Yufan was worried that Hei Tong would be solved by Chelsea.

Of course, if Hei Tong was in his prime now, Chelsea would definitely not be able to beat him. However, at this time, Hei Tong and the eight puppets were all lost, and his own physical strength was also in a serious decline.

Therefore, Chelsea at this time was fully capable of killing Hei Tong.

Chu Yufan certainly did not want Hei Tong to die now. From a public perspective, Hei Tong was an important hub for the organization to have friendly exchanges with Chi Tong in the future. From a private perspective, as a former member of the imperial elite assassination force, Chu Yufan naturally hoped that the sisters could survive.

"Alas, I hope Chelsea can be less efficient this time."Chu Yufan thought to himself.


On the other side, Chelsi, who was disguised as Borus, was walking back to the town with Hei Tong.

"Hmm... there's not much chance, should we find a reason to leave first?"Chelsey saw that the two were about to reach the town, but the black pupils were still flawless, and she couldn't help but want to retreat.


At this moment, Hei Tong suddenly staggered and fell to the ground.

"Are you okay? Are you...are you feeling unwell?"

"It's fine……"Hei Tong replied weakly.

"How pitiful... By the way, can I teach you a spell that can make you feel better?" As Chelsi spoke, she squatted down and slowly approached Hei Tong.

The smoke dissipated, and in Hei Tong's shocked eyes, Borus turned into Chelsi. Without hesitation, Chelsi stabbed the needle into the vital part of Hei Tong's neck.

"You see, it won't hurt anymore.……"

"farewell……"Chelsi whispered


"Target two people, all assassinated."Chelsey said as she looked at the fallen Hei Tong, then turned and began to leave.

(Do you think that Chelsey is going to start recalling the killing? I won't waste this word count.)

"I said……"


"The spell just now had no effect... It still hurts... I am in so much pain……"Hei Tong, who was stabbed in the vitals, actually stood up again

"I clearly stabbed you in the vitals, why?" Chelsi asked in disbelief.

"Soon after my sister left, a new drug was developed. It was a stronger drug that could strengthen the body... but the burden also increased greatly."

"Even I was shocked. It seems that if you want to kill me, you must chop off my head or smash my heart." As Hei Tong said this, he pulled out his eight chambers.

"You just said,"Two targets, all assassinated", right? That means you have killed Mr. Porus, so be prepared!"


Chelsea threw a smoke bomb and started running away.

""Bang, bang" two gunshots, two bullets, fired from the hands of Duoya, the corpse puppet.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and Chelsea suddenly recalled what Chu Yufan had said in her mind.


"I'm so tired! I really can't run anymore! Leader, let me take a break!"

"No! Chelsea! Your imperial weapon has absolutely no way of improving your combat power. Once your disguise is discovered, you will surely die!"

"So run to your death! Your efforts now are for your future survival! Got it? Get up right now!"

"Woohoo! Help me! Alisa!"

"I listen to the adults."

"Damn it! Sooner or later, I will avenge you, the leader, for what happened today!"

"That will have to wait until you can survive on the battlefield!"


"Sure enough, the efforts now are just to survive at this moment!!"

Chelsey, who was supposed to have no fighting ability, dodged the bullet fired by Duoya and took out a long and thin knife from her body.

"Although I didn't kill Hei Tong with one strike, Hei Tong should have little physical strength at this time. As long as I kill her, the corpse puppet will naturally stop!"Chelsey dodged Natara's attack and immediately began her battle

""Breath of the Insect, Dance of the Butterfly, Teasing."

Chelsi's body movements suddenly became as erratic as a butterfly, and Natara and Duoya were unable to react for a moment. Chelsi passed through the two people easily, and then came to Hei Tong and stabbed him with a knife.

The breath of the insect is a stabbing attack, so Chelsi's thin knife is naturally coated with poison. As long as it stabs Hei Tong, Hei Tong will definitely die in his current state.

"This guy!"

Hei Tong had never thought that Chelsi could actually fight in close combat, even though she looked so weak.

The desire to survive made Hei Tong use his last bit of strength to block Chelsi's knife, but Chelsi's strength still knocked Hei Tong out.

Hei Tong hurriedly controlled Natara and Duoya to return to defense and block in front of him, while Chelsi retreated a little. After all, Chelsi's poison attack is useless against corpse puppets, so they need to avoid being surrounded.

""Breath of insects, dance of bee teeth, true drag."

Just as Chelsi was about to attack Hei Tong from the gap between Natara and Duoya, Chu Yufan appeared from behind Hei Tong and knocked him out with a knife. As

Hei Tong lost consciousness, Natara and Duoya were taken back by the Eighth House.


The slender knife took advantage of the situation and stabbed towards Chu Yufan, frightening Chu Yufan so much that he used the knife to block it.

"Oh my god! Chelsi, what are you doing? Are you trying to murder your boss?"

"Oh, I didn't control my strength in time. I believe you won't mind, right?" Chelsi explained with a smile.

Chu Yufan rolled his eyes. It was just that his training was a little strict. Was there any need to hold a grudge?

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