"Oh~ Leader, you rushed here in such a hurry, do you still want to take Hei Tong sister into your harem? Be careful, Alisa will cut you~"

Seeing that Chu Yufan only knocked Hei Tong unconscious, Chelsea knew that Chu Yufan did not intend to kill her now.

"Come on, stop it. You know exactly why I saved Hei Tong."

"Oh, it was to experience the sisters.……"Chelsea still smiled and said

"Hey, hey, hey, just enough jokes."Chu Yufan saw that Chelsea was getting more and more outrageous, so he frowned and said

"Humph~ Then I'll let you go for now~" Chelsi also knew that she should stop while she was ahead, so she replied

"Come to think of it, didn’t the leader just take Hei Tong away?"

"……It's not possible now. The organization has no means to treat Hei Tong for the time being, so we can only let her return to the Empire first."

"Really, I wasted so much time chasing him. And my face was seen by Hei Tong, so I’m going to be wanted by the Empire now."Chelsey complained

"I didn't handle this matter well. I apologize to you. I'm sorry." Chu Yufan said honestly.

"……Come on, leader, I'm not used to it."Chelsey complained.

After meeting Chelsea by chance in the palace and taking her out, Alisa persuaded Chelsea to become an insider in the Revolutionary Army.

After that, there was a month of super invincible devil training. Due to Chelsea's special status, she could not leave the Revolutionary Army for a long time. Therefore, Chu Yufan increased the intensity of Chelsea's training alone, which was about three times the training of Tatsumi and the other two.

In the end, the effect was quite successful. Chelsea learned the breathing of insects, and she is also the only imperial weapon user who has learned the breathing method.

However, because the training process was too devilish, every time Chelsea met Chu Yufan, she would keep teasing him, which was a small revenge for the training.

Of course, these are behaviors that only appear when they are not talking about business.

"Well, it's time for me to go back to Night Raid. I'll provide the next intelligence as usual." Chelsi said

"Okay, be careful."

"……You too, leader."


The battle in the canyon is finally over. On the hunter side, Porus was killed, Hei Tong was seriously injured, Will was slightly injured, and at the same time, the Eighth Room also lost six corpse puppets.

By the way, Lan and Nahashu encountered a night raid on another road. The bandits who were prepared first delayed the time, so they did not provide timely support to Hei Tong.

On the night raid side, there were no other losses except that Chelsea's appearance was exposed. However, for Chelsea, who possesses the Transfiguration Imperial Tool, it is not a big problem for her appearance to be known.

On the White Death side, there were no other losses except that Chu Yufan's early retirement plan failed.

Soon, the attention of the three forces shifted to Bolick of An Ning Dao again.

Location: An Ning Dao Headquarters [Jerlock]

Bolick was holding a banquet at this time, and the hunters and others were also invited to attend this banquet.

"Um... Although I asked the minister for additional combat power... I didn't expect that the person who came was General Esdeath, who is known as the strongest general in the empire. Nothing could make me feel more relieved than this."

"There are only my loyal subordinates at this banquet, so please enjoy yourself."Berrick said

"The minister's order is to protect you... I need a few rooms." Esdeath said

"No problem, my house won't let you get bored."Berlik said as he looked at the group of dancers.

"I have no interest in them... But I am more interested in the guy hiding in the ceiling." Esdeath said

"Haha, you found me as expected." Bolick snapped his fingers, and four figures jumped down from the ceiling.

"They are the embodiment of violence that I invited from the Empire to help me control the cult."

"The Four Rakshasa Demons of the Imperial Fist Temple!"(The original combat power measurement unit)

"Oh? I didn't expect to be here instead of in the capital."

"Now that you, the general, are here to protect me, these ghosts who were originally guarding me can go to the front line."Berrick said

"Hey, are you okay?" Will, who was listening to the conversation, saw Hei Tong gasping for breath beside him and couldn't help asking.

"Do I... look uncomfortable?" Hei Tong looked at Will and asked

"Ah... a little bit"

"Well, I will pay attention, thank you."Hei Tong patted his cheeks with both hands and then said with a smile

"Black pupil……"Will looked at Hei Tong worriedly, and made up his mind that in the next battle, he must protect his companions!


All members of the Night Raid also came to Jelok and began to conduct relevant terrain surveys of the city.

Jelok is located in a remote area east of the imperial capital. With its rich underground resources, it is becoming increasingly prosperous. In addition, the Anning Dao religion established in recent years has formed an independent and unique culture.

"It's so far from the imperial capital, there's not even a wanted order for Chi Tong and the others."

"The hunters may be here already, we have to be careful."

It was rare to see Tatsumi and Mine team up to investigate on the streets of Jerok.


Tatsumi bought two ice creams from a street vendor and handed one to Myne.

"I say, you have no sense of tension, don't you?" Maine looked at Tatsumi and complained

"We are tourists now. If we are too nervous, it will make people feel weird. Relax, relax." Tatsumi said

"……"Mine looked at Tatsumi's ice cream, hesitated for a moment, then took it and licked a small bite.

"Wow! This is so delicious!"Ma Yin's twin ponytails stood up

"Right, this is a taste that is not even available in the imperial capital!" Tatsumi said.

In another place in Jelock, Chu Yufan was enjoying breakfast with Alyssa on the street.

"What a lively place.……"Chu Yufan couldn't help but sigh as he watched the people coming and going on the street.

Even the imperial capital was not as lively as this small town. It seemed that it was probably because of religion.

The religion of Anning Dao was also very important to Chu Yufan and his people.

How to get rid of Berlik, who was planted in Anning Dao by Minister Ernest, and how to stop the bloodshed after getting rid of Berlik, became the problem that Elisa had to solve now.

"As long as Pericles dies, An���There will be changes in factions within the Dao. In order to gain the support of a large number of believers, an armed uprising will inevitably take place."

"Judging from the abilities that the leader has shown now, he has no way to solve all of this."Alyssa said to Chu Yufan while eating cake.

"I believe you have already found a solution, right?" Chu Yufan looked at Alyssa and said

"Of course, we just need to strangle the civilians who are raising the source of resistance." Elisa took out a document, which contained a list of all the officials in Jerlock who had money and power transactions with Minister Ernest and profiteers.

"I'm afraid the night raid won't be so quick, so we have to take this opportunity to change the political ecology of this town and put it in the hands of the conscientious faction."

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