Interests always come first.

All forces know this truth. Minister Ernest intends to use Berlik to control Anning Dao, so as to solve the armed uprising of Anning Dao without bloodshed.

The revolutionary army intends to use the armed uprising of Anning Dao as a fuse to cause a large-scale armed uprising throughout the empire. Then take the opportunity to unite other ethnic groups and launch the final decisive battle against the empire.

The blood exchange plan proposed by Elisa is undoubtedly a culprit for the plans of both the ministers and the revolutionary army.

Since the key is the armed uprising of Anning Dao, it is enough to stop this incident. Of course, if it is just a simple stop, it will be no different from Minister Ernest.

So Elisa plans to stop this armed uprising from the root, and the key to this matter, in addition to getting rid of those corrupt officials and profiteers, also depends on the Anning Dao religion itself.

The current leader of Anning Dao has been regarded as a god by many believers. Since he is a god, it is reasonable to occasionally punish him from heaven.

Use the so-called heavenly punishment to remove corrupt officials, and then use public opinion to create momentum to push the leader of Anning Dao to the peak of the gods in the hearts of believers.

After doing all this, let the positions of corrupt officials be replaced by the conscience faction, and let the leader support them when they take office.

Although this will not make civilians regain confidence in the empire so quickly, it will at least give the conscience officials time to change everything.

As long as they can get this time, with the style and ability of the conscience officials, I believe they will soon regain the hearts of the people.

As for Bolick, Elisa has completely grasped all of this guy's actions during his tenure in Anning Dao. At that time, the anger that some civilians cannot release will be borne by this guy. When

Chu Yufan roughly knew Elisa's plan, he was stunned.

After all, Elisa's plan can be said to completely tie Jelock's politics and religion together.

Use religion to buy time for the reform of the conscience faction, and as long as the reform of the conscience faction can succeed, the power of religion will only become weaker and weaker.

When people can't survive, they will completely follow religion blindly.

On the contrary, when people can survive, they will believe in religion, but they will not follow it blindly.

Belief and blind following are two different things.

"In other words, I have to make a thunderbolt again?" Chu Yufan handed the document back to Alyssa and said helplessly.

"Yes, sir, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."Elisa replied respectfully

"Don't worry, I will do it. But how do you know that when the leader brings down the punishment from heaven, an armed uprising will not occur immediately?"Chu Yufan said��

"That's why it was necessary to deal with all these things before the night raid to assassinate Pericles. Before that, Pericles would suppress the armed uprising."

"Berrick was not stupid. He knew that if he could not suppress the armed uprising, he would be useless to Minister Ernest, so he would definitely find a way to suppress it."

"Of course, he won't use tough measures to suppress them. After all, he is still planning to become the new generation leader of An Ning Dao, so I concluded that he dare not kill people directly."Alyssa explained

"So that's the case. Then the personal safety of the leader and the conscientious officials is……"

"I will ask Sister Sibiya to come over. Speaking of which, you may not know yet. Sister Sibiya has been recognized by the Imperial Tool·Monster Transformation [Hundred-armed Giant] and is already an Imperial Tool User!"Alisa said

"Oh, this is pretty good, although I don’t think that imperial weapon is that powerful."Chu Yufan said

"……Sir, don't think that everyone can beat a biological imperial weapon with one sword until only the core strength is left."Alyssa said helplessly to Chu Yufan's words.

"Hahaha...Okay, okay." Chu Yufan was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

"And thanks to the fact that the adults beat the imperial weapon down to the point where only the core was left, the imperial weapon's form has completely changed after it recognized Sister Sibiya as its master."

"Oh? Then I really want to see it."Chu Yufan said

"By the way, will the leader help us then?" Chu Yufan asked. The final key to this plan still needs the leader to appear.

"He will, after all, the one who least wants to see bloodshed is the leader."


Compared to Chu Yufan, the Revolutionary Army was more unlucky.

Although Elisa had used certain channels to reveal the fact that the four Rakshasa ghosts had arrived at Jelock, the Revolutionary Army did not believe it. The final result was that a large number of secret agents of the Revolutionary Army were wiped out by the four Rakshasa ghosts.

Fortunately, three of the four Rakshasa ghosts, Ji, Ma Tou and Zhu Tian, were killed by Chi Tong and Lubbock respectively, which prevented the Revolutionary Army from being too embarrassed.

However, this also caused both the Hunters and the Night Raid to fall into a temporary period of peace. The Hunters strengthened their vigilance, and the Night Raid was unable to continue the action due to insufficient intelligence due to the loss of a large number of secret agents.

The two sides spent two weeks like this.

According to Elisa's plan, Chu Yufan also started his own action. So in these two weeks, there were frequent thunders in Jelock, and they were all thunders that appeared after the An Ning Daoist leader passed by.

And each thunder was very accurate in turning the corrupt officials and profiteers of Jelock into ashes.

Although the hunter and Bolick both claimed that this phenomenon was caused by a criminal called the White Death.

However, since Jelock was far away from the imperial capital, no one here knew the so-called White Death.

In addition, all the incidents occurred only after the leader of An Ning Dao passed by. Therefore, the believers naturally regarded it as a miracle brought by the leader after praying to the sky.

The prestige and status of the leader of An Ning Dao became more and more consolidated unknowingly.

After all the conditions were ripe, Chu Yufan and Elisa sneaked into the headquarters of An Ning Dao and met the leader himself.

"The two of you are finally here."

The leader was not surprised to see Chu Yufan and Alyssa, but had expected it.

"……It seems that the leader does have the ability to predict the future."Alyssa said

"To be precise, it is a dream that predicts the future, so I know what you are going to talk to me about……"The leader replied

"So, Master, are you willing to cooperate with us?" Chu Yufan looked at the Master and asked.

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