"Of course I am willing to cooperate, because your actions can undoubtedly save more people." As Alisa said, the one who least wants to see bloodshed is the leader himself.

"I guess the so-called thunder incident that happened recently was also your doing?"

"Yes, I took advantage of your name, Master, and I apologize to you."Chu Yufan nodded and said

"You have nothing to apologize for... After all, with my ability, I can only save the people I see in front of me."The leader smiled helplessly and then said

"We can let the officials of the conscientious faction manage Jerlock. I believe Jerlock will get better soon. When the time comes, I will bid farewell to my identity as the leader and open a clinic to treat people's diseases."

After the two sides continued to chat for a while, Chu Yufan and Elisa left the leader.

The next day, the conscience officials arranged by Jolly successfully arrived at Jelock under the escort of Sibiya.

At the same time, as the leader's prestige among the believers continued to rise. Some cadres of An Ning Dao were ready to move, but they were secretly suppressed by Bolick.

For Bolick, although the leader's prestige among the believers has increased, it is a considerable threat to him.

But if the leader is eliminated now, not only will he not be able to become the new generation of leader of An Ning Dao, but the believers will also riot directly.

If it really develops to this point, then Minister Ernest will definitely not let Bolick go.

In this regard, Bolick can only follow the original plan. On the founding day of the cult two weeks later, let the leader usher in his death.

On the other hand, Night Raid lost a lot of intelligence due to the loss of secret agents. Fortunately, Elisa revealed some information to Chelsea, and Chelsea was responsible for informing it to Najeta and others.

Night Raid and others already knew that Berlick Li Ke is about to take action and start preparing to assassinate him.

The leader, in accordance with the agreement with Chu Yufan, suddenly appeared on the day when the conscience officials came to manage Jelock, which caught Bolick and Ye Xiu off guard.

For the revolutionary army, if the conscience faction starts to regain control of the empire now. Then all the previous efforts will be in vain. If the conscience faction wants to regain control of the empire, it must be under the leadership of the revolutionary army.

As for Bolick, as a man of Minister Ernest, he naturally does not want to see the conscience officials to manage Jelock.

If this situation had occurred in the past, Bolick could have joined forces with other corrupt officials to exclude this conscience official.

However, within the scope of Jelock, anyone who had dealings with Bolick had died under the leader's"thunderbolt".

Now Bolick is a leader without any staff except for the title of the second-in-command of An Ning Dao. Bolick only has the An Ning Dao card in his hand. This means that Bolick's death is approaching.


Ten days after the conscientious officials took over the management of Jelock

"He is indeed an official of conscience. He has only been in office for ten days, and the whole Jelok has changed completely."Tatsumi said as he walked down the street

"Yes, if every place can be like this, then we don’t need a revolution."Main also said.

If Jelock was just a vibrant city before, now Jelock has a kind of prosperity, a prosperity where people can live and work in peace and contentment.

"However, if we can't get rid of Borik, I'm afraid all this will come to naught."Ma Yin said

"yes……"Tatsumi said.

On another street, Chu Yufan looked at the people coming and going, and Chu Yufan couldn't help but sighed.

"The conscientious guy is so efficient."

"It’s mainly because we got rid of the guys who would get in the way, otherwise it wouldn’t be so smooth." Alisa replied

"Next, only Berlik is left."

"Yes, fortunately, the strength of the hunters and the four Rakshasa ghosts has been weakened. Now with the night attack and the adults, we should be able to take them down safely."Alyssa said with a smile

"……Is this considered raising a flag? Alisa, why do I feel like I'm going to be beaten up by Esdeath this time?"Chu Yufan complained

"I don't think so, sir. Didn't you use your five-minute enhancement ability last time?"

"Alas, this ability has serious side effects. If I don't defeat the opponent within five minutes, then I will be the unlucky one."

Whenever Chu Yufan thought of this, he wanted to give himself two big pockets. At that time, he was worried that Esdeath had a trick up her sleeve, so he held back on this enhanced ability. If he had used it earlier, there wouldn't be so much trouble now.

"Forget it. Anyway, it has only been a month since the last battle with Esdeath. It is impossible for Esdeath to create any big moves in this month. Chu Yufan also raised the flag unconsciously.


It is less than three days away from the founding day of Anning Dao. According to past practice, on the day before the founding day, Bolick will pray all night in the Anning Dao Cathedral for the founding day of the next day.

Ye Xi and Chu Yufan will implement the assassination plan on that day, but the reason why they did not carry out the assassination at Bolick's residence is that, in addition to the fact that the hunters are there to guard, Bolick has built many secret passages in his residence for his own safety.

But the Anning Dao Cathedral is different. There, as long as Bolick can get through the hunters' guards, he will be unable to escape.

Location: Inside the Cathedral.

Hei Tong and Will are here. Hei Tong is constantly waving his hands gently to confirm his current status.

"Don't worry, Hei Tong. I will do my best to do this job as well as the last one." Will looked at Hei Tong, patted her shoulder and comforted her.



"If someone in the assassination unit is judged to be unable to fight, they will be directly executed to keep the secret."

"I don't want to be dealt with like this. Even if I die, I want to die on the battlefield like my companions!"


"I won't let you get hurt, Hei Tong. This time, no matter it's the night attack or the White Death, I will intercept them all!"

Recalling what Hei Tong said before, Will's heart became more determined not to lose his companions again.

Esdeath was also inside the cathedral. At this moment, she was thinking about that man

"Your target is also Berlik, right? White Death"

"Come quickly, I want to see if you can escape from my newly developed ability."

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