The assassination attempt on Berlik is about to begin.

Since it is unclear whether the White Death will appear again, Nadezhda still made deployments based on the strength of the team.

Susanoo, Brand, Leone and Nadezhda will act as the vanguard.

Akame, Mine, Hill and Lubbock will act as the assault force. Chelsi

, Tatsumi, Sau and Iyeas will serve as support forces to provide cover for the other two teams.

On the hunter side, Esdeath, Kurome and Nahashu are responsible for guarding the interior of the cathedral.

Will and Lan, as well as Linglu, the last of the Four Rakshasa Ghosts, are responsible for guarding the perimeter of the cathedral.

Chu Yufan will act with Sibiya.

"Hello! Boss Chu! We meet again!"Sibi Ya greeted Chu Yufan enthusiastically.

"You are here, Sibiya. What is that on your shoulder?"Chu Yufan saw at first glance that there was a black-haired puppy on Sibiya's shoulder, and couldn't help asking

"Haha, Boss Chu doesn't know yet. This is the new form of the Imperial Tool·Monster Transformation [Hundred-armed Giant] after I took in my belly!" Sibiya touched the little black dog and said lovingly.

"I have heard what Elisa said, but I didn't expect the image to be so different."

Originally, this imperial weapon should have been a black and white puppy, but now it has suddenly become a pure black puppy, which made Chu Yufan a little confused for a while.

At this time, Chu Yufan didn't know that this little black dog would play an important role in the next battle.

""Boss Chu, how should we act this time?" Sibiya looked quite excited because it was her first time to act with Chu Yufan.

"Let's see if Night Raid takes the lead, and we two will act according to the situation. Sibiya, Esdeath is not an opponent you can handle now. If it is not necessary, you should not fight with her."Chu Yufan instructed

"Don't worry, Boss Chu! I will take action based on the situation on the scene."Sibi Ya promised

"Okay, let’s go!"


Night Raid and the others dug a tunnel near the Cathedral. Najeta, Brand, Susanoo and Leone followed the tunnel to the Cathedral. They originally planned to lure Esdeath to the courtyard so that Akame and the others would have a chance to launch a surprise attack. However, Esdeath did not come out, so the four decided to rush directly into the Cathedral.

"I didn't expect you to be the first to come, Nadezhda, but I don't have time to deal with you now." Esdeath saw that the people who broke in were from the night raid and couldn't help but said disappointedly

"Don't underestimate us, Esdeath." Nadezhda replied. Now all they have to do is to attract Esdeath's attention.

"……Well, as an appetizer for fighting the White Death, I will play with you."Esdeath said to Nadezhda and the others.

Esdeath snapped her fingers, and the huge iceberg pressed down on Nadezhda and the other four. Fortunately, the space inside the cathedral was large enough, otherwise this iceberg alone would have burst the cathedral.

"Stand behind!"

Susanoo and Brand attacked at the same time, firing their spears at the iceberg continuously. It took a long time to break the iceberg. As soon as the iceberg broke, Esdeath appeared in the fragments, and then she gently placed one hand on Susanoo's shoulder.


In an instant, Susanoo was frozen in ice.



"Hey, what happened?!"

From Esdeath appearing in the debris to Susanoo being frozen, the whole process happened so fast that the other three people didn't react at all.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh———"

Seeing this, Brand began to attack Esdeath, and Esdeath picked up her sword to fight him.

"……As expected, that guy is the most special."Esdeath looked at Brand's attack and suddenly felt that in the matter of fighting, only the White Death could bring her a sense of oppression.

"Pierce it……"

Esdeath pointed her finger at Brand, and a barrage of ice spikes pierced Brand. There were too many ice spikes, and Brand couldn't resist them at all, and was instantly knocked back.

"So strong! Esdeath is too strong now! Ten times stronger than when they worked together in the empire. We can't hold back any more!" Nadezhda thought to herself.

Only by a real fight can we know how powerful Esdeath is. If we hold back any more, I'm afraid Nadezhda and the other three won't even be able to delay time.

On the other side, in the sky above the cathedral, Akahime and the others rode on a dangerous flying species called skybats and began to launch a surprise attack on the cathedral from the sky.

But it was obvious that this plan did not take the hunters' air force into consideration.

So when Lan used the imperial weapon, Ten Thousand Miles Flying [Mastema] to fly to Akahime and the others, Akahime and the others knew they were in trouble.

"They actually attacked from the sky. Isn't that too much of a disdain for me?" Lan said while looking at the four people. Then he used his imperial weapon's wings to transform into a sharp blade and killed the sky bats that the four people were riding.


"Damn it! Kongfu was killed in one blow!"

"I won't miss this opportunity." Lan once again controlled his wings to attack.

"I won't let this crisis go!" Marin raised her gun and aimed. The romantic turret [Pumpkin], which sensed the danger of its master, fired an energy wave with increased power.


Ma Yin's shot directly injured Lan, and Lan also landed from the sky and stopped chasing the four people of Chi Tong.

"Nice shot, Myne." said Hill

"Hehe~ Of course, I am a shooting genius."Ma Yin said proudly

"Hey, hey, hey! Now is not the time to talk about this! If we fall down like this, we will definitely die!"

Lubbock began to wrap a lot of wires around the body of the sky bat, using the entire body of the sky bat as a cushion, and the four people of Chitong were able to land safely.

"Phew! Finally landed safely!"

"I really have to thank this little guy."Ma Yin touched the empty bat and said

"Since we were shot down in advance, let's go to the Cathedral quickly."Akagami said

"I won't let you pass."

A voice came, and the four people with red eyes looked at

"Your opponent is me."Will looked at the four people with red eyes and said

"Is it a hunter?!"

"Want to fight?"

"Even though it's four against one, we won't show mercy!"

"Come on, night raid. Even Lan was injured by you... I don't want to lose any more companions, and I won't let anyone get hurt again.……"

"Noble Chariot!!"

Will was instantly wrapped in armor, and then rushed towards the four people with red eyes.

At the same time, Chu Yufan and Sibiya also came to the front of the cathedral through the tunnel dug by the night raid.

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