"Sibia, you will be on standby on the roof of the cathedral. If any special situation occurs, you will be the one to provide support." Chu Yufan looked at the cathedral in front of him and then said to Sibia.

"……I know, Boss Chu. If there is any special situation, I will save you!" Sibiya promised

"Haha, I mean, if someone interferes with my fight with Esdeath, you can just support me. If even I can't beat Esdeath, then you'd better run away first!" Chu Yufan said with a smile

"Don't worry, Xiao Hei is here."Sibiya pointed at the imperial weapon on her shoulder and said

"……I won't argue with you any more. I'll go in first. You can act according to the situation later!" Chu Yufan observed Sibiya's imperial tool, but still didn't find anything special. So he gave Sibiya another instruction and ran into the cathedral without looking back.

"……Xiao Hei, if Boss Chu gets into any danger later, you must help him!" Sibiya said while holding Xiao Hei.

""Wang!" Xiao Hei shouted, and then licked Sibiya's cheek.

"Xiao Hei is awesome!" Sibiya said happily


At this time, the battle in the cathedral escalated again.

""The evil spirit appears!"

As Najeta's voice came out, a stream of energy was transmitted from Najeta's body to the chest of Susanoo who was frozen in ice. The imperial core on his chest began to change color, and then a burst of power broke out, and Susanoo's body broke free from the ice.

At this time, Susanoo's two horns turned from white to black, and his whole body was wrapped in a layer of armor. Four mirrors floated behind him, and the imperial core on his chest also turned black. The whole person was like a ghost.

"Oh? Interesting, so there is another trick up your sleeve?……"Esdeath couldn't help but say.

The evil spirit appeared, and the secret technique of the imperial weapon, lightning and fire [Susanoo], completed the violent attack by absorbing the life force of the owner. It only took three times to drain the life force of the owner.

Susanoo quickly stepped forward and began to attack Esdeath. Brand, who had recovered, also stepped forward to attack together.

"Well... the speed is OK... the strength is average... nothing special." Esdeath said calmly, and then a series of moves pushed the two back again.

""Sword of the Clouds!"

Susanoo clenched his left hand, and a huge long sword appeared in his hand. He held the sword with both hands and swung it towards Esdeath.

Esdeath quickly created an ice wall to resist, but Susanoo's sword destroyed the ice wall with ease.

"Did they create an ice wall in an instant? What a quick reaction."Susanoo said

"The power is good, but it's still far from enough to hurt me." Esdeath said

"That's true for you, but what about the target behind you?"Susanoo's words surprised Esdeath.

"Black Eyes, Nahasu! Are you all right?"

"We are fine!"

The smoke cleared, and Hei Tong, Nahasu and Bolik were all fine.

"Tsk, you are really meddling in other people's business."Nahash looked at Natara who was protecting Borik and couldn't help cursing.

Just now when Susanoo's sword came over, Nahash chose to dodge it directly. He thought that this sword could kill Borik directly, but he didn't expect that he would be saved by the corpse puppet of Hei Tong.

"Why hasn't Chu Yufan come yet? If he doesn't come, I'm afraid all the people who attacked at night will die here." Nahaxiu thought to himself.



Esdeath exhaled lightly, and Susanoo could feel that the aura of Esdeath in front of him had completely changed.

"It seems that I can't give you another chance.……"

More than ten huge ice cones appeared behind Esdeath and fired at Susanoo.

"Eight-foot Mirror."

Susanoo controlled the four mirrors behind him, and the four mirrors began to rotate in the air to form a huge mirror. The huge ice cone hit the mirror and reflected it.

"Did you reflect the attack back? Interesting."

Facing the reflected ice cone, Esdeath released the same ice cone again to block it.

"Yasakani no Magatama!"

Susanoo took advantage of Esdeath's defense against the reflected attack and tried to use his speed to attack Pericles, but before he could run a few steps, he was kicked to the ground by Esdeath.

"You're thinking too much about using your speed to get rid of me? Also, you can't use the same attack a second time, right? It's too weak!"Esdeath kicked Susanoo away again.

"Sure enough, appetizers are appetizers."

"Esdeath is too strong, damn it! Why haven't Akame and the others arrived yet?"Najta didn't know what to do when she saw this.

After all, she didn't have any trump cards left.

"Huh?! The main course is finally here!……"Esdeath suddenly felt something and laughed.

""Breathing of the Sun, Picking Form, Shining Grace."

A pillar of fire fell from the roof of the cathedral and hit Esdeath directly. Esdeath quickly dodged it and began to appear ice armor covering her entire body.


Chu Yufan has not been idle during this period. Now he has completely mastered the method of opening the pattern. He no longer needs to wait for a long time like last time.

"Sun Breath, Eleventh Form, Halo Dragon Head Dance."

Chu Yufan surrounded Esdeath and attacked continuously, but the ice armor on her body still resisted Chu Yufan's attack. But strangely, Esdeath did not try to launch a counterattack.

"Esdeath is a little stronger, but why doesn't she fight back?"Chu Yufan frowned under the mask, and he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Because compared with the last fight, Esdeath's reaction speed this time was a little faster than before. However, Esdeath still chose passive defense, as if preparing for something.

"The speed is still as fast as before. If I don't develop new abilities, I'm afraid I still won't be able to defeat this guy this time.……"Looking at the attacking White Death, Esdeath immediately released her new move.

"Everything will freeze in front of me"


A few seconds before Esdeath was about to release his skill, Chu Yufan felt an extreme sense of danger. Although he retreated decisively, Esdeath's move directly froze the time and space inside the entire cathedral.

Everyone's actions were paused, whether it was Hei Tong and others, Ye Xi and others who were watching the battle, or Chu Yufan who was retreating, all stopped by Esdeath's move.

"No matter how fast you are, you can't stop the passage of time, right?" Esdeath said to herself as she walked towards Chu Yufan.

"Although it feels a pity to lose an opponent, you are too dangerous, White Death."

Esdeath said, and stabbed Chu Yufan's heart with a sword.

(The whole book is over... I don't know.)

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