The secret skill"Mokopotmo" developed by Esdeath can freeze the entire space and time. Although the duration is not long, it is enough for a strong man like Esdeath.

In addition, due to the huge consumption of this move, it can only be used once a day.

Normally, only Esdeath can move freely in the frozen space and time.

So when a black shadow jumped down from the top of the cathedral and blocked Esdeath's fatal blow to Chu Yufan, Esdeath was stunned.

""What's going on?!"

Esdeath quickly stepped back, and then she saw a puppy-like creature standing in front of her. The puppy was black all over, but there were dark red lines flowing in its black hair, which looked very strange.

"Is this... an imperial weapon?"

Esdeath had hunted many dangerous species before, but she had never seen the creature in front of her, so she could only regard it as a biological imperial weapon.

""Don't block the way!"

Esdeath created an iceberg and suppressed the black dog and Chu Yufan behind the black dog.


The black dog roared at the iceberg, and its entire body swelled up, turning into a giant canine creature that was two people tall. Its black tail also grew longer, with a forked tip.

After the black dog grew bigger, the entire icy space instantly became hot. The black dog then opened its mouth towards the iceberg, and the dark red lines on the black dog's body began to turn bright red.

A column of scorching fire gushed out of the black dog's mouth and crashed into the iceberg. The moment the column of fire collided with the iceberg, the iceberg shattered without any resistance, and Esdeath's entire icy space and time were destroyed by the column of fire.

"How is this possible?! What kind of creature is this?"Esdeath said in surprise.

Thousands of years ago, the founding emperor collected several materials of super dangerous species when he was making the imperial tool·magic beast transformation [Hundred-armed Giant].

The materials of these super dangerous species all came from the same lineage, so the founding emperor ordered these materials to be directly fused together, and finally created the [Hundred-armed Giant].

Among these materials, there is such a super dangerous species.

When the founding emperor just founded the country, there was a country in the south called the Fire-eating Country. This country raised a super dangerous species that feeds exclusively on fire, so it was named the Fire-eating Country.

This super dangerous species is called"Calamity Fire". After the Fire-eating Country was destroyed, the materials of this Calamity Fire also fell into the hands of the empire and were integrated into the imperial tool·magic beast transformation [Hundred-armed Giant].

Sibiya is the first imperial tool user to activate the [Hundred-armed Giant] Calamity Fighting form.

The pillar of fire released by the Calamity Fire broke the frozen space of Esdeath. A creature that could spit fire suddenly appeared in the place where there was nothing in the last second. Even Chu Yufan fell into a downtime state.

"Is this... Sibiya's imperial weapon? What's going on? What happened just now?"Chu Yufan was confused by the situation in front of him. Huo

Huo once again sprayed a column of fire at Esdeath, and Esdeath dodged while constantly creating an ice wall to resist. The column of fire was like a dead tree or rotten wood on Esdeath's ice wall, and it was completely unstoppable.

However, after Huo Huo released the second column of fire, his entire body shrank back to its original shape, and his entire body curled up on the ground, looking as if his energy was exhausted.

"What a dangerous imperial weapon!……"

Esdeath rushed towards the shrinking fire. Feeling threatened, Esdeath planned to kill the fire right there.

"Breath of the Sun, Type of Land, Burning Sun"

"Although I don't know what happened just now, I'm afraid I was saved by this little guy."Chu Yufan stopped in front of Esdeath and said

"Damn it!"Esdeath raised her sword and started to attack, but Chu Yufan did not flinch and went straight to the front.

However, it was obvious that Esdeath's swordsmanship was no match for Chu Yufan who had activated the markings. Helplessly, Esdeath could only use the ice armor again, which allowed her to fight Chu Yufan.

""Oh, right, Bolick!" Najeta finally came to her senses and said.

Susanoo, Brand and Leone also reacted and rushed towards Bolick's location.


At the same time, Akado and Myne finally broke through the hunters' defenses and came to the interior of the cathedral.

Labok was injured by Will's kick. After dragging Will with a line, he pretended to be dead and finally successfully left the battlefield.

Myne took advantage of Will's pursuit of Akado and shot Will far away, just like the last time in the canyon.

The three of them also met the last of the Four Rakshasa Ghosts on the way, Linglu, and Hill chose to stay alone to deal with her.

So in the end, only Akado and Myne came to the cathedral.

After seeing Esdeath and the White Death fighting, Akado and Myne immediately reacted and followed the others to rush towards Bolick.

Although he didn't want to stop the night raid, Nahasu's current identity is a hunter, so he can only"loyally and diligently" intercept Brand.

The remaining guards are only Hei Tong and two corpse puppets.

"elder sister!!"

""Get out of the way! Kuroito!"

Murasame and Yafu collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

Although Susanoo could no longer release skills, his strength after the rage was still there. He quickly came to Bolick and smashed his head with a punch.

Bolick died.

"Damn it! Did the mission fail?"Esdeath cursed inwardly when she saw this.

"Target changed, Esdeath!"Seeing that Bolick was dead, it was time to use the ultimate move.

Chu Yufan's mind moved, and the knife in his hand suddenly appeared with a force that was injected into Chu Yufan's body. The five-minute strengthening skill was used by Chu Yufan this time.

"Sun Breathing, Seventh Form, Yang Hua Tu."

Chu Yufan's knife stabbed into Esdeath's ice armor. Although the ice armor protected her, the huge force was still transmitted to Esdeath.

"This guy actually has another trick up his sleeve?!"

Feeling Chu Yufan's increased power, Esdeath couldn't help but panic. She had originally planned to use her secret technique to get rid of the White Grim Reaper, but she didn't expect it to be ruined by a puppy's imperial weapon.

""Everyone! Change the target, Esdeath!" Nadezhda said to the members of the night raid.

At this time, the battlefield became a crusade against Esdeath.

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