Esdeath was born in the northern border area. She is the daughter of the chief of the Baruts tribe, which specializes in hunting dangerous species. In order to allow the tribe to continue, the Baruts tribe lives with the idea that"only the strong can survive".

This is why Esdeath always talks about the survival of the strong.

After returning from a trip alone to hunt dangerous species, Esdeath found that her entire tribe had been wiped out by the foreign races in the north. After experiencing this, Esdeath became more convinced that only the strong can survive.

This is also the reason why Esdeath kept getting stronger until she had no opponents at all. The belief in becoming stronger slowly turned into a sadistic personality of interrogating and ravaging the opponent.

Until she fought with the White Death in the palace and finally fought to a loss, Esdeath's desire to become stronger emerged again.

Although the subsequent battle in the canyon made Esdeath feel powerless about fighting. But Esdeath still turned powerlessness into motivation and developed the secret technique of the imperial weapon"Mokobotmo".

If it weren't for Sibiya's imperial jewels, the White Death would have died under her sword.

However, Esdeath could only use the imperial jewels once a day, so after the jewels were broken, she could only choose to fight the White Death in close combat.

Esdeath kept thinking about why the White Death, who was not an imperial jewel user, could fight with her so hard, and even defeated her in the last battle in the canyon.

Since both parties have human identities, Esdeath believes that she can do what the White Death can do.


"Everyone! Target Esdeath!"

With Najeta's order, all members of the Night Raid began to move.

"Sorry, Kuroyon, now is not the time to fight you."After hearing what Najeta said, Akoyon wanted to leave her sister and join the battle against Esdeath.

"Sister, wait a minute!"

"Let me be your opponent for now." Leona flashed in front of Hei Tong and stopped him.

"Hey, hey, handsome masked man, I don't have time to play with you!" Brand heard Najeta's order and then looked at Nahaxiu in front of him and said


Nahashu did not reply. He was thinking about how to reasonably get Brand to leave the battlefield to deal with Esdeath.

It was no wonder that Nahashu was so cautious. After all, the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly.

If he let it go too obviously, and Chu Yufan and Ye Xi were unable to deal with Esdeath, then his act of letting it go would inevitably expose his identity.

"Breath of Love, Land Style, Cat-foot Love Wind."

At this moment, Sibiya, wearing a pink mask, descended from the sky, and the knife in her hand swept towards Nahashu.

"Hey! The guy in armor, I'll take care of this guy!" Sibiya said to Brand, and the whip-like soft knife in her hand entangled Nahasu.

"Thank you, unknown pink masked man." Brand did not refuse and left the battlefield directly.

"Hey, who chose such a stupid mask?"Nahash knew that the person in front of him was Sibiya.

Before the action, in order to avoid accidental injury, Alisa explained the situation to both Nahash and Sibiya, so both of them knew each other's existence.

"You are the stupid one! You bastard!"Hearing that the pink mask she had carefully selected was called stupid by Nahashu, Sibiya directly attacked Nahashu.

"Good man, you're just going to stop acting, right?!" Nahasu was not to be outdone, and the two of them started fighting.

Akame, Susanoo and Brand were ready to intervene in the battle between Esdeath and the White Death, while Mayin raised her pumpkin and started aiming.

But then everyone discovered something, the battle between Esdeath and Chu Yufan was too fast, and they couldn't find any chance to intervene in the battle.

"Although he is not an imperial weapon user, he has the power to fight against imperial weapon users. Why is the power of the White Death so strong? If it is not the power of the imperial weapon, then is it his own fighting power?"

At this time, Esdeath has been suppressed by Chu Yufan and is retreating step by step. However, Esdeath, who has been fighting since she was a child, knows that she needs to stay calm at this time.

"Whether it is the ice armor or the secret technique of the imperial weapon"Mokupatmo", they all come from the power of the imperial weapon. So what about the White Death? Where does his power come from?"

"It is a power that comes purely from the body... Why does it have this kind of power? Even the four Rakshasa ghosts who have trained their bodies to the extreme do not have such power."

"Where...what's different about the White Death?……"

Esdeath began to recall the battle with the White Death, and countless battle scenes flashed through her mind.

When people are fighting for life and death, they always burst out with amazing power.

At this moment, Esdeath felt as if time had stood still. After carefully analyzing the three battles with the White Death, Esdeath finally came to a conclusion.

It was breathing.

The breathing of the two people was completely different.

"Breath of the Sun, Form Twelve, Flame Dance"


Chu Yufan knocked Esdeath back with two slashes, and at the same time broke the ice armor on her body. Esdeath kept retreating. At the same time, Chi Tong and others saw that the pace of both sides had finally slowed down, and they also rushed forward.

"I see……"

Esdeath's eyes narrowed slightly, then suddenly opened, and her face was full of confidence again. Facing the rushing Akame and others, she quickly swung the sword in her hand and knocked them away one by one.

"Sun Breathing, Form One, Round Dance."

Chu Yufan quickly came behind Esdeath and slashed at her neck with a knife.


"I actually reacted? Wait, this feeling... is it possible?!"

���Yufan was stunned by Esdeath's sudden reaction, and then he noticed a change in Esdeath, and this change was very familiar to Chu Yufan.

At this time, Esdeath was actually using the breathing method!

"Are you surprised? I was also surprised. I didn't expect that just changing the way I breathe would have such a big impact on my physical fitness."Esdeath could feel a constant flow of power flowing out of her body.

"It's really a breathing method, and it's something he figured out on his own, during his fight with me.……"Chu Yufan was completely certain that Esdeath was indeed using a breathing method.

The prey now became the hunter again.

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