Chu Yufan had never expected that Esdeath could actually comprehend the breathing method in the midst of a life-and-death battle.

Although it was just a breathing method that she had just learned, it would be a considerable improvement in Esdeath's strength.

After all, Chu Yufan relied on the physical ability brought by the breathing method to fight Esdeath, and Esdeath had always been using the imperial equipment to deal with it. Because without using the imperial equipment, Esdeath would not be able to defeat Chu Yufan.

And now that Esdeath has learned the breathing method, it means that Chu Yufan's advantage has been weakened. If combined with her own imperial equipment, Esdeath's strength will rise again.

"Hey, hey, hey, how come Esdeath suddenly knows how to breathe? What happened?"As a user of the breathing method, Sibiya also felt the change in Esdeath.

"……"Nahasu did not answer, but looked towards the battlefield between Chu Yufan and Esdeath.

Chi Tong and others who were defeated were also confused. They did not understand why Esdeath suddenly burst out with amazing power.

"Damn it! There's no way to intervene like this!"

"Stay calm, wait for the right moment, and act at any time." Chi Tong said.

Esdeath covered herself with ice armor again, and then rushed towards Chu Yufan.

"……It is indeed a breathing method, and it does not belong to any breathing method school. Although it is a very immature breathing method... it is enough to improve Esdeath's strength."

Chu Yufan began to analyze Esdeath's breathing method, but the situation is not good now. After all, Chu Yufan has used the strengthening ability for five minutes. If he can't deal with Esdeath, he can only wait for death after the strengthening time is over.

"The problem now is that we can't break Esdeath's ice armor. It seems that we can only……"Chu Yufan narrowed his eyes, and began to slowly exert force with both hands holding the knife.

"What I just learned cannot last too long. I must defeat the White Death in a short time. He can't break my defense, which is my advantage!"Esdeath thought to herself.

Esdeath, who had just learned the breathing method, had indeed greatly improved her physical fitness. After putting on the ice armor, she could actually fight against Chu Yufan, who had opened the pattern and strengthened his ability.

"It's so fast, I can't aim at all."Main put down the pumpkin and said helplessly

"I can only hope that the White Death can create some opportunities."Najta was helpless. The gap between Night Raid and these two in combat power was too big.

"Phew! Almost there!……"Chu Yufan felt that his physical strength was beginning to decline, and he began to feel a little weak.

""Slow down, there's a chance!" Esdeath thrust out with a fierce sword, and Chu Yufan was immediately repelled.

Esdeath quickly followed, and the sword in his hand launched a fierce stab like a storm. At the same time, a large number of ice cones were released from behind Esdeath and shot towards Chu Yufan.

"Breath of the Sun, Type II, Blue Sky"

"Sun Breathing, Land Form, Burning Bones and Flaming Sun."

Chu Yufan kept releasing his fighting power to deal with it, but it was obvious that Chu Yufan's attack was no longer as fierce as before.

"The situation is not good! The White Death seems to be unable to hold on any longer."Main said

"Get ready to help!" Nadezhda said.

Although she didn't know the true identity of the White Death, he had indirectly saved Night Raid several times. She couldn't just leave the White Death alone.

"Boss Chu looks very dangerous, doesn't he?" Sibiya said worriedly as she looked at the suppressed Chu Yufan.

"Trash is just trash, you can't even tell what Chu Yufan is going to do." In Nahashu's opinion, Chu Yufan was looking for an opportunity to give Esdeath a fatal blow, so he complained.

"Who are you calling a trash, you bastard!"

"I'm talking about you, trash!"

Nahasu and Sibiya started fighting again.


Chu Yufan's eyes suddenly became sharp, and the feeling of defeat suddenly disappeared.

"Sun Breath, Form of the Sun, Illusion of the Sun."

Esdeath's attack went straight through Chu Yufan's body, but Esdeath was not surprised. She had seen this move before.

"Do you have no other moves?"

Esdeath turned around and stabbed Chu Yufan who appeared behind him. However, this sword stabbed Chu Yufan's residual image again, which surprised Esdeath.

"Sun Breathing, Form 8, Flywheel Sun Flame."

Chu Yufan returned to his original position, and when Esdeath turned around, he came in front of her and slashed at her neck.

"Although it was a bit unexpected, his attack couldn't cut through my ice armor... His knife?!"

Esdeath suddenly discovered that the blade of the knife in Chu Yufan's hand was slowly changing from black to crimson.

Years of combat experience made Esdeath feel a chill filling her body. Although she didn't know why the blade of the knife changed color, Esdeath still believed in her combat instinct and leaned back slightly.

"Even if he could cut through the armor...his sword suddenly became longer?!"Esdeath was shocked again.

The eighth form of Sun Breathing uses the high temperature created by the breathing method to create the illusion that the blade becomes shorter, which can be called an unexpected killing move.

Chu Yufan has never used this move in front of Esdeath. After all, for a master like Esdeath, if the first strike fails, the next time will have no effect.

So when Chu Yufan released this move, Esdeath was completely shocked. Because she had just turned around, Esdeath could not immediately exert force to retreat, and could only choose to lean her body backward to avoid the knife.

However, Chu Yufan's blade suddenly became longer, which caught Esdeath off guard. She only hoped that she could use the ice armor to buy time to avoid the knife.

The moment Chu Yufan's red knife touched the ice armor, it cut Esdeath's ice armor neatly like cutting tofu.

Esdeath only felt a pain in her neck. She used her legs to cover her neck and quickly retreated. Blood flowed from Esdeath's hands that were covering her neck.

""What happened?" Marin said.

In the eyes of Akato and the others, the White Death suddenly created two afterimages, and then slashed at Esdeath's neck. Then Esdeath covered her neck and retreated.

It all happened so fast that Akato and the others were stunned for a while.

"This guy! Has he been hiding all this time?" Esdeath thought to herself, holding her bleeding neck.

"Damn it! She dodged at the last moment. Isn't this woman too hard to kill?" Chu Yufan complained in his heart.

Chu Yufan knew that this knife seemed to cause serious damage to Esdeath, but it didn't really hit her vital part.

"The strengthening time has come. Activating and maintaining the red sword requires a lot of physical strength. Esdeath was injured by me, and her strength will also be affected... The situation is not too bad."Chu Yufan thought to himself after calming down a little.

"Breath of love, form one, the trembling of first love."

Sibia suddenly appeared behind Esdeath and slashed at her with a knife, but Esdeath's ice armor was still there so the knife had no effect.

"Night raid guys! What are you still doing? Kill her while she's sick!"

Seeing that Chi Tong and others were still down, Sibiya couldn't help but curse, which made Chi Tong and others react.

But Esdeath was also very decisive, knowing that it was meaningless to stay here. So she jumped directly onto the roof of the cathedral with both feet, and after looking back at Chu Yufan, she left here without looking back.

"It's so hard to kill this woman." Chu Yufan was relieved when he saw Esdeath leave.

"Are you okay, Boss Chu?"Sibi Ya hurriedly stepped forward to support Chu Yufan and asked

"What about Nahasho?"

"He took the opportunity to leave with Hei Tong"

"Then let's leave too. We shouldn't stay here for long."

"Got it, Hei!"


The fire came to the two of them and then turned into the size of a horse. Chu Yufan and Sibiya rode on the fire and left the cathedral.

"……It feels like we were just paddling the whole time."Leone came to Akato and the others and said

"Where is Hei Tong?"

"Rescued by another hunter"

"I see... Borik is dead too, let's meet up with the others first and then retreat." Najeta said


"Let's go, Akagi, what are you doing standing there?"Leone said when he saw Akagi standing there.

"Ah... It's okay, it's okay." Chi Tong replied, and then caught up with the team.

"The pink masked man just now seemed to be called White Death Chu Boss?……"Akato thought as he ran.

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