The attack and defense of the Cathedral has ended, and the ending is the death of Berlik. For Chu Yufan and Elisa, the goal has been achieved.

But for the Empire and the Revolutionary Army, it is not so friendly.

For the Empire, the loss of Berlik means that An Ning Dao will completely lose control. It is very likely to evolve into an armed uprising, and even ignite the war of the entire empire.

For the Revolutionary Army, Berlik's death will cause an armed uprising in An Ning Dao, and the Revolutionary Army can use this as a fuse to set off an anti-imperial wave within the empire.

The Revolutionary Army can take the opportunity to unite other ethnic groups, attack the imperial capital from all sides, and completely destroy the empire.

However, unexpectedly, after Berlik's death, Jelock, who was supposed to be at the center of the storm, was quiet after a month.

There was no imagined chaos, no imagined armed uprising, and everything went beyond the expectations of both the Empire and the Revolutionary Army.

After Berlik's death, Elisa made Berlik's corruption during his reign public. The believers' anger towards the empire was directly transferred to Berlik, and finally Berlik's body was directly crushed to ashes by the angry believers.

The leader followed Elisa's arrangement and took the opportunity to take down all the radical cadres and members of the Anning Dao.

Because of Berlik's behavior, the believers' faith in the Anning Dao was shaken.

In contrast, Jelock's reform of the conscience officials has begun to show results. This has made the lives of Jelock's civilians and Anning Dao believers better, and has also restored the prestige of the empire a little.

Armed uprising is a helpless move taken by civilians when they have no other way to survive.

Within a month after Berlik's death, under Elisa's arrangement. The entire Jelock and its surrounding areas have completely fallen into the control of the Empire's conscience faction.

And with General Bud sending troops to Jelock to maintain law and order in Jelock, this time the Anning Dao incident finally came to a successful conclusion.


"Phew! It's finally all done." Alyssa came to Chu Yufan's residence and sat on a chair and said

"Thank you for your hard work."Chu Yufan said

"It's okay. This is the path I chose. I will accept it no matter how hard or tiring it is."Alyssa replied

"My Lord, this battle is quite dangerous."

"Yes, if it wasn’t for Sibiya’s Imperial Tool, I would not know how I died."Chu Yufan said.

After returning from the Cathedral, Chu Yufan and Sibiya reviewed the process of the battle.

After Sibiya communicated with her Imperial Tool, Chu Yufan realized that Esdeath had actually used a move that could stop time and space.

At that time, Chu Yufan was completely unaware. In his memory, he felt the danger and retreated quickly in the last second.

In the next second, it became Sibiya's Imperial Tool, Fire of Misfortune, attacking Esdeath.

This shows the power of Esdeath's move.

""Alas, it will be troublesome the next time I see Esdeath." Chu Yufan said.

Esdeath has already learned the breathing method. With her fighting talent, she will probably master it soon. Combined with Esdeath's own imperial weapon... I'm afraid her strength will become stronger the next time we meet.

"It seems necessary to find a suitable imperial tool for you, sir." Elisa said

"It's not that easy to find a suitable imperial tool, so I can only take my time."Chu Yufan said helplessly.

"Boss Chu, Sister Alyssa, there is urgent information!"Sibi Ya suddenly rushed in, holding a document in her hand and said


On the other side, at the Night Raid stronghold,

Najeta was looking at the intelligence in her hand with a frown on her face, smoking non-stop.

In the month after Bolick's death, the members of the Night Raid had not received any missions. This was actually normal, after all, the fact that Anningdao did not have an armed uprising undoubtedly disrupted the deployment of the revolutionary army.

During this month, the Night Raid and others also improved their strength by learning from each other.

"Phew! I can finally take a break. Hmm? What's wrong, boss? You look so sad. Leone and Lubbock walked into the meeting room and saw Najeta's expression. Leone couldn't help but ask

"After Berlik's death, there was no sign of an armed uprising in Anning Dao, and it even became more stable under the reforms of the Empire's Conscience Faction."Najta said

"Isn't this a good thing? Why are you so sad?" said Lubbock.

In fact, if they could choose, Najeta and others did not want an armed uprising. After all, many innocent people would die. Unfortunately, with the strength of the Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army, they could only do this to overthrow the country.

Therefore, when the Anningdao incident was over, Jelock could be completely stable, and Najeta and others were relieved.

However, this was only for Najeta and others.

Such a result was not what the Revolutionary Army wanted.

"Without an armed uprising, the anger in various parts of the empire would not have erupted. The revolutionary army would not have any just cause to act, and the allies of other ethnic groups would have doubts about the ability of the revolutionary army.……"Nadezhda explained.

All the foreign races had already prepared for war, and the revolutionary army had also made all the preparations to overthrow the empire, except for Anningdao to start an armed uprising.

Now that Anningdao's armed uprising has been completely stopped by Elisa, it means that all the preparations of the revolutionary army and foreign races were in vain.

"The reason why An Ning Dao was chosen as the fuse is mainly because its followers have spread all over the empire."

"As long as the Anning Dao, the headquarters, starts an armed uprising, the believers scattered across the empire will start to take action... But now this goal can no longer be achieved." Najeta continued

"So, what is the next move of the Revolutionary Army?" Leone asked

"……According to intelligence analysis, Jelock is now controlled by the Imperial Conscience Officers protected by General Bud."

"Obviously, the armed uprising in Anningdao can be resolved peacefully. It was the work of the conscientious faction of the empire, but the revolutionary army believed that General Budd did not have the ability to plan all this, so……"

"The Revolutionary Army wants us to investigate and see if we can find out who is the real mastermind behind this incident."

"What happens after you find out?" Lubbock asked

"The Revolutionary Army didn't say anything, they just asked us to investigate first." Najeta said


"Has it been noticed yet?" Chu Yufan said

"This is normal. After all, General Bud is a well-known stubborn old man. He can't and won't plan these things."Alyssa said

"But I didn't expect that the Revolutionary Army had already figured out what to do next before they found us." Chu Yufan looked at the intelligence and said with some amusement

"Let Ye Xi investigate the mastermind behind the scenes and try to persuade him to join the revolutionary army. If persuasion fails, order Ye Xi to carry out the assassination!"

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