"Although our superiors asked us to investigate... we really don't know where to start." Marin complained as she walked on the street in Jelock.

"But speaking of it, I came back to Jelock after a month, and this place has completely changed."Tatsumi looked at the scene on the street and couldn't help but say.

Unconsciously, the number of investigations with Mine and Tatsumi increased, and their relationship gradually improved.

"Yes, if the rest of the empire is the same as Jerlock, then there is probably no need for a revolution."Main said

"However, why did they ask us to come back to investigate the mastermind behind this incident? What is the significance of this to the Revolutionary Army?"Tatsumi asked in confusion.

"……Well, maybe they hope that both sides can join forces."Ma Yin replied.

Also in another position of Jelock

"Why can Tatsumi team up with Mine, but I can only team up with a grown man?" Rabbock said dejectedly as he walked.

"It's because you are too lustful, Lubbock, that's why no woman wants to team up with you."

""You're asking me to team up with you, too! I really want to team up with a girl!" Iyeas complained.

Iyeas and Lubbock formed a team and walked on the street, listening to the conversations of the people around them.

"I never thought that Jelock, who was originally in darkness, would have a bright day."A passerby said

"Yes, it is said that officials with a conscience came to carry out reforms. Jerlock is really lucky."Another passerby replied

"In this dark age, we have a piece of pure land, and we are so lucky to live in this pure land."

"I really hope that the conscientious people can manage the empire again."

"It seems that the conscientious officials have taken good care of Jelock."After calming down, Iyeas listened to the conversation of passers-by and couldn't help but say

"Indeed, the Conscience Faction is a group of officials who care about the country and the people. Unfortunately, they have been ruthlessly suppressed by Minister Ernest. They were either assassinated by the minister or forced to leave the imperial capital."Rabbock replied

"I see... Then maybe Jelock is the first step for the conscientious faction to fight back against the minister."

"Very likely."

Location: near the Anning Road.

Chelsea was bored and stayed near the Anning Road. According to Najeta's arrangement, Chelsea used the imperial equipment to disguise and entered the Anning Road for in-depth investigation.

What is Chelsea's behavior called? This is called investigating oneself, and the result is definitely nothing.

"However, it is exactly the same as what Alisa said at the beginning."Chelsey thought to herself.

When Chelsea was talking to Alisa, Alisa gave Chelsea the intelligence she had found in order to let Chelsea know the real situation inside the revolutionary army. The revolutionary army planned to employ officials of the imperial conscience to manage the empire after overthrowing the empire. This was also the promise made by the revolutionary army when recruiting people with lofty ideals.

However, all this is just a rhetoric that the revolutionary army can accept from the civilians. This can be seen from the reaction of the revolutionary army after the failure of the Anningdao armed uprising.

The officials of the conscience faction must be under the management of the revolutionary army in order to manage the empire.

Just like Minister Ernest controlled the young emperor to control the empire, the revolutionary army planned to control the officials of the conscience faction to control the empire.

Therefore, when a mysterious person planned the Anningdao incident, the reaction of the top leaders of the revolutionary army can be said to be quite intense. And Chelsea also used some means to get orders that were completely different from those received by Najeta.

"It seems that I have chosen the right person this time."

Chelsea came to a conclusion. After all, many organizations that Chelsea had worked with before now have grass three feet high on their graves.

Location: Jelock's temporary residence during the night raid

"Chi Tong, it's time for dinner!" Sayou found Chi Tong who was in a daze and said

"……"It's coming."

Unlike the previous time when Chi Tong ran into the cafeteria quickly and could eat 50 kilograms of rice in one meal, the current Chi Tong jogs into the cafeteria and can only eat 49 kilograms of rice in one meal.

"Chi Tong, you have been eating so little recently, are you worried about something?"Shayou looked at Chi Tong, who had eaten a pound less rice at each meal recently, and couldn't help but ask with concern.

"Ah...Shayou, where are the others?" Chi Tong asked

"Everyone else is out." replied Shayou.

"So that's it……"Akahide fell silent. She was thinking about how to tell Sau

"Chi Tong, if you have any troubles, you can tell me directly!"Shayou looked at Chi Tong's hesitation and couldn't help but said

"Is it really possible?"

"Of course! We are companions!"

"Then I'll be frank.……"Chi Tong took a deep breath and then said to Shayou

"I think the"White Death" is your master, Chu Yufan in disguise."

""Pa pa pa"

Hearing what Akato said, Sayou slapped herself in the face several times, she was really asking too many questions.

How should I answer now? Waiting online, it's urgent


In order to prevent the revolutionary army from taking radical actions, Chu Yufan and Alyssa returned to Jelock and took a look at the changes that had taken place in Jelock over the past month.

"The reform is going smoothly, and the people are quite cooperative. With the help of the Budd Army to maintain law and order, there shouldn't be any big problems on Jelock's side."Chu Yufan said

"not necessarily……"Alisa said

"Why do you say that?"Chu Yufan asked in confusion.

Now everything is going well for Jaylock, and there shouldn't be any other problems.

"Now the civilians of Jelock have begun to be full of hope for their future lives."

"But if this hope turns into despair again, the armed uprising will be even more violent than before."Alyssa's words made Chu Yufan's expression serious.

"Are you saying that the Empire will take action?"

"No, for Minister Ernest. As long as there is no armed uprising in Anningdao, the impact on him will not be too great. After all, Minister Ernest holds the greatest power in the empire.……"

"In contrast, I am more worried about the next move of the Revolutionary Army.……"

"Will the Revolutionary Army choose to attack the conscientious faction of Jerlock in order to achieve the goal of armed uprising?"

Profits always come first.

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