Chu Yufan knew that Elisa's worries were not completely unreasonable.

In the eyes of the revolutionary army, the Conscience Faction of the Empire was, after all, just a reason and a pawn for the Revolutionary Army to seize the legitimacy of the empire. If this pawn is unwilling to be manipulated, then it is not impossible to kick this pawn off the chessboard.

After all, if Chu Yufan and Elisa had not appeared, the Conscience Faction of the Empire would have been able to go with the flow in this era.

Either stay away from the political center of the empire to save their lives. Or follow the pace of the revolutionary army and help the revolutionary army manage the empire after the revolutionary army seizes the empire.

If they can choose, the Conscience Faction will naturally choose to directly change the status quo of the empire, rather than letting the empire directly change its owner.

However, the Conscience Faction of the Empire can be said to have no way to deal with this. This situation did not change until the appearance of Chu Yufan and Elisa.

"What do you think is the probability that the Revolutionary Army will attack the Conscience Faction of Jelock?" Chu Yufan asked

"If the mastermind behind the Anningdao incident cannot be found, then the probability that the Revolutionary Army used Jerlock's Conscience as bait is 100%."Alyssa said

"I don't think the Night Raid would obey the Revolutionary Army's order to assassinate the Empire's conscience faction.……"

"Therefore, the night raid will only be a cover. The real killer move of the revolutionary army will definitely be carried out in the dark."

"……But the revolutionary army shouldn't have such a foundation, right?" Chu Yufan said doubtfully.

"Sir, you underestimate the Revolutionary Army."

Alisa shook her head. As the most powerful intelligence chief in the empire, she had a different understanding of the Revolutionary Army.

"The so-called night raid is just the tip of the iceberg of the revolutionary army. It can even be said that the night raid itself has existed as a discarded child of the revolutionary army from the very beginning."

"Since they are abandoned, the Revolutionary Army will not concentrate their strongest forces to use them as abandoned pawns."

"And every member of the Night Raid is an imperial weapon user, which shows that the strength of the Revolutionary Army is not as simple as it seems on the surface."Alyssa said

"Maybe the members of the Night Raid were gathered together by the Revolutionary Army?" Chu Yufan asked curiously.

"Sir, this is the information of the Night Raid members, you will know it at a glance."Alyssa took out a document, and Chu Yufan took it and started to read it.

"Nadezhda, former imperial general"

"Lubbock, Nadezhda's follower"

"Akahime, former member of the Empire's elite assassination unit"

"Brand, former deputy to the Imperial general"

"Leone, from the slums of the imperial capital."

After reading the information, Chu Yufan finally understood the problem.

All members of the night raid were dug out from the empire. There were no people sent by the real revolutionary army, not even people from the southern part of the empire. (The revolutionary army is located in the south of the empire)

"Nadezhda, former general of the Empire and current leader of the Night Raid, once sought reinforcements from the Revolutionary Army headquarters, but found no other reinforcements except Susanoo and Chelsea."

"According to my intelligence, the Revolutionary Army is not so strong that they cannot even spare two or three Imperial Artifact Users to reinforce them. Therefore, it is obvious that the Night Raid has long been regarded as a discarded pawn by the Revolutionary Army."Elisa said

"The Revolutionary Army used money and ideas to bribe and subjugate the generals of the Empire and people like Night Raid who were extremely disappointed with the corruption of the Empire."

"In the final battle with the Empire, these people will surely be at the forefront."

"But in this way, the true strength of the revolutionary army has not actually appeared. The final result is still the internal friction between the two factions within the empire."Elisa explained

"So that's how it is... After the two factions have seized the empire through internal fighting, even if they find out they have been deceived in the end, the faction that joins the revolutionary army from the empire will not be a match for the hidden revolutionary army." Chu Yufan said

"This is such a beautiful move."

"In fact, they are using the same method as us, trying their best to hide their true strength. It's just that the method is different, but it can be seen from this that the revolutionary army's methods are probably more powerful than the minister's."Alyssa said

"So, what should we do next?"

"Maybe it's time to try to get members of Night Raid to join our organization."


"Why does Akame think that the"White Death" is the master in disguise?"After calming herself down a little, Shayou asked

"Although the attack method of the White Death God is very different from Chu Yufan, there are still some similarities."Aka Tong said.

When Chu Yufan and Chi Tong were still in the Empire Assassination Corps, Chu Yufan often used water breathing and thunder breathing.

Although he is now using moon breathing and sun breathing, the different breathing methods are originally the same.

Therefore, after seeing the White Death God fight at close range several times, Chi Tong can more or less see the similarities between the two.

"Really? I haven't seen the White Death fight up close, so I'm not sure."

Sayou said, after all, in the last two battles, the three of them were acting as a reserve team.

"And in the cathedral, there was a man wearing a pink mask, calling the White Death"Boss Chu"……"Akahima continued

"I see... That's why you think the White Grim Reaper is your master in disguise." Saya rolled her eyes and said

"Well, next time if you have the chance to meet the White Grim Reaper again, Akagi, why don’t you just ask him directly?"

"Ask the White Death directly?!"Akagami was stunned for a moment.

"That's right, look. The White Death has indirectly saved us several times. Although we don't know what his purpose is, at least he has no hostility towards us."

"So next time you have a chance to meet, just ask him directly. After all, you should be very familiar with the master's voice, so you can tell as long as he answers your questions, right?"Sayou said


"Chi Tong, you don't need to worry so much. At least the White Death is not our enemy now, right? If the White Death is disguised as Master, he must have his reasons."

"……I understand." Chi Tong thought for a while and then answered.

Chi Tong's worries were nothing more than the reason why Chu Yufan dressed up as the White Grim Reaper and what his purpose was.

As a former companion, Chi Tong naturally did not want to be his enemy.

""Phew! Master, you are the one who caused this, and now I will give it back to you." Shayou looked at the thoughtful Chitong and thought silently in her heart.

What a clever little one.

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