Let's go back a little bit in time to when Chu Yufan met Davis and Mir.

Davis' mind moved, and the Imperial Bracelet was activated instantly. As the smoke dissipated, Davis' body turned into a dragon man.

"Hmm... Is this the dragonization of the Tailan people?"Looking at the familiar feeling, Chu Yufan asked uncertainly

"Boy! You have a pretty good eye!"Davis flashed in front of Chu Yufan and punched Chu Yufan in the head.

"Oh? They are a little faster than the Tailan people I met before."Chu Yufan stepped back and drew the knife from his waist.

""Ding ding ding"

Chu Yufan's knife collided with Davis's arm, producing bursts of sparks.

"This kid? He can actually keep up with my speed of dragon transformation?!" Davis couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Chu Yufan, who was so comfortable with his attack.

"Well... compared to the dragonized Tailan I encountered at that time, it is probably several times stronger.……"Chu Yufan commented in his heart.

If Chu Yufan had met the guy in front of him at that time, then Chu Yufan would really have no way to deal with Davis. However, for Chu Yufan now, this level is no longer a threat.

"If we want to capture him alive, one person would be enough, right?"

"Breath of the Rock, Form Two, the Sky Shattered."

As Chu Yufan used his fighting skills, Davis could feel a sense of power coming from Chu Yufan's sword. However, Davis did not care, intending to use his dragon-like body and cross his arms to withstand the blow.

Mil behind him saw that Davis was going to take it head-on, his face suddenly changed, and then he came in front of Davis. The lines on his gloves glowed slightly, and then he put his hands together, and an invisible defense appeared in front of the two of them.

"What are you doing?" Davis yelled.

""You idiot! You dare to take this kind of attack head-on! You can't even see this! Are you stupid?" Mir cursed.

While the two were talking, Chu Yufan's knife fell on the invisible defense created by Mir. The invisible defense was directly broken by Chu Yufan's knife, and the two quickly retreated when they saw this.

"This guy?!"

Mir knew that the defense he created would not be able to stop it, but he did not expect that he could not even resist for a moment.

"There is something wrong with this guy! We can't stay here any longer!" said Mir

"Humph! What are you afraid of! Watch me tear him apart with my secret technique!"Davis said

"Did you chop something just now? It seems that the gloves are also imperial tools."Chu Yufan thought as he looked at Mir.

"Let's make a quick decision."

According to the time, the meeting between Alyssa and Ye Xi should be almost over, it's time to find one of the two to take over.

"Uh oh oh oh———"

As Davis roared, his body began to slowly change. Mir stood in front of Davis, watching Chu Yufan's next move with caution.

However, this vigilance was of no use.

"Last time, I used a water dragon to kill the Tailan man, so this time I'll use a thunder dragon."

Chu Yufan put the knife back into the sheath, then bent his legs slightly and put his hand on the handle.

"Thunder Breath, Seventh Form, Fire Thunder God."

With Chu Yufan's legs fully concentrated, a super-speed that was completely invisible to the naked eye passed by Mir without any reaction, and slashed Davis' neck with a knife.

Mir hurriedly looked back, only to see a golden thunder dragon, the entire golden dragon body directly passed through Davis' neck, and took Davis' head away.

"Don't you know...that you can't attack when you transform?……"Davis, who had only used half of his secret technique, said to Chu Yufan

"That's because the oppressive feeling brought by other people's transformation is enough to suppress the enemy so that they dare not move. But I can't feel it at all on you, and your screams are too loud."Chu Yufan complained

"Really... unethical……"


Everything that just happened was so fast that Mil didn't react at all. He looked at Davis's head and shouted in disbelief.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to surrender voluntarily, or do you want me to make you surrender voluntarily?"Chu Yufan looked at Mir and said

"The Revolutionary Army...will never surrender to the enemy!"

Mir quickly raised his left hand and pointed it at Chu Yufan. An invisible spear stabbed at Chu Yufan's head. Chu Yufan dodged the attack by leaning sideways.


Miel, who didn't believe in evil, raised his right hand again and began to attack Chu Yufan non-stop. However, what Miel didn't expect was that Chu Yufan could dodge all his attacks even though they were invisible.

"The attack only looks invisible, but it still has a physical presence. And you have to raise your hand to attack, which means you are telling your opponent"I am going to attack"……"Chu Yufan looked at Mir who kept attacking and complained

"Damn it!"

Normally, Mir's combat role is auxiliary. For example, he would provide invisible defense for his teammates at critical moments, or launch a sneak attack when his teammates were attacking.

But Davis died so quickly that Mir, as an auxiliary, could not react at all. At this time, there was basically no chance of victory for him to face Chu Yufan alone. After continuous attacks without success, Mir decided to……

"I surrender, don't kill me!"

"……It was too quick, I was a little slow to react." Chu Yufan complained again, and then came behind Mir and knocked him to the ground with a knife.

"Much easier than I thought.……"

Chu Yufan originally thought that the guy in front of him would fight to the death, so it would be difficult to capture him alive.

In fact, this is normal. How can someone who has a powerful imperial weapon but can only hide in the dark have the determination to fight for his life?

He took off the imperial weapons of Davis and Mir, and then tied Mir up tightly. Then Chu Yufan carried Mir and headed to the meeting place of Elisa and Night Raid.

"I don't know how the conversation went.……"

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