"Boss Chu! You are finally here?" At the meeting place of Alyssa and Ye Xi, Sibiya saw Chu Yufan finally coming, so she stepped forward and whispered hello.

"What's the situation?"

"Everything is going according to Sister Alyssa's plan, except for you, Boss Chu." Sibiya replied.

"Okay, I'll go in then!" Chu Yufan didn't say anything and carried Mir directly into the house.


"Hello! How are you guys!"


When Najeta and the other three were quietly waiting, they were startled when they saw a man carrying another man suddenly appear in front of them. However, the four of them reacted immediately.

"You must be the real White Death, right?"Najta felt the pressure from Chu Yufan and asked immediately.

"That's right, I've revealed my true face, so I'm very sincere, right?"Chu Yufan said with a smile.

In fact, Najeta and the other three knew as soon as they entered the room that the White Grim Reaper in the room was a fake.

But they didn't expose it, after all, anyone who could get the White Grim Reaper mask must be the other party's man.

"Who is the person on your shoulder?" Brand asked

"You are from the Revolutionary Army." Chu Yufan said as he threw Mir to the ground and placed the two imperial tools on the table.

"Revolutionary Army?!" Hearing this, Najeta and the other three looked at Mir lying on the ground, but it was obvious that they had no impression of Mir.

"You certainly won't have any impression of this revolutionary soldier, after all, this person should be a member of the revolutionary army headquarters." Elisa said

"Headquarters? I have never seen this person in the headquarters."Najta still didn't understand what Elisa meant.

"Ms. Nadezhda, the so-called Revolutionary Army Headquarters you mentioned are only external members of the Revolutionary Army in the eyes of the Revolutionary Army's top brass, and the one lying on the ground is the core member of the Revolutionary Army Headquarters."

"Unlike Miss Nadezhda, who joined the Revolutionary Army from the Empire, this person can be considered a true revolutionary."Alyssa said

"……"Nadezhda listened to what Elisa said but did not answer.

Elisa's meaning was very clear. Nadezhda, you and those teams that came out of the Empire to join the Revolutionary Army are just pawns in the hands of the core members of the Revolutionary Army.

The other side does not regard you as their own people.

"But this……"

"There were two people on the other side. I killed the other one, and this one surrendered. By the way, both of them are imperial tools."

Chu Yufan looked at Najeta's half-believing and half-doubting expression, added, and showed the two imperial tools to Najeta.

"Is this... an imperial weapon?……"

Looking at the two imperial tools on the table that were not recorded in the literature, Najetta murmured:

"Yes, this bracelet can transform into a dragon form, and this pair of gloves can create an invisible barrier."Chu Yufan said

"I guess you haven't seen it either. For details, just ask this guy who surrendered."Chu Yufan kicked Mir on the ground and said

"But if I ask directly, the other party won't tell the truth, right?" Akahima, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said

"So, if you want to know the truth, you need to cooperate with us."Alyssa looked at Nadezhda and said


"Hello! Hello! Wake up!"

"Well……"Mir slowly opened his eyes and immediately found himself tied to a chair.


Mir soon discovered that the guy who had just knocked him out was sitting opposite him.

"Why do you want to assassinate the Jelock officials? Dear revolutionary comrades?"Chu Yufan looked at Mir and asked


"There is no need to think about whether there are reinforcements or anything like that. The people who attacked at night have been wiped out by my boss. If you don't believe me, look at……"Chu Yufan pointed to the corner of the room, and Mir looked in the direction of Chu Yufan's finger.

It was Nadezhda, who was lying on the ground covered in blood, motionless, and looked like she had been dead for a long time.

"Your boss is……"

"……White Death." Chu Yufan replied


Mir's face suddenly darkened when he heard this. It seemed that there was a huge mistake in judging the opponent's strength in the last internal meeting.

The guy in front of him has the strength to kill Davis in seconds. And the White Reaper wiped out the Night Raid. You know, most of the members of the Night Raid are imperial weapon users!

He obviously has a huge organizational force and powerful combat power, but he still wants to hide his strength. He is really a terrible opponent.

If Chu Yufan knew what Mir was thinking at this time, he would probably laugh out loud on the spot. It's really that how strong the enemy is depends on his own imagination.

No wonder Elisa asked Chu Yufan to catch people directly without wearing a mask, it turned out to be this reason. After all, these people only know the White Reaper, but have never seen him.

"You have no reinforcements, and even if you have, they are just here to get killed. If you want to live, I ask, and you answer"

"Of course, it's okay if you don't want to answer. The Revolutionary Army will not sit idly by and watch two Imperial Artifact Users disappear. I'll just ask them when they come."

"But by then, there won't be any more of you." Chu Yufan said


Mir was thinking, according to Margaret's character, as long as she knew a little about the situation, she would not send anyone to look for them.

However, Angela, who was responsible for picking them up, showed up at the agreed time. Although she had the air advantage of the water skylark, who could guarantee that the White Death would not have anti-aircraft means?

No, the other party might not know the existence of Angela?

"Don't think about it, I know you will definitely have someone to pick you up and show up on time. Although the Revolutionary Army's base is not far from Jelok, the speed of the dangerous creatures alone still cannot bring them here so quickly. Maybe it's a flying imperial weapon?"

"Although I have never heard of this kind of imperial tool, you two have contributed two unknown imperial tools today."Chu Yufan looked at Mir and said

"All right.……"Mir thought desperately.

"Three times is the limit, so I’ll ask you a second time, okay?"

"May I ask why you want to assassinate the Jelock official? Dear revolutionary comrade?"Chu Yufan asked again with a smile

"……Of course, it was to ignite an armed uprising in Anningdao again." Mir hesitated for a moment, then answered.

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