The eight founders of the revolutionary army did not originally come together for the purpose of revolution. They were just people who used the banner of revolution and planned to kill the donkey after they had done their work and steal the fruits of the victory of the revolution.

Therefore, when Mir's life was threatened, he naturally chose to tell everything. If he was really not afraid of death, he would not have been hiding in the back all the time.

"I don't understand. As a revolutionary, you should be relieved to see that there is no armed uprising."

"What's more, you should also know that the current Jelock is governed by officials of the conscientious faction. Why do you want to assassinate the officials of the conscientious faction and re-ignite the armed uprising?" Chu Yufan asked

"That's only what the Revolutionary Army thinks. The headquarters originally planned to use armed uprising to provoke a war against the Empire. In this way, they could overthrow the Empire and become the Emperor themselves."Mil answered honestly.

"Outside the Revolutionary Army? It seems that your headquarters does not consider those outside as your own?"

"They are just pawns used to consume the empire.……"Mir replied

"I think it's more than just a waste of money for the empire, right?" Chu Yufan said as he took out the agreement.

"Do you also plan to consume those outside the revolutionary army and other ethnic minorities after overthrowing the empire?"

"You... where did you get this agreement?!"Mier asked in surprise when he saw what Chu Yufan had in his hand. This matter should be a secret of our department, right?

"The agreement is relative, and the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army is indeed well hidden. But you have not considered whether the confidentiality of the foreign ethnic groups is well done."Chu Yufan said

"And judging from your expression, is what's written in the agreement true?"

"yes……"Mir lowered his head and replied

"Then, what was the promise made by your Revolutionary Army Headquarters to those former generals and personnel of the Empire when they defected?……"

"Those promises were just to get them to fight on the front lines.……"Mir replied

"So... this is what is meant by"destroying the bridge after crossing it, and killing the donkey after it has done its work".……"Chu Yufan sighed, and then continued

"Tell me more about the current combat strength of your Revolutionary Army Headquarters. Tell me who is a Teigu User."

"……"Mir did not answer.

"Don't worry, I'm a very honest and trustworthy man. As long as you tell me everything you know, I will! I guarantee with my character that I will never kill you!"Chu Yufan knew Mir's concerns and immediately promised

"I see... There are still six Teigu users in the Revolutionary Army Headquarters. They are Ariana, whose Teigu are the Summoning of the Dead [Soul Summoning Banner], Sharica's Magic Wand [Magic Wand], Bernard's Box of All Weapons [Black Coffin], Angela's Flying Water [Water Lark], Owl's Demon Eye [Devil], and our boss, Margaret's Fire God's Advent [Blood of the Flame Demon]...】"

"Wow, these are all imperial tools that have never been recorded in the literature. I'm really curious about where you got them from? So, what are the abilities of these imperial tools? Tell me in detail."Mil's intelligence, Chu Yufan was stunned, and then continued to ask.

After a while, Mil revealed everything he knew. He also revealed the usage and functions of the two imperial tools that Chu Yufan had seized.

"……"Chu Yufan began to think.

According to the original plan of Chu Yufan and Elisa, as long as Minister Ernest was pulled down and the conscience faction was allowed to control the empire, the revolutionary army would naturally collapse.

However, when Elisa learned that the revolutionary army was investigating the Anningdao incident and issued an assassination order, this made Elisa more vigilant against the revolutionary army.

With the deepening of the investigation and the two different alliance agreements between the revolutionary army and the foreign ethnic groups, Elisa deduced the real purpose of the revolutionary army and the fact that Najeta and others had been deceived.

It can be said that if the original plan is followed. Even if Minister Ernest is successfully eliminated, the revolutionary army will continue to start a war, and the goal of restoring peace will be delayed.

Therefore, before Chu Yufan and Elisa launched the crusade against Minister Ernest. The problem of the revolutionary army must be solved first, so as not to let the subsequent situation fall into a more chaotic situation.

Now it seems that it is the right decision to temporarily change the plan and contact Ye Xi and others in advance.

"Hey, I've already said everything, you can't go back on your word!" Mir looked at Chu Yufan who was silent and couldn't help but remind him.

"Ah... Don't worry, I will keep my promise and I won't kill you. Chu Yufan came back to his senses and said to Mir

"Huh!" Before Mir could breathe a sigh of relief, Chu Yufan's next words made him feel like he was falling into an icy cave.

"Of course, I won't kill you. But that doesn't mean that others won't kill you."Chu Yufan said with a smile.


Before Mir could ask, a small door next to him was opened. When Mir saw the person coming out, his face turned pale.

"Na... Nadezhda? You... you are not……"

As the most active chess piece, Mir could naturally recognize Nadezhda.

Mir looked towards the corner of the room, and the"Nadetta" who had been lying there disappeared with a puff of smoke, revealing the figure of Chelsi.

Mir looked at Chelsi and realized that all this was a trap!

"Wait...wait a minute...listen to me...mmmm?!"

Najeta pinched Mil's mouth with her left hand with murderous intent, and lifted him up with the chair.

"Hey! What do you think... is the reason why we risk our lives to fight against the Empire?"

"How many spies were brutally murdered by the Empire?���How many people were tied up by the ministers and executed in the imperial capital! And how many villagers and villages were massacred by the imperial incineration troops because of their connection with the revolutionary army!"

"All these sacrifices are for the purpose of creating a peaceful and prosperous world where the common people can have a full meal! But you regard this sacrifice as a stepping stone to realize your own interests!"


Mir struggled and wanted to say something, but Nadezhda pinched his hand, so he could only scream.

Nadezhda looked at Mir who was struggling, and thought of those who had sacrificed.

When they were alive, did they think that their will would be passed on by their companions? Would their sacrifice today definitely bring them victory in the end?

"Go to hell!"

Najta's right prosthetic arm began to accumulate power, and with endless anger, she punched Mir's heart. Mir struggled a few more times before losing vital signs.

""Hoo! Hoo!"

Najta threw Mir's body aside and sat on the ground helplessly.


Seeing this, Chi Tong and others hurried forward to check, but Nadezhda waved her hand to indicate that she was fine.

For Nadezhda, all the experiences today made her feel like she was dreaming.

She no longer knew what to do, nor did she know what to do next.

"Please stand up, Miss Nadezhda. There is still a chance to change everything."Alisa, still wearing the mask, came out and said to Nadezhda

"There are still many people who do not know the truth about the Revolutionary Army. If Miss Najeta sinks here, more people with lofty ideals will die in vain."

"If we don't take action before the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army react, then Miss Nadezhda's companions will soon become our enemies."

Elisa's words directly pulled back Nadezhda who was about to collapse.

Elisa was right. If we don't quickly launch a counterattack against the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army, I'm afraid the people of the Revolutionary Army will treat all the people who attacked at night as traitors.

By then, all the sacrifices that have occurred will be in vain.

"I understand... I, and all members of the Night Raid, will cooperate with your next move." Nadezhda's eyes regained their firmness, and she stood up and said to Alyssa.

Next, it was the chess piece's counterattack.

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