The next day, Angela calculated the time and started driving the Water Skylark to the agreed location to pick up the two.

Angela didn't care about the safety of the two in any way. She didn't care about the strength of the two or their personal feelings. Although they were all eight founders of the Revolutionary Army, in fact, their relationship only stayed at this level.

Except for Margaret, who was stronger than the others and had a little respect from the others, and Mil, who was an auxiliary type, the remaining six were unwilling to submit to each other.

If the Revolutionary Army can seize the empire and the territories of foreign ethnic groups as originally planned, then it will be their turn to start the pursuit of power.

"Well... I'll buy some little boys to play with then.……"Angela thought to herself.

Unfortunately, their plan was almost ruined.


Angela's water lark suddenly issued a warning, which made Angela frown. Although biological imperial weapons cannot speak, their owners usually know the general meaning of the imperial weapons.

They are being targeted.

"The target appeared. Judging from his appearance, he was a high-ranking member of the Revolutionary Army, the user of the Imperial Tool: Flying Water [Water Lark], Angela!"On a distant mountain, Maine saw Angela flying over through the scope and said to Tatsumi and Hill next to her.

"Huh?! No way?!"

Ma Yin suddenly found that the other side's water skylark opened its mouth in her direction, and then a water arrow shot towards her!

"We've been discovered!!"

Before Mayin finished speaking, the water arrows were about to reach the hilltop where the three of them were. Hill was about to step forward to resist, but Tatsumi had already rushed over to meet the water arrows.

"Water Breathing, Land Form, Twisting Vortex"

"It's so heavy... but I can do it!"

Feeling the force from the contact between the knife in his hand and the water arrow, Tatsumi used all his strength and combined with the water breathing technique to successfully redirect the incoming water arrow. The water arrow passed through the left ponytail of Mine and took away a few strands of Mine's hair. Mine froze in place.

Hill was stunned, and Tatsumi was also embarrassed. After all, if the water arrow had been a little more off, Mine's double ponytails would probably have become a single ponytail.

"I you do this on purpose!!!!!!"

As Marin's rage skyrocketed, the Romantic Turret [Pumpkin] in Marin's hand also began to heat up slightly.


Marin pointed the pumpkin at Tatsumi, who immediately lay down. After Marin saw Tatsumi lying down, she switched her gun and shot Angela on the water skylark.

Marin's mental fluctuations made the pumpkin's shot extremely powerful. Although the water skylark tried its best to turn around, half of its wings were still broken by the pumpkin's shot.

The water skylark immediately became shaky, but as a biological imperial weapon, such injuries will regenerate quickly.

"The attack just now... should be the imperial weapon Romantic Fortress [Pumpkin]. Did the people who attacked at night know something? We can't stay here for long!" Angela asked Shui Yunlark to start returning the same way.

"Damn it! Overheating at this time?!"

Ma Yin was about to fire another shot, but found that the last shot had caused the Pumpkin gun to overheat.

""Shua shua"

Brand and Susanoo jumped up from the forest and attacked the water lark while its wings were regenerating and it was losing altitude.


Sensing the danger, the water lark flapped its other wing vigorously, and its entire body began to spin, causing a small whirlwind.

Brand and Susanoo, who could not fly, were immediately blown back to the ground by the small whirlwind. Although the attack failed, their action was still successful.

"Breath of the Wind, Second Form, Claw Claw·Kehu Wind."

Chu Yufan also jumped out of the forest and fired four claw-shaped wind blades at the regenerating wings of the Water Cloud Speedbird. The wings that were originally regenerating were cut off again by these four wind blades.

"Leona!" Chu Yufan shouted in mid-air

"Here it comes!"

Leona, who had entered the beast state, jumped out from under Chu Yufan and punched Chu Yufan's feet together. Chu Yufan used his feet to jump to a height close to that of the water lark.

"It’s this distance!"

"Breath of the Wind, Seventh Form, Strong Wind - Tengu Wind."

Multiple tornado-shaped spiral wind blades attacked the regenerating wing and the other wing, and the water skylark dropped again.


The water skylark lowered its head and opened its mouth, launching a water arrow at Chu Yufan in mid-air.

"Water Breathing, Land Form, Twisting Vortex"

"Return it to you!"

Tatsumi and Chu Yufan used the same fighting skills to completely different effects. The knife in Chu Yufan's hand changed the direction of the water arrow and returned it to Shui Yunque.


Main observed the battle situation and then fired a shot at the other wing of the water lark.


Attacked again, the water lark began to fall.

"Water Skylark! Transform to land mode!"Angena said hurriedly.

The water skylark quickly fell into the forest, and then a huge water column rushed up to the sky. A water bird stood up from the water column and screamed to the sky.

Unlike other biological imperial weapons, the water skylark has a flying mode and a land mode. However, because it has two modes, the water skylark does not have a berserk skill like Susanoo.

This also means that once Angela abandons her air advantage, she will be killed as soon as she lands.

""Get out of here!"

After Angela said that, the water skylark quickly ran out of the forest. However, before it took two steps, the water skylark was entangled by a thin line.

It was Lubbock's imperial weapon that entangled the water skylark. At this time, a person without an imperial weapon was like being entangled in a spider web and could not move.

"Damn it! There's no way to break free!"

"Da da da……"

"Hmm? That’s… Akame?!" Angela saw that it was Akame who came out of the forest.

The high-ranking officials of the Revolutionary Army knew Akame, after all, the Imperial Tool: One-hit Kill [Murasame], even Chu Yufan and Esdeath could not ignore the existence of this Imperial Tool.

"Not good! We must escape from here!"

Angela panicked and ordered the water skylark to quickly escape, but Lubbock's imperial weapon was not so easy to break free of.


Akahide quickly stepped forward, using the line set by Lubbock to quickly jump onto the body of the water skylark, and rushed towards Angela.

"Wait a minute! You first……"

Chi Tong didn't waste any words and cut Angela's neck with a knife.

"how come……"

Feeling the curse begin to flow towards her heart, Angela also fell from the water skylark to the ground. The book she was reading in the meeting room before also fell out of her arms.

The book did not have a name, but the picture on the book showed that this book was definitely not a serious book.

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