"Are you okay?" Chu Yufan and others rushed over.

"It's okay, Lubbock's imperial weapon has played a big role."Akagi jumped down from the water skylark and said

"Of course!" Lubbock's nose stretched long when he heard this.

"Wow! What is this?"

Leone saw a book next to Angelina's body, picked it up curiously, and then shouted.

"What happened?"Everyone looked towards Leona.

"Why are even the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army such perverts!!"Leone threw Angela's book far away with all his strength.

"What book is it?" Chu Yufan asked curiously.

"Don't ask me! I don't want to remember it anymore! But that book made me understand that the Revolutionary Army must not be led by such a person!"Leone said loudly

"What should we do next?" Chi Tong looked at Chu Yufan and asked

"……Speed is of the essence in war. Let’s head towards the real headquarters of the Revolutionary Army now!"

"But how can we get to the Revolutionary Army headquarters?" Brand asked.���

"Leave this to me." Elisa came out of the forest and said

"Although I have never been inside to investigate, I know the real location of the Revolutionary Army's headquarters. I will lead you there."

"Hey, isn't this too dangerous? You don't have any fighting power, do you?" Chu Yufan whispered to Alyssa.

"There is no other way. You don’t know how to go without me leading the way. And Sister Sibiya will follow us secretly. It’s okay, sir."Alyssa replied in a low voice.

"……"Okay." Hearing this, Chu Yufan could only agree.

"What about this imperial tool?"

"I'll have someone collect it first, let's set off now!"


"According to the existing intelligence, there are still five imperial weapon users left in the Revolutionary Army, as well as some basic information about the troops."Alyssa reorganized the information she had obtained and wrote it down on paper to distribute to others.

After dealing with Angela, everyone had traveled quickly for half a day and had already advanced halfway.

Everyone was now taking a break and discussing the next move.

"The real headquarters of the Revolutionary Army is a small town, where the entire core is concentrated. After arriving there, you need to first gather intelligence and determine the location of the five imperial artifact users, and then……"Alisa looked at the others and said

"Catch the leader first!"

"The other side only has five imperial weapon users, so we should be able to defeat them with our strength, right?" Lubbock said

"Not necessarily. Once the war starts, the troops stationed at the Revolutionary Army headquarters will take action, and we still need to stop them."

"They are not the external troops of the Revolutionary Army, but the private soldiers trained by the high-ranking officials of the Revolutionary Army. Therefore, they will not obey the orders of Miss Nadezhda."Elisa explained.

The external troops of the Revolutionary Army are not difficult to deal with. As long as the evidence of the crimes of the high-ranking officials of the Revolutionary Army is obtained. In addition, with Nadezhda's prestige in the external troops, it can be dealt with quickly.

However, the internal troops are different. They are all soldiers loyal to the high-ranking officials, so someone is needed to stop them when the war starts.

"The situation will probably be very chaotic by then, and it may not be very useful to make arrangements first, so we can only act according to circumstances."

"If you don't encounter the Revolutionary Army's Imperial Artifact Users, just deal with the regular troops. If you encounter the Revolutionary Army's Imperial Artifact Users and find that you can't deal with them, you need to seek support."Najta looked at the information on the paper and said to the others

"However, this imperial weapon called Margaret is actually the same type as Esdeath's. Could it be as strong as Esdeath?"Leone said

"No, Margaret is not stronger than Esdeath, and she may not even be as strong as Esdeath."Chu Yufan, who has fought with Esdeath several times, said

"I could feel from the battle with the three Revolutionary Army Teigu users that their Teigu were not weak. However, their combat experience and combat awareness were quite poor. I guess it was because they had always stayed in the rear and had never been to the front line."

"Take the secret technique of the Imperial Equipment as an example. It actually took time for Davis to activate the secret technique of the Imperial Equipment. You know, the secret technique can be said to be the life-saving skill of the Imperial Equipment user!"

"This shows that this group of people have never been on the battlefield, or even fought many battles."

"If my estimate is correct, Margaret's strength is at most Bud's level, and it is impossible to have the strength of Esdeath."Chu Yufan analyzed.

Esdeath's strength comes from her comprehensive strength, whether it is imperial equipment, physical skills, including combat awareness, etc.

And Bud's strength, about 70% comes from his own imperial equipment.

This is also the reason why Chu Yufan was able to beat Bud when he broke into the palace for the second time. After all, Bud is not strong in physical skills. It can even be said that in close combat, Bud can only rely on defense. Although

Chu Yufan's analysis is well-organized, it still makes others feel ashamed. What does it mean that the strength is at most at Bud's level?

"This guy, don't you think that everyone present has the strength of General Budd?" Everyone looked at Chu Yufan and complained in their hearts.

"Ahem... Sir, General Bud is quite strong... Forget it, let's stop talking about this... Sir, what do you think of the abilities of other imperial tools?"

Alyssa coughed twice and was about to explain Bud's fighting ability. But she gave up quickly and changed the subject.

"【Soul-calling banner】,【Magic Wand] and Black Coffin. They are both very suitable for group battles, but if they are taken out alone, the threat is not very big."

【The [Soul Summoning Banner] controls the corpses to be the front-line meat shields, and the [Magic Wand] provides close protection. Although it is not clear what the special armament of the [Black Coffin] looks like, it is estimated to be a long-range heavy firepower.

However, if it is taken out alone, it will probably be doomed to die if it encounters an imperial weapon user of the same level.

Take Hei Tong's imperial weapon, the March of the Dead [Eight Chambers] as an example. The reason why this imperial weapon is so powerful is because Hei Tong himself is strong enough. If Hei Tong only relies on eight corpse puppets to protect himself, he probably won't live long.

"Compared to others, this guy makes me care a lot……"Chu Yufan said.

Owl, Imperial Tool: Devil's Eye [Devil], ability unknown

"I have never heard of an imperial weapon that can only be used by replacing organs.……"Nadezhda frowned and said

"Yes, so I think maybe this guy is the biggest enemy."Chu Yufan stood up and said

""When an enemy comes, we will fight him; when water comes, we will block it with earth. Let's take it one step at a time!"

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