Chu Yufan and Chelsea did not make any moves. After all, their current mission was to investigate the situation. If they jumped out and caused a commotion at this time, it would be troublesome.

So the two secretly left the place where they were playing house and moved deeper into the town.

When they came to another part of the town, they suddenly found that the architectural style of this place was very different from the architectural style just now.

If the architectural style just now was the style of an ordinary town, then the place where they were now was a deserted town.

"How strange?……"Chelsea suddenly felt a chill

"Be careful……"Chu Yufan said, and then walked in front.

The deserted place was uninhabited, which made the two feel strange. It was obviously the same town, why was there such a huge difference?

"Someone is coming!" Chu Yufan whispered, and then hid aside. Seeing this, Chelsi also hid aside.

""Huh! Huh! Huh!"

A woman was running wildly on the road here. She was running towards the place where Chu Yufan and the others had just walked past. It seemed as if someone was chasing her from behind.

"What's going on?"

Before Chelsea finished her words, a dozen people appeared in the direction the woman came from, chasing the woman. Chu Yufan and the others took a closer look and found that these people had dull eyes and various wounds on their bodies.

"These people...are actually corpses?!" Chu Yufan said in surprise, and then he realized what was going on. After all, there were such imperial tools among the top leaders of the revolutionary army.


The woman was soon caught up by the corpse and torn into pieces. However, even if she had not been caught up by the corpse, this woman would probably have become one of the"playing house" mentioned above.

"Let's go."

On the way forward, Chu Yufan and the others finally understood what this area was for.

This area was a game of"cat and mouse", with the cat being the corpse and the people being the mice. Whoever was caught would die, and those who could escape could play a new game,"playing house"."

"What a disgusting place……"Chelsi says

"Yes... I finally understand why this place is so far away from the outside of the Revolutionary Army." Chu Yufan said


The two walked through the area and came to a place that was obviously a military camp. However, the two did not go in. Instead, they memorized this place in their minds and changed direction to go somewhere else.

Then the two passed through a place full of little boys. The warm feeling of this place made the two feel that it was completely out of place with the other two places.

Maybe the owner of this place had already fallen to the ground and turned into a box. The two did not find anything strange and continued to move forward.

Then there was a slaughterhouse. When Chu Yufan and Chelsea saw the scene in front of them, they almost vomited.

This is a large square with a pool surrounded by bricks in the middle. There was a foul smell in the pool. Chu Yufan looked into the pool from a distance and found that the pool was full of human body parts.

"Damn! Are these high-ranking officials of the Revolutionary Army all sick?"Chu Yufan and Chelsi complained in their hearts at the same time.

They did not dare to stay any longer and chose to move forward. They soon arrived at another area.

"Has a herbal taste……"Chelsea sniffed the air and said to Chu Yufan

""Let's go and have a look." Chu Yufan replied.

The two walked carefully to the front and found that there was only an ordinary small house in front of them. Some herbs of different colors were planted in the house. In the yard outside the small house, an old man was lying on a rocking chair, holding a pipe in his hand and smoking.

"……Guests are welcome, so you two don't have to hide. You can come out and chat with me. Haha, I haven't chatted with anyone for a long time. The old man actually found Chu Yufan and Chelsea and asked them to come out and chat.

"Leader, what to do?"

"……"Chu Yufan thought about it, then nodded to Chelsea, stood up and said

"The old man's perception is quite good. He can actually spot the two of us."

"Haha~ When I was young like you, I was also very sharp."The old man said with a smile

"Leader, it seems that when you get old, you will be like him."Chelsey joked

"I don't smoke." Chu Yufan rolled his eyes and walked towards the yard.

"Excuse me, old man."

"Don't bother me, don't bother me. After all, I haven't seen other people for a long time."

"How could that be? There are still quite a lot of people here."Chu Yufan replied with a smile

"Boy...those are not people, they are ghosts."

""Does the old man know anything?" Chu Yufan asked

"Me? Of course I know, after all, I have lived here since the town was built."The old man's words made Chu Yufan frown.

"Don't be so nervous, young man. If you are interested, just listen to my story."The old man began to talk to himself.

The old man's name is Andrew, and he has lived here many years ago. Of course, there was not only Andrew living here originally, but a small village.

Although the village is small, it is isolated from the world. This is also a pure land in the dark ages of the empire.

Andrew is a doctor, and he is from a family of medicine passed down from generation to generation. Andrew's medical skills are also very superb, but it is precisely because of this superb medical skills that he later brought a catastrophe to the village.

One day, two people from other villages, a man and a woman, came here. The woman's name is Margaret, and the man calls himself Owl.

The two passed by constantly After searching, they found the village where Andrew was. The two hoped to rely on Andrew's medical skills to accomplish some things.

Although Andrew had rarely been out of the village, he could still see that the two people in front of him had bad intentions. However, Andrew himself had no fighting ability, so in order to protect other people in the village, Andrew had no choice but to compromise.

Andrew healed Margaret's body that was seriously injured by the imperial weapon, and successfully transplanted the imperial weapon's eye into Owl.

However, the people in the village were still slaughtered by the two and became victims of their experiments with the imperial weapon.

Andrew survived because of his superb medical skills and was placed under house arrest in this small house.

"What kind of ability does that owl have?"Chu Yufan asked after listening to Andrew's story.

"I don't know the details, but it should be something like being able to affect the other party's vision." Andrew replied

"Affect the opponent's vision……"Chu Yufan muttered

"Young man, although you are very young and have great potential... it's a pity that you have a short life.……"Andrew looked at Chu Yufan who was thinking and said slowly.

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