"Hey, old man, how can you curse others casually?" After hearing Andrew's words, Chelsea immediately retorted

"Hehe...Is it a random curse? I think the young man knows it himself."Andrew smiled slightly and then looked at Chu Yufan.


Chu Yufan looked at Andrew meaningfully and did not reply.


Chelsi looked at Chu Yufan who didn't reply and couldn't help asking

"Old man, have you mastered the art of immortality?"After a moment of silence, Chu Yufan stared into Andrew's eyes and asked

"I haven't seen it in detail yet... But there should be room for maneuver."Andrew's eyes did not dodge, but met Chu Yufan's eyes directly and said

"I see... I will come back to ask you for advice after I finish my work." Chu Yufan said, clasping his hands together.

"Hehe~ I will wait for good news from the young man... By the way, let me give you this thing……"Andrew took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Chu Yufan

"What is this?!"

Chu Yufan opened the paper and found that it actually had a map of the entire town and even the approximate locations of the eight imperial weapon users of the revolutionary army.

"Thank you very much, old man."Chu Yufan thanked again

"Go ahead, young man. I will wait for your good news here.

Chu Yufan and Chelsi said goodbye to Andrew and left.

"Come on……"Andrew looked at the backs of the two people leaving and thought to himself.

The three people at this time did not notice that there was a figure watching them from a distance. It was not until Chu Yufan and Chelsea left that the figure left.


Chu Yufan and Chelsi walked around the town according to the records on the map. After confirming that the map was correct, they ran out from another exit of the town.

"Leader, is what Andrew just said true?"Chelsea looked at Chu Yufan's back and couldn't help asking

"Well... Andrew's map is accurate, so there is no need for him to lie about the past."Chu Yufan replied

"……You should know that I am not asking that."Chelsey said

""Chelsea, everything has its own destiny, that's all I can say." Chu Yufan replied.

Hearing this, Chelsea stopped talking.

On the other side, where Alyssa and others were

"Why haven't you come back yet?……"Leona said boredly

"I don't think it will happen that soon. If this operation cannot completely wipe out the enemy, it will be meaningless."Najta replied

"Be patient and wait……"Brand said.

Now that Chu Yufan has revealed his identity, Tatsumi and the other two sat next to Alyssa and asked about what happened after their master came to the imperial capital.

"Oh! So that's how it is, it was the master who saved you."Sayou said

"Yes, if you hadn't saved me, I would be dead now." said Alisa, who was wearing a mask.

"What happened afterwards?" Iyeas asked curiously.


Elisa began to tell the three about what Chu Yufan had done. After all, Tatsumi and the other two had joined the Night Raid for a while, so she could take the opportunity to instill some of the ideas of her organization into the three.

"But Master is really something. He has been missing for a long time, which makes Sister Keer worry about him every day."Shayou said indignantly after hearing about Chu Yufan's story.

"Ms. Cole?"

"She is the elder sister that Master brought with him when he first came to our village." Tatsumi replied

"……Have they known each other for a long time? They must have a good relationship, right?"Alyssa hesitated for a moment, then asked

"It seems like we have known each other for a while and we have a good relationship."Tatsumi replied

"It's more than good! Sister Keer is already our master's wife!"Iyeas said with a smile

"So that's it……"

Alisa is wearing a mask, no one can see her expression under the mask


Suddenly there was a noise in the bushes, and everyone immediately became alert. Then they found that Chu Yufan and Chelsi had returned.

""Why did you come back from here?" Nadezhda asked, because if the two of them were going back the same way, this would not be the right direction.

"Let's talk about the specific situation together."

"Chelsea and I have determined the locations on the map, and they are roughly accurate. I think we can formulate a battle plan based on this map."Chu Yufan said. The original plan was to explore the basic situation. If the situation was unclear, we could only choose to attack.

But now that we have this map, we don't need to do that. We can just attack at a fixed point.

"There are still five Imperial Artifact Users left in the town. There are about 3,000 troops guarding the town."Chelsey said

"……"Nadezhda did not reply, but her brain started to work rapidly.

"Tatsumi, Sau, and Iyeas are not imperial weapons users, so they will handle the three thousand people. Leone, Chelsi, and Lubbock should also act with Tatsumi."

""I, Akame, Brand, Susanoo, Hill, Mayne and Chu Yufan, we will deal with the five imperial tools users." Najeta said.

Although she didn't know what the other 3,000 people were like, Tatsumi and his team's main task was to attract the attention of the 3,000 people.

As long as they could get rid of the five imperial tools users, the rest would not be a problem.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is just our battle plan. We have no way of knowing what will happen in the end. So, if you encounter any special situation, you will need to adapt to it."


"So, let’s get started!"


"You mean, rats have broken into the town?" Margaret looked at Owl and asked in confusion.

"Yes, Mouse and Andrew have had contact. Considering that there is no news about Angela and the other two, I guess the people who attacked at night already know something."Xiao replied

"……"Margaret's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Outside the revolutionary army, the most threatening group was the Night Raid, so Margaret had always been concerned about the members of the Night Raid.

It must be said that the existence of the Night Raid was indeed of great help to them. But this was based on the premise that there would be no threat to their interests.

If their interests were threatened, they would eliminate the Night Raid and others without hesitation.

"I'm afraid that Night Raid and the others have joined forces with the White Death. Angela and the other two are probably dead."

"Then let them come. Owl, gather everyone together." Margaret said.

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