Chu Yufan and his group were divided into five groups and began to sneak into the town.

Tatsumi and his group of six people headed for the military camp in the town. Their mission was to attract the attention of the 3,000 people guarding the town and prevent them from interfering with other places.

Susanoo and Najeta were in one group, and Maine and Hill were in another group. They each dealt with a revolutionary army imperial weapon user.

Akame, Brand and Chu Yufan, the three of them, each dealt with a imperial weapon user.

Everything seemed to be going according to plan.


"The military camp is ahead, be careful!"Chelsey, the leader, said to the others.

The others nodded and began to check their weapons.

"We don't know the enemy's weapons configuration yet, so I'll lead the charge, and you, Lubbock, will cover me."Leone, who has the ability to recover, said.

The six of them quickly reached the gate of the military camp, and the beast-like Leone punched the gate hard, knocking the gate of the military camp flying out.

"No one?!"

The six entered the barracks and found that no one was there. Judging from the noise Leone had just made, if there were anyone in the barracks, they would have already run away.

""Oh no! This is a trap! Let's get out of here!" Leone said quickly after a short downtime, but it was too late.

A wall had sprung out from the ground at the location of the broken military camp gate, blocking the exit of the military camp.


"So hard!"Leone punched the wall in the same way, but the wall was more solid than everyone expected.

"I didn't expect you guys to come here."

Tatsumi and the others looked towards the source of the sound. Ariana, holding an imperial weapon, stood on the high wall of the military camp.

She waved the black flag in her hand and many corpses appeared on the ground. As soon as these corpses appeared, they rushed towards Tatsumi and the other six without hesitation.

"Watch out!!"Leone punched a corpse and sent it flying, but the corpse quickly stood up again.

"What a nuisance!"The attacks of the others were just as ineffective as Leone's.



Others also encountered different situations.

Chi Tong's target was Xiao, but when she arrived at Xiao's base, it was Bernard who stood in front of her.


Chi Tong understood immediately that their plan was known to the other party. So Chi Tong did not waste time talking to Bernard, and immediately rushed towards Bernard, intending to quickly deal with him.

""Arm, activate!"

Bernard, who knew the Red Eyes' Imperial Gear, quickly retreated and activated his own Imperial Gear, the Black Coffin.

Bernard's Imperial Gear quickly turned into a four-shot rocket launcher. He aimed the scope at the Red Eyes and pulled the trigger.

""Swish, swish, swish."

Four rockets whizzed towards Chi Tong, and Chi Tong quickly dodged. However, what she didn't expect was that the rockets turned a corner and rushed towards Chi Tong again.

Chi Tong hurriedly hid in a nearby house, and the rockets hit the house and caused a violent explosion.

"Da da da da."

Before Akahima could catch her breath, a burst of machine gun fire forced her to move again.

"Just like that, suppress her with firepower. As long as she doesn't get close to me, her imperial weapon can't do anything to me."Bernard didn't have much close combat ability, so when facing Akahima, he could only suppress her with the range of his imperial weapon.

Akahima was very fast. She quickly shuttled between the houses and quickly approached Bernard's direction, and soon came behind him.

Just as Akahima was about to get close, her pupils shrank suddenly, and then she quickly retreated.


Bernard had already prepared a bomb behind him. If Chi Tong had rushed directly, he would have been blown up into the sky.

"He is avoiding close combat with me. As long as I can get through his firepower net, I can kill him with one strike!"Akatō judged in his heart




The energy wave collided with the icicle and canceled out. Marin kept looking around and was on guard. Hill was also watching beside Marin.

The other party was hiding in the house, shooting cold guns in the dark and attacking Marin and the others. If it were normal, Marin would choose to directly sweep the enemy out with a large range of fire.

But what Marin and Hill did not expect was that there were many ordinary people tied up in the house. These people should be the people in the"playing house" mentioned by Chu Yufan and Chelsea.

This put the two of them in a passive position for a while, and they could only defend against Xia Lika's attack.

"Bastard! When I think about risking my life for such a pervert, I feel particularly sick!"Looking at the enemy who used ordinary people as human shields, Marin couldn't help but curse

"Calm down, Myne, and try to find the opponent's weakness."Hill reminded

""Ah, I know." Marin replied


"It seems that the enemy has already known our movements."Najta looked at the owl with black cloth wrapped around his eyes, and her face suddenly became ugly.

After all, they originally planned to deal with Ariana, but they didn't expect that the owl would be here.

"Najeta... As a chess piece, you did a pretty good job. It's a pity that you, as a chess piece, actually chose a move that would lead to your death." Although Xiao was blindfolded, Najeta could feel that he was looking at her, so she replied.

"I never thought that the organization I planned to devote my life to was no different from those in the Empire. Whenever I think of those who sacrificed, I feel furious."

"Let's end this today!"

"Yeah……"Xiao smiled slightly, and then slightly lifted his eyes covered by the black cloth.

Xiao's eyeballs were clear and bright blood red, and an indescribable sense of weirdness filled the hearts of Nadezhda and Susanoo.

"After today, there will be no more night raids. Because you... can never defeat me."


Brand and Margaret met, and they started fighting without any nonsense.

Stones made of lava fell from the sky and fell madly towards Brand.

"Oh oh oh oh oh———"

As a real man, how could Brand retreat? He was seen holding a red-backed shrike and smashing a rock with one shot.

"Is this all you can do? You are far inferior to Esdeath!"Brand shouted at Margaret.

"Don't worry!"Hundred Man Killer" Brand, the battle has just begun!"Margaret said with a smile.

Compared with others, Chu Yufan was confused. After all, he had just arrived at Margaret's base when a large number of fully armed personnel suddenly appeared around him and surrounded him.

""Put down your weapons and surrender!" A man who looked like a small leader shouted at Chu Yufan with a smug look on his face.

"Although the action was discovered, isn't this too much?" Chu Yufan looked at the people around him speechlessly.

"Actually placing the weakest here is really disrespectful!"

"The breath of the moon, the shape of the 14th, the ominous change, the sky is full of the slender moon."

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