The top leaders of the Revolutionary Army were well aware of the abilities of the Night Raid members, so when making plans, they paired up those members of the Night Raid who had the worst compatibility with them.

Since Angela and the other two were already dead, the number of Imperial Tools used by the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army was less than that of the Night Raid. Fortunately, the Night Raid chose the headquarters of the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army as the battlefield.

This allowed Margaret and others to use the geographical advantage to fight against the Night Raid members.

There was no problem with the countermeasures, but the biggest mistake made by Margaret and the others was to send 3,000 troops to encircle Chu Yufan.

But this was normal, after all, they didn't know where this guy Chu Yufan came from, and they were probably still feeling lucky that the White Death didn't end up.

It's a pity that the Death had already come to their house.

The battle was a foregone conclusion, and under the large-scale damage of the Breath of the Moon, the 3,000 troops all fell down like grass, which made Chu Yufan feel very embarrassed.

This seemed too bullying.

"Forget it, let's go support the others."Chu Yufan���I thought about it and then left here


At the military camp, Tatsumi and his men were in a tough fight.

This was normal, after all, Ariana was standing on the high wall. She was manipulating the corpses from above to attack Tatsumi and his men, but Tatsumi and his men were unable to attack Ariana.

"This won't work! What should I do?"Iyeas chopped down a corpse with his knife, and as he watched the corpses increase, he couldn't help but say

"We must find a way to deal with that imperial weapon user!" said Shayou

"But we can't reach that height!" Tatsumi replied.

"Calm down! Observe carefully!"Leone had been observing the walls around him, but they were very smooth and he couldn't climb up.

"……I have a solution! But I need your cooperation!" Chelsi suddenly said

"How do we cooperate?" Leone asked.……

"They are so tenacious. Fortunately, there was no direct confrontation, otherwise I would have died long ago."Arina thought to herself as she watched the people struggling in the pile of corpses for a long time.

Arina's close combat ability is only average. If she were to control the corpses on the ground to fight against Tatsumi and others, she would be easily killed.

This is why Margaret sent Arina to the military camp to cooperate with the high wall to fight.

As long as they can continue to use corpses to fight a war of attrition, the final victory will definitely be Arina.


Arina came back to her senses from Leone's shout, and saw Lubbock in the distance being caught by the corpse and struggling.

"Help! I don't want to die yet!" Lubbock shouted, but he was immediately surrounded by several corpses.

"Get out of the way!"Leone, Tatsumi and the other two ran towards Lubbock, but the corpses kept blocking them.


As Lubbock screamed several times, his limbs spurted out a large amount of blood and broke apart.


Chelsey had been staying beside Lubbock. After the corpse threw Lubbock's"corpse" aside, they rushed over and surrounded him with a horrified expression on her face.

Soon, Chelsea was torn to pieces by the corpse, leaving only blood on the ground.

"Bastard!"Seeing this, Leona couldn't help but look at Ariana on the high wall.

"Looks like it's almost over." Looking at Leona's murderous eyes, Ariana thought indifferently


""Huh! Huh!"

Marin hid in the corner and panted. The high-intensity battle made her a little exhausted.

Xia Lika kept using ordinary people as human shields, which made it impossible for Marin's imperial weapon to release its maximum power. In addition, in the previous battle, Hill and Marin got separated.

"I don't know how Hill is doing."

On the other side, Hill sneaked into a house and came to the second floor of the house. There were three people tied to the supporting pillars of the house in the room on the second floor, and they kept struggling. When the three saw Hill suddenly breaking in, they couldn't help but look at him for help.


Hill ignored them. If they couldn't defeat the enemy, then even if they rescued the three people now, they would not survive.

Hill carefully came to the window on the second floor and looked outside.

So far, she and Marin could only see the shadow of the enemy. But they still didn't know the enemy's position. It was obvious that the enemy was very familiar with the layout here.

"Where is Ma Yin now?"Hill thought to himself.

"Ah~ You're actually looking outside like this, are you afraid that I can't see it?"

Xia Lika hid in the shadows and found Hill looking outside, muttering to herself

"Hehe~ This is an opportunity~"

The magic wand in Xia Lika's hand glowed slightly, and she aimed at the window where Hill was.


Hill suddenly felt a faint light appear in the darkness, and reacted instantly, running downstairs in a hurry.

A huge earth pillar shot towards Hill's position, and the huge force cut the entire second floor of the house into the sky.


"What happened?!"

The loud noise startled Marin who was hiding. She looked outside and saw that the second floor of a house had been flattened.


Main knew that the enemy must have discovered them if they launched an attack. If she was not discovered, then Hill was discovered by the enemy.

Soon, something fell from the sky and confirmed Main's guess.

"This is... Hill's……"

Maine stared blankly at the Imperial Gear that fell from the sky. It was Hill's Imperial Gear: All Things Severed [Soul-Stirring]. Looking at the blood on the Imperial Gear, Maine froze in place.

"Hehe~ Now you are the only one left."When Xia Lika saw Hill's imperial weapon flying out of the house, she knew she had defeated him.

"What, you don't plan to use human shields to defend anymore?"Ma Yin looked at Xia Lika with a gloomy face and couldn't help but say

"Hehe~ I think I can handle a short guy like you by myself." Xia Lika said with a smile

"You will regret this……"Maine clenched the imperial tool in her hand and said to Sharika word by word:


"Phew! Fortunately I got out." Hill hid in the corner and thought thankfully, but soon she discovered a problem.

"……I seem to have forgotten to take my imperial weapon?"

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