There are only three imperial weapons users left in the Revolutionary Army.

Bernard is one of them. With his powerful firepower, he suppressed Akame and made her unable to get close. But that's all, because it's impossible to defeat Akame this way.

After all, this is a world where you can use swords to block bullets.

"As expected of the Night Raid's trump card, can this kind of attack be done without causing any harm?"Bernard thought to himself as he looked at the unharmed Akame in front of him.

His firepower output was completely unable to attack the opponent, and at most it would only cause some dust on Akame's body.

"The firepower is very strong, but this guy's eyesight can't keep up with my movements, so all the attacks fall behind me."Based on the previous battle, Akado already roughly knows the opponent's strength.

Akado rushed towards Bernard again, and Bernard's imperial weapon opened fire again. Akado quickly turned around and began to circle around Bernard.

"Are you planning to use this method to find the flaw?"Bernard thought to himself, and then the imperial weapon in his hand changed its form again, turning into a circular rotating turret.

The rotating turret opened fire instantly, completely covering the area around Bernard with artillery fire, and Akame's figure also disappeared in the artillery fire.

The artillery fire continued to cover for a full three minutes before gradually stopping.

Bernard stood in the middle, and now his attention was fully focused. At this time, the surroundings were completely shrouded in smoke due to the artillery fire. If Akame was not dead, he would definitely not miss this close-range opportunity.


The light footsteps caught Bernard's attention. Akahima appeared from the smoke behind him and approached Bernard less than three meters away.

Bernard reacted quickly and blocked Akahima with the imperial weapon in his hand like a shield.


""Bang, bang, bang."

Chi Tong noticed that the black coffin in front of him suddenly had three gun muzzles, so he quickly pulled back. At the moment of retreating, the three gun muzzles also fired.

"Tsk, I thought I could hit it." Bernard said

"……"Akatsuki didn't answer.

"Hmm... Upon closer inspection, you are really a beauty! You are different from the ones I played with before." Bernard looked at Chi Tong and suddenly said

"Alas, it's a pity to kill him like this. Do you want to surrender? As long as I ask, others will not do anything to you."Bernard said again

"Don't try to disrupt my actions with words."Akagami said

"Really? You think too much, I just feel sorry for you. Bernard said with a regretful expression

"Come to think of it, you have a younger sister, right?"

Bernard's words successfully made Chi Tong's face darken.


On the other side, the battle between Brand and Margaret continues

"As expected of Brand, the"Hundred-Man Killer", he can actually fight me to this extent."Margaret looked at Brand and said

"……"Brand did not answer, but looked at the other party through the armor. After a moment of silence, he said

"Is this all you have?"

"What?" Margaret asked in confusion.

"Why���Use long-range attacks? Are you looking down on me?" Brand said.

It turned out that Margaret had always used the Imperial Tool to attack against Brand, which made Brand somewhat dissatisfied. After all, Margaret had the same Imperial Tool as Esdeath, so the two sides should have similar strengths.

However, in fact, the difference in strength between Esdeath and Margaret was not a little bit.

You know, in the last battle in the Cathedral, even Brand and Susanoo joined forces, and they could not survive more than a few rounds at the hands of Esdeath.

Margaret was also a little surprised by Brand's words. Isn't her Imperial Tool only capable of long-range attacks? Does she have to use weapons for close combat?

"I don't look down on you, I am fighting you very seriously!" Margaret replied

"So that's it……"Before Brand finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot.


Margaret waved her arm, and lava appeared around it, protecting it layer by layer.

""Crack" the lava soon made a sound, and then a side of the lava broke apart. Margaret quickly retreated, and then created a lava rock in the air and smashed it down at that location.

""Bang, bang, bang" the lava rocks fell to the ground with a loud noise. Margaret could see a figure moving back and forth in the dust. Then she pressed her right hand on the ground.

""Turn into magma!"

The open space in the area ahead turned into a magma area in just a few seconds. Although Brand was wearing armor, he didn't dare to bathe directly in the magma pool, so he chose to jump forward.

"Lava rock!"

Seeing the shadows jumping in the lava pool, Margaret once again created lava rocks and bombarded Brand.

"How can a small stone block the passion in my heart?"

"Oh oh oh oh oh———!!"

Brand quickly swung the Red-backed Shrike in his hand, smashing the lava into pieces.

Then Brand jumped high and swung it hard at the lava on the ground. After a sound, a huge crack appeared on the ground, and the lava flowed into the crack and disappeared.

"What?"Margaret retreated quickly, but was soon caught up by Brand.

"So that's it, you really don't look down on me, but you only know how to attack with imperial tools, right?"

Brand swung the Red-backed Shrike in his hand at Margaret, and Margaret flew out instantly and crashed into the house behind her.

"To make sure she's dead.……"Just as Brand was about to step forward, a sudden burst of intense heat erupted in the house.


Margaret's whole body was filled with blazing flames, and even the blood vessels in her body began to glow slightly.

However, from her expression, it can be seen that she was obviously a little overwhelmed by this move.

"I thought I could solve it without using any secret techniques, after all, this move will cause serious damage to my body. If you let me use this move, you will have to bear the wrath of the God of Fire!" Margaret said with a grim look on her face.

"You have the nerve to call yourself the God of Fire? Then let me see it for myself!" Brand said to Margaret without any fear.

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