When Bernard brought up Akado's sister to disrupt Akado's actions, his fate was already sealed.

But Bernard didn't know this. He only saw that when he brought up Hei Tong, Akado had already shown signs of being anxious.

"If you are anxious, you may lose your life easily."Bernard thought to himself, and then used the secret technique in the imperial weapon.

The imperial weapon black coffin was divided into three pieces, two of which were suspended and turned into gun muzzles. At the same time, the third piece was divided into two pieces again, turning into a handheld cannon. The suspended cannon has the ability to track itself, and it can achieve the most accurate strike with the handheld cannon.

"Bang, bang, bang!

The suspended cannon quickly came near Chi Tong and opened fire. Chi Tong also began to move, avoiding the shells while quickly running towards Bernard's position.

"Head-on attack?"Bernard fired his two-handed cannon at Chitong.

Chitong quickly turned to avoid the cannonball, but soon the opponent's attack came again.

"I need more speed……"Akahime knew that her speed was not fast enough, so she could only dodge the opponent's attack awkwardly.


Chi Tong began to move non-stop and at high speed. She knew very well that if Chu Yufan or Esdeath were to fight Bernard in front of her, Bernard would not even have the chance to use his imperial weapon.

She was entangled by him because she was not strong enough.

"What's going on? Is this guy going faster?"Bernard gradually felt something was wrong.

"Faster speed, so fast that even the opponent's imperial weapon can't react in time!" Akame thought to himself as he looked at the turret that had been floating beside him and tracking him.

"She can't keep moving at this speed for too long, she must speed up her attack!"Looking at the fast-moving Akame, Bernard began to feel uneasy.

Bernard knew very well that if his imperial weapon encountered an opponent with fast enough speed, it would be easily killed instantly.

At the beginning, Akame's speed was definitely not up to par, but now Akame was obviously beginning to show different changes, which made Bernard a little anxious.

If he was anxious, he would easily lose his life.

"Hmm? Why did you stop so suddenly?"Bernard was stunned for a moment when he saw Akahima suddenly stop.

Akahima closed her eyes and stood there with Murasame in her hand. Soon she opened her eyes again and looked at Bernard.

Akahima rushed towards Bernard again. The difference from before was that the suspended turret was obviously a beat slower this time.

"What?!"Bernard was about to pull back, but he found that Chi Tong had already come in front of him.

"Wait a moment……"


Chi Tong slashed at Bernard's neck, and blood gushed out immediately.

"You shouldn't mention my sister.……"Chi Tong looked at Bernard and said slowly

"Anyone who dares to attack my sister, even if he is a god, I will destroy him."

"……It seems that...I am the one who is anxious...……"Bernard said self-deprecatingly, and soon died.

""Huh!" Chi Tong exhaled lightly.

"I wonder what Hei Tong is doing now?"


"What's going on? Why can't I defeat him even with my secret technique?"

Margaret was very surprised. She clearly had an imperial weapon of the same level as the strongest in the empire, so why couldn't she defeat Brand in front of her?

After Margaret used the secret technique of the imperial weapon, she had fought with Brand for several rounds, but still couldn't suppress him.

"It's strange? Why can't you suppress me?"Brand looked at Margaret's face through the armor and couldn't help but say

"While you are enjoying our achievements in the battle, we have experienced countless life-and-death battles."

"How can you possibly beat me, who has plenty of combat experience!!"

Brand roared and shot Margaret. Margaret flew backwards, her face becoming uncertain.

""Malta hand!"

Margaret raised her right hand, and the blood vessels in her palm split slightly. Blood flew out with a faint light, and quickly condensed into a large hand made of magma, which slapped Brand.

Brand had just dodged the palm, and the magma hand quickly adjusted its direction and slapped Brand again. Brand could only raise the Red-backed Shrike to take it.


Brand flew out like a cannonball and crashed into the house. Margaret quickly approached and slapped the whole house with her lava hand.

Just as her hand was about to fall, Brand broke through the wall and rushed towards Margaret.

"Damn it!"

Margaret cursed inwardly. To perform this magma hand move, she needed to rupture her own blood vessels. In the process, the excruciating pain made it difficult for Margaret to bear.

Margaret stretched out her left hand and quickly created a magma shield to block Brand's attack.

Seeing this, Brand jumped hard, and under Margaret's stunned eyes, he jumped over the shield and landed on the ground, and then rushed towards Margaret again.


Seeing her attack being easily resolved by the opponent, Margaret panicked. After all, according to her original idea, she should be able to crush Brand with her own strength.

However, the fact is the opposite. As Brand said, Margaret did not have much combat experience.


Margaret took a deep breath and made up her mind.

The glowing blood vessels on Margaret's body burst open one after another, and then the magma covered her whole body and quickly turned into a magma giant with two people's height. Margaret was completely hidden in the magma giant.


Margaret screamed in the magma giant. It must not be a very comfortable thing to swim in magma.

"This kind of move will definitely not last long for the opponent. As long as I delay, I will win.……"

"But a real man should fight straight ahead!" Brand shouted, holding the Red-backed Shrike and confronting the lava giant head-on.

""Watch out for the gun!"

Facing the palm of the magma giant, Brand quickly waved the red-backed shrike and actually completely broke the palm of the magma giant.

"What?! How is it possible!"Margaret said in disbelief

"I've said it before! How can a mere lava block my passion for blood!"

Brand held the Red-backed Shrike in his hand and swung it at the arm of the lava giant, and one of the giant's arms was cut off by a single shot.

"Oh oh oh oh oh———!"

Brand fought more and more bravely, and fired a few more shots. The magma giant was instantly torn into pieces, and Margaret's figure was also revealed.

Brand quickly stepped forward, and under Margaret's unbelievable expression, he shot it in half

"This is impossible……"

Margaret murmured, she obviously has the same level of imperial weapon as the strongest in the empire, why……

"The reason why Esdeath's imperial weapon is so powerful is because she is so powerful. And yours is so powerful only because your imperial weapon is so powerful."

"So... the so-called strongest... is just my fantasy?……"

Brand heaved a sigh of relief as he looked at Margaret who was no longer moving.

There was only one high-ranking imperial weapon user left in the Revolutionary Army.

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