Chu Yufan first supported Najeta and Susanoo, after all, they were the closest to each other.

But when Chu Yufan arrived at the scene, he saw a strange scene.

Susanoo and Najeta looked nervous and kept attacking the air in front of them, while their enemy, Xiao, stood a little further away and did not move.


Chu Yufan slowly approached Xiao's position, and then slashed at Xiao's back with a fierce knife. However, unexpectedly, the knife in Chu Yufan's hand went straight through Xiao's body.

"No real sense of hit……"

Chu Yufan was thinking, when he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind coming from the right rear. Chu Yufan swung his knife to the right rear, and heard a"clang" sound, as if he had hit something.

"Invisible? No, we need to confirm it again."

Chu Yufan began to observe the surroundings. Apart from Najeta and the other person who were still attacking the air, there was no other movement.


Chu Yufan looked to the left suddenly, and the figure of Xiao suddenly appeared there, rushing towards him with a dagger.

Just when Chu Yufan wanted to resist, a dangerous breath came from behind him. Chu Yufan quickly turned forward and went straight through the body of"Xiao". Obviously, this Xiao was also fake.

"What a strange ability, can it actually interfere with the opponent's vision?"Chu Yufan thought in surprise.

No wonder Nadezhda and Susanoo were still hitting the air, probably in their vision, the two were fighting fiercely with"Owl".

"Is it just interfering with vision? Or is it some other ability?"Chu Yufan was alert and thought.

At this moment, Xiao appeared again. He attacked Chu Yufan from the front again, while Chu Yufan carefully observed the opponent's actions.


Another danger came from behind, and Chu Yufan was about to turn back to resist. However, his rich combat instinct told Chu Yufan that the real danger was in front.

So the knife that was originally intended to resist the attack from behind turned back to the front.


"Sure enough! This is a real person!" Chu Yufan thought thankfully

"You can actually respond to my attacks three times in a row, you are really amazing!"Xiao looked at Chu Yufan and couldn't help but be a little surprised. After all

, if it was his previous opponent, he would basically just be toyed with, just like Najeta and the other two who were still hitting the air.

"Is that an eyeball-shaped imperial tool?" Chu Yufan thought as he looked at Xiao's red eyes.

Xiao disappeared from Chu Yufan's sight again, and Chu Yufan focused his attention again to feel the movements around him.

"Since it can interfere with vision, all movements are perfectly hidden, except for the murderous intent when launching an attack."

"But he just managed to redirect the murderous aura? What's going on?"

Before Chu Yufan could continue thinking, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him. They were Najeta and Susanoo. They attacked him at the same time.

"Do you think of me as an owl? That's perfect!"

Chu Yufan turned the knife in his hand to the back of the knife, and then swung it fiercely at the two people. The huge force directly knocked the two people in mid-air far away, and the landing was left to Susanoo.


Chu Yufan was watching the two people flying up. After they flew to a certain distance, Susanoo reacted and quickly reached out to hold Nadezhda and landed on the ground in the distance.

"So that's it!"

Just when Chu Yufan knew something, another strong wind came.

"Breath of the Moon, Form Five, Moon Spirit Disaster Vortex"


With Chu Yufan as the center, a large amount of crescent sword energy was suddenly released, which frightened Xiao who was already nearby. He quickly pulled back to avoid it, and his figure also appeared.

""The Breath of the Moon, the Second Form, Pearls and Moon."

Chu Yufan quickly approached Xiao, and two more sword qi whistled out. Xiao also knew that his short dagger could not resist such an attack, so he chose to dodge.

After dodging the sword qi attack, Xiao disappeared from Chu Yufan's sight again. Chu Yufan was about to release the attack again, but suddenly froze.

Because in Chu Yufan's vision, the scene in front of him had changed drastically, which made him unable to react for a while.

"Hallucination? But this scene……"Chu Yufan wondered in his heart.

At this time, Chu Yufan was in a mountain. There was a man squatting on the ground eating in front of him. He looked very strange.

Chu Yufan was about to release his fighting skills, but the scene changed again. The man squatting on the ground eating was already close at hand.

And this man seemed to know that there was someone behind him, so he slowly turned his head.

"He is eating people?!"Chu Yufan thought in surprise.

The person in front of him was squatting on the ground eating people, and what he was holding in his hand was a human arm! A chilling feeling suddenly surged into Chu Yufan's heart, but he felt as if he had seen this scene before.

The person squatting on the ground was also stunned when he saw Chu Yufan, and then he pounced on Chu Yufan with his teeth and claws. Chu Yufan did not hesitate, and chopped the knife in his hand towards his neck.

As the"person's" neck was chopped off, his body turned into ashes.

The scene changed back to the place where he fought with Xiao, and a severe headache made Chu Yufan squat on the ground.

"That was just……"

"It is a memory hidden deep within human beings."Xiao looked at Chu Yufan with satisfaction and explained lightly

"Memory... You mean what I just saw is a memory hidden deep in my mind... No, I haven't encountered such a scene since I woke up.……"

"In other words, what I just saw was the part of my memory that I lost?!"Chu Yufan murmured

"Awakening memories from deep within the other person's mind will cause the other person to fall into confusion for a while... However, this is not a big threat to you, right?"Xiao looked at Chu Yufan and said

"Indeed, although my head hurts a bit, it won't make me lose my fighting ability. It's the same for you, right? If I hit you once, you will die, right?" Chu Yufan slowly stood up and said.

"Well, let me show you my secret technique. Although it can only be used on one person at a time, you are the only one on the field now."

Xiao's eyes began to emit red light, and then Chu Yufan found that he could not see anything in front of him.

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