"Are you all right?"

Although they defeated Arena, it still took Leone and the other six a lot of effort to escape from the barracks.

"We are fine! What about the others?"

Main and Hill were relieved to see that Leona and the others were fine.

"We didn't know yet. We came to look for you first." Lubbock replied.

"Looks like everyone is fine."

Another voice came, and Chi Tong and Brand also came over.

"Akame and Brand are fine, so the boss, Susanoo and Chu Yufan are missing."

Before Leona finished speaking, Najeta and Susanoo also appeared. The two were just knocked over and flew here, and came over when they heard the noise.

"That owl is not dead yet, and his abilities are extremely strange. I'm afraid we need……"Before she could even say hello, Najeta wanted everyone to act together.

"No need, Xiao has been dealt with by me."

Everyone looked over and saw Chu Yufan also came here

"It seems that no one died, so it can be said that we have won a great victory."Chu Yufan said with a smile

"You solved the owl?"Najta asked in surprise

"Yes, I just solved it. Just like you said, his ability is indeed very strange."Chu Yufan replied

"Haha! In other words, we have already won this battle!" Leone laughed.

"No... not yet……"Najeta looked at Leone and said

"Next, the real trouble comes"


Just as Nadezhda said, getting rid of the top brass of the Revolutionary Army is only the first step.

The second step is to tell all the truth to the outside members of the Revolutionary Army. This process is not as simple as imagined.

"Miss Nadezhda, if you do this, it will probably backfire."Alyssa shook her head and said to Nadezhda

"It is a completely bad idea for you to directly announce the truth about everything."

"……Why do you say that? All of this is true, and there is enough evidence to prove it."Najta asked puzzled

"In this case, the so-called evidence can only be used as an auxiliary tool. What can really make everyone accept it is the direction of public opinion."Alyssa explained

"Don't forget, Ms. Nadezhda. Most of the imperial soldiers in the Revolutionary Army were recruited by you. I think you recruited them with the ideas of the Revolutionary Army, right?"

"But the current situation is that you recruited them with the idea of the Revolutionary Army, made them sacrifice and bleed, and now you are the one who exposed all the scams."

"When they know that their bloodshed and sacrifice are used as stepping stones and the instigator is dead, all the anger will be transferred to you, Miss Nadezhda."


Nadezhda did not answer. She knew that what Alisa said made sense.……

"Miss Nadezhda, you are also a victim in this whole thing, so you don't have to think that all these things are your responsibility."Alyssa looked at Nadezhda and continued

"Although the sacrifices of those people seemed to have become a stepping stone for the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army, this was not actually the case. In the long run, the sacrifices of those people did change the Empire.……"

"So everything you do is not meaningless."

"I agree with this statement……"Chu Yufan looked at Najeta and said

"Although I did not take the path of the Revolutionary Army, it is because of you that I chose this path that belongs to me now."

"At least, you have successfully reduced one enemy."Chu Yufan said with a smile.

The others shuddered when they heard this. If they really became enemies with this guy, they would be in great trouble.

"I understand what you mean...but who is going to uncover the truth behind all this?" Nadezhda asked.

"Of course there are! They are not from the Revolutionary Army, nor are they from the Empire, and they are powerful enough to crush the Imperial Tool Users."Alisa slowly turned her head and looked at Chu Yufan

"……Okay, I understand. It's just a little overtime.……"Chu Yufan said helplessly

"Then, I'll leave it to the adults."


The next day, news spread within the Revolutionary Army that the top brass of the Revolutionary Army had been attacked by the White Death and that the entire army had been wiped out.

However, when the members of the Revolutionary Army saw that Nadezhda and the others had emerged intact, they fell into a state of confusion again.

Aren’t the top brass of the Revolutionary Army all right?

At this moment, the people who were affiliated with Elisa and were planted inside the Revolutionary Army. They began to guide public opinion, and soon the real headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was revealed to everyone.

Nadezhda pretended to be unaware, and after discussing with other peers, she decided to go to the so-called headquarters of the Revolutionary Army to find out.

As a result, a group of people came to the Revolutionary Army town and saw the traces that Chu Yufan and Chelsea had seen. At the same time, a lot of top-secret information was found in Margaret’s house.

Among them was the real agreement between the top brass of the Revolutionary Army and the alien race.

The entire Revolutionary Army exploded immediately, and their own beliefs, faiths, and goals were all thrown to the ground and ruthlessly trampled.

A mood of anger and suspicion was about to begin to appear in the Revolutionary Army.

"Everything we do is definitely not meaningless!" Najeta said, looking at everyone.

"Think of the people who have had enough food because of our revolution! Think of the corrupt officials we brought down! Think of the people we saved!"

"Is everything we do meaningless? Then are the actions of ordinary people who risk being purged by the Empire and do their best to support us also meaningless?"

"We should be thankful! We discovered this in time, and at least until now, everything we have done is meaningful!"

"I will continue to move forward with the goal of creating a peaceful and prosperous world for the people!"


Five days later……

"It seems to be going well." Chu Yufan looked at the report on the current situation of the Revolutionary Army and couldn't help but say

"Of course, after all, Miss Najeta has a lot of prestige outside the Revolutionary Army. As long as this matter has nothing to do with her, she can quickly appease the Revolutionary Army."Alyssa said affirmatively

"However, I'm afraid these revolutionary soldiers are more or less holding back their breath and can't let it out, right?" Chu Yufan asked

"So, we need a punching bag.……"

""Sister Alisa! There is urgent information!"

Before Alisa finished speaking, Sibiya ran in with the information in a panic. Alisa hurriedly took the information and then showed an expression of"as expected"

"Sir, please take a look."

"……The northern, western and southern ethnic groups have formed a tribal alliance and launched a full-scale war against the empire today."After reading the intelligence, Chu Yufan looked at Alyssa.

"The demise of the real top leaders of the Revolutionary Army has invalidated the original agreement. And it is undoubtedly a fantasy to expect Nadezhda and others to agree to cede land and people to cooperate with the alliance."Alyssa explained

"In addition, the foreign race originally planned to launch an attack on the empire when the Anningdao armed uprising took place. Now they are probably going to make a desperate attempt."

"At the same time, they will also become the punching bags of the current revolutionary army."

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