The attack of the foreign races caught both the revolutionary army and the empire off guard.

Needless to say, the empire was now under siege from foreign races in the north and the west.

In the face of this situation, the empire had no other army to deal with it except the Esdeath Army and the Bud Army.

However, the Bud Army needed to be stationed around the imperial capital to protect the emperor's safety, so they had no way to deal with the foreign races.

Therefore, the task of dealing with the foreign races fell on the Esdeath Army. The large force of the Esdeath Army had already annihilated the foreign races in the north once before, and the troops had been stationed there since then.

Minister Ernest then asked Esdeath to transfer the army to the west, but……

"You want to go alone to deal with the Western alien races?"

In the palace, Minister Onestfa was surprised to hear what Esdeath said.

"Yes, I want to go alone."Esdeath said affirmatively

"According to intelligence, the Western aliens have assembled nearly 300,000 troops this time. Although you are the most sadistic general in the empire, it is still a bit difficult to deal with these 300,000 people alone.……"Ernest said

"Don't worry, Minister, I know what I am doing."Esdeath replied

"……Okay, in that case I approve it. I will arrange for someone to keep in touch with you regarding intelligence."

Esdeath walked to the entrance of the palace and stopped, looking up at the sky, thinking to herself

"Three hundred thousand people? They can be the perfect whetstone for me to become stronger... and the White Death, I am looking forward to our next meeting."

A month has passed since the last battle in the Cathedral.

After realizing the breathing method on her own in the last battle, Esdeath has completely mastered this ability within this month, and during this period, the breathing method has also reached the highest level - full concentration - constant.

Although no exclusive combat skills have been developed, the breathing method alone has greatly improved Esdeath's imperial equipment ability.

After all, using imperial equipment requires physical strength, while the breathing method can greatly improve physical ability. It can be said that the two are just complementary.


As the southern ethnic minorities are in the sphere of influence of the revolutionary army, they have been recuperating during this period.

Therefore, among the three ethnic minorities, the southern ethnic minorities are undoubtedly the most powerful.

The revolutionary army will bear the brunt of the attack of the southern ethnic minorities. Originally, the revolutionary army would focus on peace talks in the face of such a situation. However, due to the secret agreement reached between the top leaders of the revolutionary army and the ethnic minorities, its content undoubtedly touched the bottom line of Nadezhda and others.

So this time, the revolutionary army will go to war with the southern ethnic minorities.

"According to intelligence, the southern foreign tribes have assembled a full 500,000 troops this time, and they are well-equipped."

"In comparison, the revolutionary army only has about 200,000 troops. Although we have an imperial weapon user who can defeat a hundred with one, the gap in personnel between the two sides is still huge."

Najta, Brand, Elisa and Chu Yufan were discussing the current situation of the invasion of foreign races.

Najta was a general of the former empire, and Brand was also a deputy general of the former empire. The two were naturally quite proficient in military affairs.

Although Elisa had never led troops to fight, she had a certain understanding of military affairs, and she had first-hand intelligence so she also participated in the meeting.

As for Chu Yufan, he was naturally caught by Elisa to work overtime.

After all, as the strongest person in the team, any action of Chu Yufan would affect the entire battle situation.

"The gap is huge, but it does not mean that there is no way to beat them. It depends on what our goal is."Alyssa said

"Goal? Of course, to resist these 500,000 people."Najta said doubtfully.

"My target is not just these 500,000 people. In this war, I plan to completely destroy the foreign ethnic groups in the south."Alyssa's words were calm, as if she was talking about what to eat for dinner.

"What?" Najta and Brand were shocked.

"Do you intend to follow Esdeath's example and bury all 400,000 northern foreigners alive?" Brand asked.

"Is there anything wrong with that?" Alisa asked

"Don't you think this is cruel?!"Najta asked

"When the foreign race signed the agreement with the high-ranking officials of the revolutionary army, they were already enemies in my eyes. When facing an enemy, we need to kill them all without leaving any room for them."

"And don't forget why the foreign races are attacking us now."Alyssa said coldly.

Alyssa's words made Najeta and Brand speechless.

"Since we have started a war, we must pay the price for our actions. Ms. Najeta, you should know that only we and your revolutionary army are stationed in the southern part of the empire. As long as we show some mercy and hesitate in the future,……"

"In the end, the people will pay for the tragedy."

Alyssa's words made Nadezhda fall silent again. Brand on the side did not speak, but judging from his expression, he probably agreed with what Alyssa said.

""I think you may have misunderstood what Alyssa said, Nadezhda. I don't think Alyssa would bury the southern ethnic minorities alive, right?" Chu Yufan suddenly said

"Oh? What is your suggestion, sir?" Elisa asked

"This method will only cause endless troubles. The correct method should be... to prevent them from gathering together again."Chu Yufan said

"That's right! Eliminating these 500,000 people is only the first step. After eliminating these people, the next step is to let the southern ethnic groups fight among themselves so that they can never gather together."Alyssa explained

"I see……"Nadezhda exhaled lightly, then murmured:

"So, you agree with my goal, right?" Alisa asked, and Najeta and Brand nodded.

"Well, now that our goal is unified, the next step is the combat method we should adopt."

"With the presence of adults, there is no need to consider how to kill these 500,000 people, but how to prevent them from escaping. Now that we have more troops than the enemy, what we need to do is……"

"Lure the enemy!"

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