"Huh! Finally out." Chu Yufan walked out of the meeting room and exhaled lightly.

The remaining issue was the details of the operation, which he could not help much with, so he left early.

"……Let's go find Andrew." Chu Yufan thought as he walked towards Andrew.

After dealing with the high-level officials of the Revolutionary Army, Andrew's revenge had to be avenged. After saying goodbye to the place where he had been living, he chose to temporarily return to the Revolutionary Army with Chu Yufan.

Andrew also began to conduct detailed inspections and research on Chu Yufan's problems, and Chu Yufan also stayed to cooperate.

People who use breathing methods and successfully open the markings will not live beyond the age of twenty-five. This incident appeared in Chu Yufan's mind after he opened the markings. It seemed that the memory deep in his mind was reminding himself.

This made Chu Yufan very helpless, but there was nothing he could do. However, Andrew's appearance brought him a glimmer of hope.

"I see, raising your body temperature to over 39 degrees, your heart rate to 200 beats per minute, and using this method to significantly increase your combat effectiveness... it's really crazy." Andrew couldn't help but sigh after hearing Chu Yufan's words.

"You know, common colds and fevers can cause some damage to the human body. However, most of these injuries will heal on their own, and your way of fighting will simply magnify the damage countless times."

"This damage will continue to accumulate in the organs, and the reason why people cannot live beyond the age of 25 is that after the age of 25, the organs of the human body will begin to enter the aging stage."

"The"spotted" state you mentioned will accelerate the aging of organs after the age of 25, and this is the cause of death for those who do not live past 25. Andrew explained to Chu Yufan

"So, do you have any solution?" Chu Yufan asked

"……There is a direction, but it will take time to verify. During this period, I need you to be available at any time so that I can organize the data and drugs."Andrew said

"I understand. I will fully cooperate."Chu Yufan replied


Time flies, and soon a month has passed.

After Nadezhda and Alisa reached a consensus, they began the operation to lure the enemy.

In fact, this process is simple and complicated at the same time.

The simplicity lies in the so-called luring the enemy, which is actually to lure the enemy deep into the enemy and then encircle and annihilate them, and the complexity lies in how to coordinate so many people to complete this task.

Moreover, the southern ethnic minorities are not a group of fools. Several times when they were about to step into the encirclement of the revolutionary army, they chose to retreat by the original route. It can be said that it is quite a pity.

During this month, Chu Yufan spent most of his time with Andrew. This made Alisa and the others feel a little strange, after all, they also knew about Andrew's identity as a doctor later.

Fortunately, Chelsea, who roughly knew the reason, explained it for Chu Yufan in time, otherwise Chu Yufan's affairs would probably not be concealed.

"Well... the drug has some inhibitory effect, but it is not comprehensive enough. However, this already has a definite direction, and it is estimated that drugs that can inhibit damage will be produced soon."Andrew carefully observed Chu Yufan's physical condition and said with relief.

"Thank you so much."Chu Yufan said

"No, after all, it is because of you that I can get my revenge, so just consider it as my repayment."Andrew waved his hand and said.

After walking out of Andrew's residence, Chu Yufan went straight to the meeting room.

Since the last battle with Xiao, Chu Yufan sometimes dreams of some things when he sleeps. Although they are all very fragmentary, after piecing together the fragments, Chu Yufan still came to a lot of conclusions.

He came from another world for some reason, and the breathing method is also the ability of another world. This also made Chu Yufan understand why he couldn't find anything about himself.

But why did he come here, and what is the other"real enemy" he mentioned?

""The real enemy"……Could it be that the"ghosts" I saw"?"Chu Yufan was thinking


Just as Chu Yufan was thinking, a pair of hands suddenly covered his eyes, and then a familiar voice sounded.

"Guess who I am!"

"……"Chelsey, please stop pretending to be Sister Cole to tease me." Chu Yufan said helplessly.

"Oh my, it seems the leader is immune now!"Chelsey let go of her hands and said with a smile

"Really, isn't it just that the training was a little stricter at the beginning? Is it necessary to hold a grudge like this?" Chu Yufan complained

"Humph~ Girls always hold grudges!"Chelsea stuck out her tongue at Chu Yufan and replied

"Alisa and the others are looking for you. I guess the aliens are taking action."

"So, I'll go there now."


Location: Empire·West.

This time, the Western alien race sent out 300,000 troops to attack the Empire. The Empire only sent out Esdeath to deal with it.

Normally, even Esdeath needs her own army to assist her in order to fight against these 300,000 people.

The main reason for this is that it consumes physical strength when Esdeath releases the imperial weapon. It is still quite difficult to deal with these 300,000 people without using the imperial weapon.

However, now that Esdeath has learned the full concentration·normal, her physical strength has improved significantly. This is also the reason why one person is chosen to deal with these 300,000 people.

Esdeath needs to know what her current limit is.

Between the Empire and the Western alien races.���The battlefield was in the late autumn, when the temperature was not too cold.

However, a huge ice wall appeared on the battlefield. The ice wall was connected to form a circle, trapping 300,000 aliens in the ice wall.

This was the hunting ground that Esdeath had built for herself.

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