After more than 20 days, the war against the alien races finally ended.

The 500,000 attacking aliens from the south were all wiped out. From now on, the southern alien races will not be able to invade again for a long time.

At the same time, Elisa took the opportunity to stir up trouble within the southern alien races. Now the southern alien races have split into several parts and started fighting each other.

The development of things here means that it has come to an end.

After Andrew's research, a drug that can alleviate the sequelae of"stripes" has been developed in the past 20 days. Although there is no way to completely cure it, at least Chu Yufan will not die at the age of 25.

Research is still ongoing, and it is estimated that Andrew will develop a drug that can completely cure the sequelae.

"The southern foreign tribes have been dealt with, and the next step is to start the crusade against Minister Ernest."

In the conference room, everyone gathered here this time. After all, the next step is to fight against Minister Ernest.

"The minister still has two trump cards, Esdeath and Budd, in his hand. I guess there is no way to solve it without bloodshed, right?"Najta looked at Alisa and asked.

At this time, Alisa was no longer wearing a mask, because Chu Yufan and Ye Xi would temporarily cooperate with the goal of defeating Minister Ernest.

"As for General Bud, there is no problem. After all, he is just too stubborn and doesn't know how to adapt. As long as we don't touch his bottom line, he might help us."Alyssa replied

"How is it possible? You said that old man would help us?"Leone said in disbelief.

"To be precise, it's us, not you." Alisa pointed at herself and Chu Yufan and replied

"For General Bud, the revolutionary army is the team that wants to overthrow the empire and become emperor himself."

"This is exactly the bottom line that the highest-ranking military officers in the empire cannot tolerate for generations, so it is normal for General Bud to regard you as an enemy."

"But my goal is different from yours truly. Our main goal is to eliminate Minister Ernest and his corrupt officials, and replace them with people with conscience to govern the country."

"Compared to the Revolutionary Army, our actions are more likely to be accepted by General Budd because we do not intend to change the emperor.……"Alisa replied

"If this is possible, then it is naturally the best choice."Najta said affirmatively

"The guards under Bud are first-rate troops, just like the Esdeath Army. If we go to war directly, I'm afraid we won't get any benefits."

"Let's solve this problem. The only problem now is the Esdeath Army and Minister Ernest."Alyssa said

"Esdeath... It is said that she went alone to annihilate a Western alien race with 300,000 people. I don't know if she will die?" Lubbock said

"She won't die."Chu Yufan suddenly said

"If a mere 300,000 people could corner Esdeath, we could have won long ago."

"Yes, that's right. But let's not talk about Esdeath for now. We don't know what other tricks Minister Ernest has."Akagi said

"If there is any back-up plan, it is probably the fact that the minister's son is not in the imperial capital."Alyssa said

"The minister's son?" Ye Xi and Chu Yufan were surprised.

"This is his portrait."Alisa took out a portrait and explained to everyone

"His name is Xila. Although he is not in the empire now, no one can guarantee that he will not appear at this time. So we still need to be careful in the next action."

Everyone nodded to show that they understood.


"Is it intelligence?

A black dog ran in with something hanging around its neck. Alisa took it off and opened the paper to read it.

"What's wrong? Alyssa, why do you look so surprised?"Chu Yufan asked

"There is news about Esdeath. According to the intelligence... the 300,000-strong army of the Western alien race has been completely eliminated by her alone." Alisa said


Ye Xi and the others looked gloomy. This strength is a bit too strong.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you guys so heavy about? I'm the one who needs to be heavy, after all, I'm the one who needs to fight Esdeath." Chu Yufan looked at the expressions of Ye Xi and others and couldn't help but complain.

"That being said,……"

"Don't think too much, just do your best and leave the rest to fate."Chu Yufan said with a smile

"Anyway, let's get ready. Next, we will return to the imperial capital!" said Alisa.


"Phew! Three hundred thousand people is still a lot.……"Esdeath sat on the ice wall and muttered to herself

"I didn't expect that the breathing method of the"White Death" could improve my physical strength so much. I really benefited a lot from it... I look forward to our next meeting"

"Well, it's time to go back!"

"Will the White Death appear in the Imperial Capital?……"

Esdeath jumped off the ice wall and used ice to create an ice horse. She rode the ice horse and started heading towards the imperial capital.


Location: Laboratory

"Although I still cannot change the death after exposure to sunlight, I have completely mastered the growth and cultivation of this tumor."

"As for what will happen when it is used on humans, more test subjects are needed for testing."Dotya said to Sheila

"As for living people... there are plenty in the capital, it seems that it is time to go back to the capital."

Silla thought for a while and said, after all, the laboratory is sparsely populated, and it is difficult to get enough living people for experiments.

"Then, pack up everything and return to the imperial capital immediately!"Sira decided.


Location: Tatsumi Village

"Everyone, and the village chief, let's go!"Cornelia packed her luggage and prepared to go to the imperial capital with Bakewell.

"Be careful along the way! Also, if you run into Tatsumi and the other two, remember to say hello for us!" said the village chief

"Got it! I'll write back when the time comes!"

"Imperial capital?……"

Cornelia's memories of the time in the imperial capital began to resurface in her mind. She then shook her head and sealed away these memories again.

"Sister, I’m here to see you! Chu Yufan!"

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