Chu Yufan and Ye Xi and others quickly returned to the imperial capital. As for the revolutionary army, they stayed put for the time being. After all, the time for action had not yet come.

In order to facilitate communication between the two sides, Chu Yufan, Alyssa and Sibiya moved to the base of Ye Xi together.

"Your base is too big, isn't it? I doubt whether you have embezzled the funds of the Revolutionary Army?"

Chu Yufan looked at the tall night raid base in front of him, and then compared it with his own cabin. It's really true that comparing yourself to others can make you angry to death!

"You are the one who embezzled the funds. That's really unpleasant to hear."Ma Yin said unceremoniously.

"The Revolutionary Army took into account the nature of the night attack, so they built a larger base so that the team members could have a sufficient place to rest."Najta explained with a smile

"I see... That's great.……"Chu Yufan sighed and glanced at Alyssa.

【Look at the treatment of other organizations, and then look at ourselves! 】

Noticing Chu Yufan's eyes, Alyssa also rolled her eyes in response.

【You are the boss of the organization! Shouldn't you set an example of integrity and honesty?】

""Pfft." Seeing the eye contact between the two, Sibiya almost laughed out loud.

""Okay, don't stand here. I'll show you three around." Nadezhda said.

After a brief tour of the Night Raid base, everyone came to the conference room and began to discuss the next action.

The revolutionary army is now completely led by Nadezhda. Just as Alisa said, Nadezhda has a high prestige in the revolutionary army.

The revolutionary army and Chu Yufan's organization have begun to cooperate. This is a decision made by Nadezhda after seeing Chu Yufan's strength and Alisa's methods.

After all, the purpose of establishing the Night Raid was to complete the revolution with the least sacrifice. Chu Yufan and Alisa are both fully capable of doing this.

"First of all, I want to make it clear that unless there is no way out, I do not agree to start a war to attack the minister directly."Alyssa said

"I know this. If there is a better way, no one would be willing to choose a bad plan that will kill many people."Najta replied

"Okay, I will give you a brief overview of the next plan."Alyssa took out the prepared plan and handed it to everyone.

"The army in the empire is mainly composed of the Esdeath Army and the Budd Army. And General Budd is our first target."

"As long as General Budd agrees to cooperate, then we can launch a crusade against Minister Ernest and others together with the Budd army in the name of clearing the court."

"Before launching a crusade, you can also design a plan to let ordinary residents of the imperial capital take the opportunity to leave the imperial capital. In this way, the losses in the subsequent crusade can be reduced to a minimum."

"At the same time, the revolutionary army can also respond in the south. At the same time, all cities related to Minister Ernest outside the imperial capital should be cleared out, and these imperial parasites should be completely cleared out."Alyssa said

"However, will that stubborn old General Bud cooperate with us?" Leone asked

"That's why I don't let the revolutionary army start the uprising now. Doing so will undoubtedly directly touch the bottom line of General Bud, and naturally there will be no way to negotiate and cooperate."

"As for how to persuade them to cooperate... I am sure of that." Alyssa smiled and said

"You all know that the previous emperor died of illness and that the queen was buried alive with him, right?"

"Of course I know. If they hadn't died too early, the empire might not have fallen to this point."Nadetta nodded and replied.

The previous emperor of the empire was called the"good emperor" by the outside world. This emperor was not so scheming, and he was also well-known in the empire for his benevolent governance of the country.

But it was precisely because he had no scheming that he was taken advantage of by Minister Ernest and died early.

"The last emperor did not die of illness, but was secretly poisoned by Minister Ernest. As for the queen's burial, it was probably also the minister's handiwork."


Alyssa's words shocked Ye Xi and the others.

"How do you know this?!"Nadetta asked

"When I was taken to the palace, I overheard what Nishimiya said. Although this was also his personal speculation, after I was rescued, he started a series of investigations, and finally got some clues recently."

"There is no definite evidence yet, but as long as we find this evidence and give it to General Budd, he will definitely agree to cooperate with us to defeat the minister."Alyssa said.

For General Budd, a military officer who has been loyal to the royal family for generations, Minister Ernest's regicide is undoubtedly the greatest capital crime, and he will definitely take action for this.

"If this works, the only remaining enemies will be Esdeath and his army, as well as the hunters."Akagi said

"Speaking of hunters, Nahasu in the hunter team is also one of us."Alyssa said


Ye Xi and the others were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Alyssa with a strange look in their eyes.

"If I remember correctly, Nahashu was originally the chief lieutenant in the Budd army, no wonder you are so sure to convince Budd."Najta said.

In response, Elisa smiled.

"Well, this is the plan we need to achieve at this stage. The rest of the action will depend on whether General Bud is willing to cooperate before we can start planning."


"Is this the imperial capital? It's really prosperous!"

At the gate of the imperial capital, six figures were standing there, and one of them said with admiration

"Yan Xin, as a pirate, you probably haven't seen a big city. This time you come here, you must have a good time."Sila said with a smile

"There are so many women... It seems that the days ahead will be very happy." Yan Xin licked his lips and said

"There are so many handsome guys!"Cosmia, who was wearing a short skirt and a bunny, thought to herself.

"Humph, there are no short people. A clown-dressed man named Champ thought to himself.

"Calm down,"Jiang Xue", it's not time to eat yet." A man dressed as a swordsman was holding his hand on the hilt of his sword, as if he was trying to control his bloodthirsty desire.

"Calm down, I'm going to see my dad first. You can only start the action after getting permission to act."Sira said to the five people, and then led them into the imperial capital.

Sira entered the palace, and the other five people were waiting at the door.

"It's so boring, I'll go for a walk nearby."Yan Xin said suddenly, and then left here.

Yan Xin walked on the road, looking at all kinds of women around him. He felt itchy, but thinking of Xila's instructions, he temporarily endured it.

"Hmm? That's it!"

In front of Yan Xin, a man and a woman came towards him. The woman had beautiful long golden hair and a good figure. She stared at Yan Xin intently.

As the saying goes, lust is like a knife above your head.

But Yan Xin was obviously not a cultured person. After seeing this woman, he felt a little flattered.

But now they were on the street, and Yan Xin didn't dare to do it directly. So Yan Xin chose to follow the two people and came to a remote alley.

Yan Xin saw that there was no one around, so he grabbed the woman's left hand and tried to pull her over. But what Yan Xin didn't expect was that he couldn't pull the woman in front of him.


Feeling someone grabbing her arm, Cornelia turned around and saw a short-haired man with a very wretched appearance. He was looking at her with ill intentions, which made Cornelia's eyes flash with a hint of coldness.

"Let go?"

"Come play with me, little girl! I'll make you... Ugh!"

Cornelia frowned, and with a little force from her bionic hand on her left arm, she threw Yan Xin against the wall.


Cornelia, who had just arrived in the capital and didn't want to cause any trouble, snorted coldly and was about to leave when Yan Xin's words stopped her in her tracks.

"How dare you hit me! Girl, I know the minister's son! If it's true, then be obedient.……?!"

Before Yan Xin finished speaking, Cornelia appeared in front of him. Before Yan Xin could draw the weapon from his waist, Cornelia's left fist aimed at Yan Xin's head and hit him.

This punch smashed Yan Xin's head to pieces, frightening Cornelia and dodging quickly.

"Isn't this too powerful?" Cornelia exclaimed

"It's probably because the opponent is too weak." Bakewell, who was traveling with Cornelia, explained, and then he noticed the weapon on Yanxin's waist.

"This... is an imperial tool, right?"

"Is this a royal weapon? Is it true? Isn't this guy too weak?"

"I'm not wrong... We can't stay here for long, let's leave."

Bakewell quickly dismantled Yanxin's imperial weapon, and then hurriedly left the scene with Cornelia.

Poor Sheila, he was still bragging in front of Minister Ernest at this time, and didn't know that his team was missing one person just after arriving in the imperial capital.

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