"The matter with the foreign race has finally come to an end. The pressure has been too great recently."

Minister Ernest kept eating the food on the table. It was the local specialty that Sheila brought back from outside.

"Hahaha, Dad, you eat too much."Silla said with a smile

"The food you brought is so delicious, and the lovely child has returned from his trip. It can be regarded as a return home in glory, I am very happy, Sheila"

"I have been to many places. In this world, this empire is quite advanced. Some places don't even have homemade cannons. They are all too backward."Sira said

"If we talk about a civilization that can be compared with the empire, it should be the Western empire."

"Yes, a unique culture with alchemy is still very distinctive."

"During this trip, I also found something very interesting.……"As Sheila spoke, she took out a document and handed it to Minister Ernest.

"……Wow, this is really……"

Minister Ernest looked carefully at the information in the document and suddenly became excited. After all, people like him definitely hope to live forever.

"Unfortunately, Dr. Fashion has disappeared, and even his imperial weapon has been lost."

"Fortunately, his experimental materials and data are still well preserved, so let your alchemist go there to continue his research. Ernest handed the file back to Sheila and said

"I will give you priority in providing all resources. As long as this army can be successfully built, no matter what kind of enemy it is, it can be defeated!"

"Got it, next we have to catch the rats in the imperial capital, right?" Silla stood up and said.

"Night raids are nothing to be afraid of, but you must be careful of the White Death. That monster forced Esdeath to retreat twice. Although he has disappeared recently, he is not dead."Ernest warned.

"Don't worry, Dad, I will bring his head here."Sira's words perfectly illustrate what it means to be a newborn calf that is not afraid of a tiger.


"Why hasn't he come yet?" Tatsumi waited anxiously.

"Calm down, Tatsumi. Master's wife is not a weak person. Ordinary people can never get close to her."Sayu said

"Ah! It's Master's Wife!" Iyeas suddenly said

"Master’s wife!"

"Stop yelling! Call me Sister Cole!" Cornelia blushed when she heard the three people yelling.

"I said, what's there to be embarrassed about?……"Bakewell on the side saw this and couldn't help but complain

"Hello, Mr. Bakewell!"Tatsumi and the other two said in unison.

"Hello, it seems you are doing well."Beckwell said with a smile

"Teacher... Sister Cole, Mr. Bakewell, let's leave here first."

Led by Tatsumi and the other two, the five of them came to the secret base in the imperial capital to rest.

"Hello! You must be Mr. Bakewell and Miss Cornelia, right? I am Leone, please give me your guidance."Leone smiled and extended his hand to the two of them.

"Hello, Miss Leonie." Bakewell said as he shook hands with Leonie

"……Hello, I am Cornelia. Miss Leone, please give me your guidance." Cornelia shook hands with Leone, glancing at a certain part of her body.

"Looks about the same! Not losing!" Cornelia thought to herself.

"Wow, a blonde girl, I really want to chat her up!" Lubbock thought to himself.

"Lubbock, Sister Cole is our master's wife. If you don't want to die young,……"Tatsumi looked at Lubbock's expression and immediately reminded him in a low voice.

"Haha! What are you talking about, Tatsumi? I don't have that idea, don't talk nonsense!" Rabbock said in panic when he heard it.

"I was going to take you back to the base, but for some reason, the capital was suddenly under martial law, and I heard that someone was killed."Leone said

"Someone was killed?" Cornelia was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered the rookie just now. Before he died, he seemed to say that he was the minister's son's man?

"This pot seems to be mine.……"Cornelia said embarrassedly



Back to a little while ago, Yan Xin's body was also discovered by Sheila and others.

"What a useless bastard! He was killed right after arriving here, and his imperial tools were taken away!" Looking at Yan Xin's headless body, Xila couldn't help but kick him twice.

"Do we need to investigate now?" Dotya asked

"Let's leave his body on the street first, go to our new base and take a look, then come back to find the bastard who killed him."Sira replied

"Dotya, you don't need to join us from now on. Your main task is……"

"Study that thing. I would do it without you telling me."Dotya replied.

After Sheila and others visited the new base, they began to use their power to put the entire imperial capital under complete martial law, which prevented Cornelia and others from leaving the imperial capital for the time being.

The relevant news soon spread to the base of the night raid.

"My Lord, Tatsumi and the others are temporarily trapped in the imperial capital."Alyssa rushed to the training ground and found Chu Yufan who was training Akame and others.

"Hmm...were they discovered? That shouldn't be the case."Chu Yufan was stunned for a moment, then said

"According to the intelligence, Minister Ernest's son Sheila returned to the Imperial Capital today. At the same time, Miss Cornelia and Mr. Bakewell also came to the Imperial Capital today."

"When Xila returned to the imperial capital, he brought five people into the city, one of whom was already dead."

"The person who can be brought in by the minister's son must be strong, and he can avoid being discovered by others and thus eliminate the opponent's……"

"Indeed, only Sister Ke Er has this ability."Chu Yufan nodded and said

"That’s right, now Silla has set up a special force in the imperial capital under the name of"Wild Hound" and started looking for the murderer in the imperial capital."Alyssa said

"Wild Hounds... Interesting……"

Chu Yufan smiled faintly, but this smile seemed very wrong no matter how you looked at it.

"Tell me the basic situation, Alyssa. I will go and pick up Sister Ke Er and the others in person."Chu Yufan said with a smile

"There is a clown-dressed guy among the Wild Hounds. Your Excellency can spare his life for now." Elisa said

"As for the others, you can do whatever you like."

"Got it. Then... I'll go meet this"Wild Hound""

"If Sister Ke Er loses even a hair, it will be difficult for these people to die."

Chu Yufan put on the white mask again, which also indicated that the final battle had begun.

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