"Don't move! We are the Wild Hounds! We suspect there are suspicious people here, please cooperate with our investigation!" Shira took the ID and brought all the people from a circus to a square.

Yanxin is dead, and Dotya is now in the new base. Therefore, only Shira, Shangpu, Yizang and Cosmia can come out to perform the mission. There are many people in the circus, all neatly lined up in the square and kneeling on the ground. No one dared to resist. After all, the strength is there, and resistance will only lead to death.

But even if you obey the order honestly, you will die.

Shira is not a fool, although he calls Yanxin a waste on the surface. But he is still very clear about Yanxin's strength, and it is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Therefore, the person who killed Yanxin is very likely to be a big fish, or even a member of the Night Raid.

Since they are members of the Night Raid, when they see him executing civilians on the street, they will definitely stand up to stop him.

"Well, we don't know any suspicious people, so……"

"Shut up! Did I allow you to speak?"

Before a circus member could say two words, Sheila kicked him directly on the head, killing him on the spot.

The onlookers and other circus members immediately shouted in fear.

"Damn it! These bastards!"

Sayou, who was in the crowd, saw this and couldn't help but rush forward. Fortunately, Tatsumi and Iyeas stopped her in time.

"Calm down, Sau. If we rush in directly, we will play into their hands!" Tatsumi said hurriedly.

"Tatsumi is right, we should tell others about the current situation first!" said Iyeas


""Hey! What are you doing?"

A shout came, and Will and Lan walked out of the crowd. Obviously, the voice just now was from Will.

When Lan saw the clown-dressed Champ standing behind Sheila, his eyes suddenly changed, and then quickly returned to normal.

"What are you doing? We are investigating suspicious persons. Is there any problem?"Silla looked at Will and said calmly.

"Are you investigating suspicious people? You are abusing your power to carry out lynching!"Will couldn't help but shout at this.

"So what? I am the minister's son! You are speaking to me so loudly, are you rebelling against my opinion? You should know that those who rebel against me are just like rebelling against the minister, do you understand?"

Will's attitude made Sheila, who always thought highly of herself, very unhappy.

"I……"Will wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lan.

While the hunters were fighting with the wild hounds, Tatsumi and the other two quickly returned to the secret base and told the others what they had seen.

"You actually used ordinary people as shields? How abominable!"Leone said

"What should we do now? We can't just leave those people alone, right?" Lubbock said.

"I caused this, so I must take the responsibility!" Cornelia stood up and said

"No way! Sister Cole! Absolutely not!"Tatsumi said immediately

"Yes! Sister Ke Er, if anything happens to you, Master will probably become the real god of death."Shayou hurriedly persuaded


"Oh, it seems you are in trouble."

Cornelia was about to say something when a female voice suddenly came. Everyone looked at the door and saw that it was Chelsea.

""Chelsea? How did you get here? Isn't martial law in place now?" Leone asked in surprise.

"Have you forgotten my imperial weapon?" Chelsi replied with a smile, then looked at Cornelia.

""I guess this is Miss Cornelia?" Chelsi's eyes rolled, and then she smiled and stretched out her hand to Cornelia and said

"I am Chelsea. Please give me your advice."

"Hello, Miss Chelsea. Cornelia shook Chelsea's hand and said

"When I was chatting with my friend (referring to Akame), she often mentioned you."Chelsey suddenly said


"My friend is also your best friend~" Chelsi smiled and replied

"So that's how it is. Then how did your friend (referring to Chu Yufan) introduce me to you?" Cornelia asked curiously.

"It was a dark and windy night, and we slept in the same bed. I hugged my friend (referring to Akame), and she hugged me. We talked about the past."

Chelsea's vivid words made Cornelia's face look a little ugly.

"You and...your friend (referring to Chu Yufan)...slept in the same bed?!" Cornelia asked in a trembling voice.

"Yes~ What's the problem~" Chelsi smiled secretly in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface

"No... no problem……"Cornelia whispered

"Why do I feel like there's something strange about the conversation between the two of them?" Leone said

"Do you think so too, big sister?"Tatsumi said

"Lubbock, do you know what's going on?" Shayou turned around and asked

"……I don't know either." Lubbock was silent for a moment, then replied:

"There seems to be a strange misunderstanding between them. This is enough to make people eat melons! I have to pretend that I know nothing."Lubbock actually knows everything

"By the way, Chelsea, do you have any idea to save those people?"Leone asked

"Of course~ The leader has already rushed over here, so I will delay the time." Chelsi smiled slightly and then used the imperial tool to transform into Cornelia's appearance.

"You don't mind if I become like you, do you, Miss Cornelia?"


The dispute between the hunter and the wild hound ended with the hunter taking a step back. After all, Esdeath, the hunter's biggest supporter, was still on her way back to the imperial capital.

"Stop it! I am the person you wild hounds are looking for.

Cornelia walked out of the crowd and said to Sheila.

"Oh? You killed him?" Sheila couldn't help licking her lips as she looked at Cornelia's appearance and figure.

"I was the one who killed them. Those people in the square are all innocent. Please let them go!"

"It's not your turn to decide.……"Silla slowly walked up to Cornelia and whispered

"Whether these people are innocent or not depends on what you will do." As Sheila said this, she reached out to grab Cornelia's arm.

""You don't want your hand anymore?"

A cold voice reached Silla's ears. He looked forward suddenly and saw a man wearing a white mask standing there.

"The White Death?"

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