"I mind it." Cornelia looked at Chelsea who had turned into her own appearance and couldn't help but say

"This is something I caused, so I should be responsible for it myself, and I don't need others to take responsibility for me."

"So no matter what you say, I will go to the square by myself."Cornelia said

"Let's go together. If anything happens, we can take care of each other."Leone stood up and said with a smile

"Then, Cornelia would be responsible for attracting attention from the front. The others would blend into the crowd, going in different directions. If any problems arose, they would act at the same time!"



Although the arrangements were made, Leona and the others still breathed a sigh of relief when Chu Yufan appeared.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it! I really caught a big fish."Xilla couldn't help laughing when she saw Chu Yufan coming.


Chu Yufan did not reply, but looked at Cornelia. Cornelia did the same, turning around and looking at Chu Yufan.

The two did not speak, but just stared at each other.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't treat me as if I don't exist!"

Silla said unhappily as the two people stared at each other, and then she was about to grab Cornelia's arm.


Silla's hand suddenly felt empty, and then a sharp pain came from her arm, and blood gushed out crazily.


Xila covered her arm and kept backing away, looking at Chu Yufan who appeared in front of her without knowing when, in shock.

"I saw that you didn't want your hand anymore, so I helped you take it off. Don't thank me too much."

Chu Yufan put his left hand around Cornelia's waist, held the knife in his right hand, and said to Silla calmly.


Anger twisted Silla's face. Just as she was about to attack, the severe pain in her arm kept her awake.

"What are you guys standing there for? Come on!"Silla shouted to the three people behind him.

"Storm Jade!"

Shangpu's imperial weapon, Fast Pitch Random [Big Pitcher], consists of six spherical imperial weapons. It needs to be thrown to activate, and each ball has different attributes.

Shangpu's Storm Jade rushed towards Chu Yufan with a strong wind.

"Let me show you a real storm!"

"Breath of wind, the shape of the wind, rising into the dust and mist."

Chu Yufan quickly swung the knife in his hand towards the Storm Jade in the air, and suddenly five spiral wind blades appeared and collided head-on with the Storm Jade, and the attacks of both sides were actually directly cancelled out.

"How is it possible!"

Shang Pu said in disbelief. You know, what he just used was an imperial weapon! It was actually resolved by the white masked man in front of him?

Just as Shang Pu was stunned, Cosmia also took out her own imperial weapon, Earthquake [Heavy Pressure], and as the song sounded, a wave of ultrasound swept towards Chu Yufan.

""Sound Breathing, Form One, Boom."

Chu Yufan swung his sword at the incoming ultrasonic wave. A loud explosion appeared out of thin air in front of Chu Yufan, suppressing the sound waves released by the imperial weapon.

Shang Pu and Cosmia were immediately thrown away by the aftermath.

"It's time for dinner, Jiang Xue... huh?"

Yizang came to Chu Yufan quickly, and just when he was about to draw the knife from his waist, he found that he couldn't draw his knife!

"……Are you afraid?……"

Izang looked at the knife at his waist and murmured

"Did it develop a bit of spirituality because it drank too much human blood?" Chu Yufan looked at the knife on Yi Zang's waist and said

"It seems that you haven't killed as many people as I have." Chu Yufan swung a knife at Yi Zang's neck, and his head fell to the ground instantly.

""Oh my!"

The onlookers saw this and immediately became confused and began to flee in all directions.

"This... How is this possible?!"

Silla was trembling all over as she watched the scene in front of her. Izo was one of the best fighters in the team, but he couldn't even pull out his sword in front of the White Grim Reaper?!

"Damn it! If I had known earlier, I would have listened to my dad and ran away earlier!" Xila thought with regret in her heart

"Hey! Aren't you two also people who protect the imperial capital? When you see the people on the wanted list, you don't help them?" Seeing Will and Lan watching the show, Silla couldn't help but say

"This bastard!" Will couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Are you kidding? That was the man who almost killed Esdeath! If he rushed forward directly, it would be difficult to keep his body intact.

However, what Sheila said was not unreasonable. As a hunter, it was really unreasonable to see the person on the wanted list but not take any action.

Will and Lan looked at each other and chose to take action first. After all, if there was no action, it would be easy for others to catch him, especially when the minister's son was watching.

"Noble Chariot!"

Will used his Imperial Tool Shura Incarnation [Noble Chariot] directly, and Lan also used his Imperial Tool Thousand Miles Flying [Mastema] to fly into the air, ready to support Will at any time.

""What happened?"

A deep voice came, and it was General Bud who came over on horseback. When he saw Chu Yufan wearing a white mask, his eyes suddenly became fierce.

""Will! Lan! Are you all right?"

Hei Tong and Nahaxiu also heard the news and rushed to the scene. When Nahaxiu saw Chu Yufan and Cornelia, he was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?" Nahasu complained in his heart.

At the same time, Shangpu and Cosmia, who had just been ejected, also recovered and came behind Xila.

"Hahaha! It's the strongest old man. Is he here too? This is going to be a good show!"Looking at the scene in front of him, Silla said immediately

"This scene seems familiar?" Chu Yufan said

"When we were chasing you, we didn't have such a large team." Cornelia looked around and said

"Haha, at least I don't need to jump off the cliff this time." Chu Yufan said with a smile

"I can protect myself in a while, you don't have to worry about me."Cornelia turned her head slightly and glanced at Chu Yufan and said lightly

"……"Okay, I understand. Sister Ke Er, be careful." Chu Yufan nodded and replied, but for some reason, Chu Yufan felt that Cornelia was angry. Chu Yufan didn't know why

, but Chelsea's face suddenly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help muttering.

"Did this fellow Chelsea secretly trick me?"

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