Imperial Tool Dimensional Array [Shangri-La], a space-moving Imperial Tool, can instantly move the target to the predetermined marked position.

In addition to the enemy, the target can also move itself. Its performance is also one of the best among all the Imperial Tools.

Sheila's little action was discovered by Chu Yufan early on. Chu Yufan quickly transformed the Breath of the Moon into the Breath of the Sun and observed Sheila's next move.

Sheila did not notice any of this, but stared at the battlefield between Chu Yufan and Bud, waiting for the opportunity to activate the Imperial Tool at any time.

"That guy didn't do it directly. Was he waiting for the right opportunity? Or did he not want to involve Bud?"Chu Yufan looked at Xila who had been motionless and decided to"help him".

Bud's fist came, and Chu Yufan hurriedly blocked it with his knife. Then he kept retreating, as if he couldn't resist Bud's punch.

"Breath of the Sun, Shape of the Sun, Phantom Sun Rainbow"

"The opportunity has come! Shangri-La!"

A magic circle appeared under Chu Yufan's feet, and then a violent white light flashed, and Chu Yufan's figure suddenly disappeared.

Everyone was stunned at this moment.

"Hahahaha! Maybe you won't die because of the place you are teleported to, but when you return to the imperial capital, that woman will probably...……?!"


Before Xila could finish her shouting, her right hand was cut off by Chu Yufan, and the imperial weapon in her right hand was also taken by Chu Yufan.

"Space-based imperial tool! This is a good thing! Thank you for the gift of nature." Chu Yufan looked at the Shangri-La in his hand and couldn't help saying


"Are you having fun playing with an afterimage?" Chu Yufan looked at Xila's distorted face through the mask and asked with a smile.

"You bastard! I'm the minister's……"

"The minister's son, right? I know, so please go to hell."Chu Yufan was too lazy to listen to Xiladuo's words, and directly cut off his head and sent him to hell.

"How dare you kill someone in front of me?……"

Only then did Budd react, and then he looked at Chu Yufan and said slowly:

"I killed someone in front of you, what can you do to me?" Chu Yufan asked with a smile. How could the old man in front of him still be so pedantic and stubborn after being beaten?

"What can I do to you? Of course I will let you stand trial!"

Bud's imperial tools collided directly, and the thunderclouds in the sky suddenly became very dazzling, and then a huge lightning column hit Bud.

Not long after, a giant made of lightning tore through the lightning column and slowly walked out.

"Accept the punishment!"

The Thunder Giant stretched out his hand and directly suppressed Chu Yufan. Chu Yufan quickly dodged and observed the Thunder Giant in front of him.

"Hey, hey, is the situation a bit bad?"Tatsumi, who was hiding in the dark, said worriedly.

"What should I do? Should I go up and help?" Iyeas asked

"Forget it, we won't be able to fill their teeth if we go up there." Sayou complained

"Don't worry, the leader will take care of it."Chelsey looked at the three nervous people and said comfortingly

"Is Chu Yufan okay?" Cornelia couldn't help but wonder when she saw the Thunder Giant appear.

"Hey! What are you looking at?"

Hei Tong swung a knife at Cornelia, but Cornelia reacted instantly and dodged the attack by slightly turning sideways.

""Wait a minute! Hei Tong!" Will grabbed Hei Tong and said

"Will, what are you doing?"Hei Tong asked

"Calm down! If the general can't suppress the White Death, no matter how much we do, it will be useless!"Will looked at the wound on the back of Hei Tong's neck and couldn't help but said


"Hei Tong, Will is right! We should wait and see what happens first!"Lan fell from the sky and said to Hei Tong

"……Damn it!" Seeing Lian Lan say this, Hei Tong could only stop

"So that's it, hiding yourself in the lightning to limit my sword skills? Good idea, but it's a pity that it's a bit behind the version."Chu Yufan looked at Bud who was hidden by the lightning and thought to himself


Chu Yufan began to concentrate, and soon a transparent world appeared in Chu Yufan's vision.

"'s quite big……"

Chu Yufan immediately looked towards Cornelia's position, then quickly turned his head

"……Did Chu Yufan look at me just now?" Cornelia wondered.

In the transparent world, Bud, who was hidden in the thunder giant, was as bright as a big light bulb.

"Whether you will get hurt or not depends on how fast you react, old man!" Chu Yufan thought to himself

"Breath of the Sun, Seventh Form, Yang Hua Tu"

"As long as the White Death can't find my body in the Thunder Giant, I can……?!"

Bud's eyes narrowed suddenly, because Chu Yufan appeared in front of him in an instant, and more importantly, he actually found his real body directly!

""So fast!"

Chu Yufan had no time to react, and he stabbed Bud directly. This caused Bud to be knocked out of the Thunder Giant and crashed into the house beside the road.

Chu Yufan landed steadily, and everyone watching the battle was stunned.

That was the strongest general of the empire! Isn't the gap too big?

You know, even General Esdeath can at least fight back and forth with the White Death God. In this comparison, General Bud seems a little weak.

But there is nothing to be done about it. After all, Bud's strength is more reflected in the ability of the imperial equipment. If you meet an opponent who is not afraid of Bud's imperial equipment, then Bud himself will naturally be defeated by the opponent.

After all, not everyone can be as strong as Esdeath in both physical skills and imperial equipment.

"Old man, stop pretending to be dead. That attack just now couldn't kill you."Chu Yufan said


Bud walked out of the house. Although he was not injured, he looked quite embarrassed.

"I didn't expect that someone with such strong power would be a rebel.……"Bud looked at Chu Yufan with a complicated expression and said

"Old man, [White Death is a rebel] is something you added yourself. I never said I was a rebel."

"……"Bud didn't say anything, and Chu Yufan didn't bother to say anything else. They would meet again soon anyway.

"We should go now." Chu Yufan came to Cornelia and said


Cornelia snorted coldly, looking a little angry. It was unclear whether it was because she could only watch the battle from the sidelines, or because she was angry about what Chelsea said.

"Phew...Okay, okay~ Don't be angry~"

Chu Yufan touched Cornelia's head and then picked up Princess Cornelia.

"I still have a lot to say to you."

"I... I also have a lot of things to ask you." Cornelia replied.

Chu Yufan looked at Cornelia, who blushed because of being hugged, and smiled slightly. Then he disappeared from the spot, leaving behind only a group of people with a mouth full of dog food, and……

"It seems we have been forgotten……"Tatsumi said

"yes……"Iyeas said helplessly

""Okay, okay, now we can only go back by ourselves." Leone waved his hand and led the team to the scene.

"Damn it! I also want to have a sweet and sour love!" Leone thought to himself.

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