
"……"Sira...he...die die die die die...dead???"

The piece of meat in Minister Ernest's hand fell to the ground, and he looked at Dotya in disbelief. He just came back! He just met her once, and he's dead?

"Well... he encountered the White Death and had a direct conflict with it, and then he was killed by the White Death." Dotya replied

"I… I am… I am so looking forward to Shila giving me a surprise… Oh oh oh… That unfilial and stupid son… Ughhhhhhh……"

After hearing Dotya's affirmative answer, Minister Ernest burst into tears and knelt on the ground.

""Forget it, it doesn't matter." Minister Ernest suddenly calmed down and said.

Dotya, who was about to say a few words of comfort, was almost choked to death by Minister Ernest's change of heart.

"Have another son. Don't give birth to such a waste this time. You must choose a better mother, hehehe……"Minister Ernest muttered quietly

"I didn't expect it to turn out like this. This country is amazing.……"Dutya looked at the minister and thought to himself

"Ah! That's right." Minister Ernest turned around and said to Dotya

"Since that idiot Sheila is dead, I will be in charge of your research from now on... You wait here for a moment."

Minister Ernest walked into the inner room of the room, took out a small bottle of blood, and handed it to Dotya.

"this is?"

"This is the blood of the previous emperor. I want you to combine the thing you have with the emperor's blood to create an obedient humanoid puppet."Minister Ernest said

"Can you do that?"

"……With the materials in the base, it should be possible."Dotya replied

"Good, that's a priority."


Watching Dotya's back as he left, Minister Ernest smiled cunningly.

"You have been busy for so long, you just want to clear the court……"

"As long as I can create a puppet with the emperor's bloodline, then even if the little emperor is gone, I can still activate that thing."

"By then, I can catch you all in one fell swoop...hahahaha!"

"But before that, we need to delay a little bit.……"Minister Ernest murmured


Location: Night raid base in the suburbs of the imperial capital

"Ms. Cole!"


Cornelia and Akagami hugged each other happily when they met, and they were almost crying with joy. After all, before this, the two of them were companions who grew up together.

"Sister Ke Er, I'm so glad to see you're okay.……"Akahiko said

"You too!……"Cornelia replied

"Ah! Let me introduce my companions to Miss Cole.……"Akahime took Cornelia's hand and came to the others and started introducing them to each other.

"We're back……"

Leone and the others also returned from the imperial capital

"Ah! Master! You, you forgot all about us when you saw Sister Ke Er, didn't you?"When Shayou saw Chu Yufan, she jumped up and ran to him and said

"I didn't forget, it's just because I can only bring one person back, so you can't let me not bring Sister Ke Er and bring someone else, right?" Chu Yufan answered honestly.

"Well... that makes sense... No, this isn't the point, right?!" Sayou complained

"Yes~ You actually threw us into the imperial capital, that's too much, leader!" Chelsea's voice caught Cornelia's attention.

"Chu Yufan... I have something to ask you!" Cornelia took two steps at a time and pulled Chu Yufan to Chelsea and asked

"Is what this woman said true?" Cornelia asked directly

"What did you say?"Chu Yufan asked in confusion.

The others looked at each other and then came forward to watch. It seemed like there was something big to eat.

"Oh, I don't remember what I said, Miss Cornelia?"Chelsea said calmly.

"That's...that's...that……"Cornelia blushed and wanted to say something, but was too embarrassed to do so.

Chu Yufan saw this and immediately realized that his premonition was correct. Chelsea had tricked him without him realizing it.

"So, what was it? I don’t quite remember it. Chelsea looked at Cornelia, whose face was red, and immediately thought that this person was quite interesting, so she deliberately said

"Sister Cole, Chelsie……"

"Don't talk yet!" Chu Yufan was about to say something, but was interrupted by Cornelia.

"It's about you and your best friend sleeping together!" Cornelia finally said it.

"Oh, so that’s what happened. Your good friend is my good friend."

"Chu Yufan! You, have you ever slept with this woman in your arms?" After saying that, Cornelia stopped pretending and asked directly

"How is this possible? Chelsea and I don't see each other very often!"Chu Yufan said

"Why did this woman say,"Sleep with my best friend?"……"

"It turns out... I'm not Ms. Kerr's best friend.……"

A female voice interrupted Cornelia's words, and Akame lowered her head and said

"Um... best friend……"

"Of course it's Akame~ Who else would Miss Cornelia think it was~" Chelsi said with a smile

"Ah! I'm sorry! Akahime! You're also my best friend!" Cornelia hurried forward to comfort Akahime.


Chu Yufan looked at Chelsea with sidelong eyes, but Chelsea had an indifferent expression on her face, as if to say, what can you do to me?

"Dear Miss Chelsea... I think I told you not to tease adults casually, right?"

Another voice came, making Chelsea tremble all over. It was Alisa. When she came over in the corridor, she heard what everyone was saying and roughly knew what happened.

"That... Alisa... Haha."Chelsey said with a guilty conscience.

The reason why Chelsea dared to tease Chu Yufan was mainly because she knew that even if she teased him, he would not do anything to her.

But Alisa was different. At this time, Alisa would use the method of abusing her power for personal gain to deal with Chelsea.

"Dear Miss Chelsi, I see that you are very free now, so here are some very, very"easy" tasks for you to do."Elisa's smile at this time was like a devil's smile in Chelsi's eyes.

"Yes! I guarantee that I will complete the task!"

Chelsey didn't dare to say no. Without saying a word, she took the document handed over by Alyssa and ran away without even looking at it. This made Nadezhda and others stunned.

"I'm sorry, sir." said Alisa

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay."Chu Yufan waved his hand and replied

"This person...is called Chu Yufan...Sir?" Cornelia couldn't help but frowned when she heard Elisa's address.

"Is she... Cornelia?" Alisa saw Cornelia at a glance, and then her eyes couldn't help but look at a certain part of her.

"Damn it!" Elisa cursed inwardly

"The good show seems to be about to begin?"

Nadeta and the others looked at Elisa, then at Cornelia, and suddenly had the idea of moving a chair to get melon seeds.

As for Chu Yufan, he was as steady as an old dog. After all, whether he messed up or not, there was nothing to be afraid of.

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