"Hello, Miss Cornelia. My name is Alisa. Thank you for your guidance." Alisa said politely, extending her hand.

"……Hello, Alisa. Cornelia hesitated for a moment and shook hands with Alisa.

"I apologize to you about Chelsea. She just likes to play tricks on people, she didn't mean any harm."Alyssa said

"It's okay, it's my own misunderstanding……"Cornelia replied

"I'm so sorry...By the way, I received some information.……"

"Just call me Sister Cole. I should be older than you, right?" Cornelia said

"Indeed... Then Sister Ke Er, let's discuss it together, and we can also understand the current situation of the imperial capital."Alyssa did not refuse, but directly changed her address.

"Ah... OK"

"What? Is that it?" The onlookers were immediately disappointed. They thought they could just eat melons.

Chu Yufan was not surprised at all. He knew Alyssa very well. Apart from teaching Chelsea a lesson, she basically would not bring her personal feelings to work.

Only in this way can she become the actual leader of the organization.

"First, the information about Esdeath. She will be back in the capital the day after tomorrow. This is the information about Esdeath's war with 300,000 Western foreigners."Alyssa sat in the center of the conference table and passed the information one by one.

"Directly create an ice wall to surround 300,000 people, this is really……"Brand looked at the information and couldn't help but say

"It seems that she has completely mastered the breathing method. Maybe she has reached the state of full concentration.……"Chu Yufan murmured

"How is it? Are you sure you can beat Esdeath?" Najeta looked at Chu Yufan and asked

"I don't know how strong she is yet, it seems I have to get familiar with the imperial equipment."Chu Yufan took out the Shangri-La he got from Xila.

If the space-moving imperial equipment is used well, it may have unexpected effects. But before that, he still needs to be proficient in using it.

"There has been some progress in persuading General Bud. Although the minister was quite secretive, I still found some evidence. I expect to try to contact General Bud soon."Alyssa continued

"Next is the hunters. Except for Hei Tong who is controlled by drugs, all other members may be turned against the enemy."

"……"Chi Tong lowered his head when he heard this.

"Mr. Andrew has already started researching the drug control for Black Eyes. If he can create an antidote, Black Eyes can be saved. Seeing the look on Red Eyes' face, Alisa hastily added:

"Thank you!" Chi Tong said gratefully

"So what should we do next?" Marin asked

"According to the original plan, we will decide on the next move after contacting General Bud. Now, please prepare for the next battle."Alyssa replied

"Don't we need to take action in this regard?"

"Someone has already volunteered to go out." Elisa replied with a smile

"Poor Chelsi……"Everyone thought at the same time.

After the meeting, everyone left the meeting room, leaving only Chu Yufan and Cornelia.

"Sorry, Sister Ke Er. I haven't contacted you since I came to the capital.……"Chu Yufan said

"It's okay. After all, I roughly know what you are going to do. You didn't contact me for my safety. I don't mind.……"Cornelia walked up to Chu Yufan and continued to say to him

"I hope you're still alive……"

"Ms. Cole……"Chu Yufan couldn't help but hugged her, and Cornelia also put her arm around Chu Yufan's waist.

Just as the two were about to exchange saliva, the Shangri-La in Chu Yufan's hand started up, and with a flash of white light, the two figures disappeared from the conference room.

"Wow! How can you use imperial tools like this!"The onlookers outside the door couldn't help but complain when they saw this scene.

"It seems that Master already knew we were outside." Tatsumi said

"Damn it! I really want to know what will happen next!"Sayou said.

Alyssa looked at this scene, then smiled with relief, and then turned and left.

If it is not yours, you don't need to force it. Maybe you can find something better in the future?

Location: Somewhere in the forest.

A flash of white light passed, and two figures appeared in the forest

"Now no one will disturb us."Chu Yufan looked at Cornelia and said

"Um……"Cornelia blushed again.

They closed their eyes and……


Ten days later, at night, Chelsi completed the task assigned by Elisa.

""Hey, this is first-hand information about what happened back then." Chelsea handed Alyssa a document and said

"Where is that person now?"

"I have him in a safe place, and now only I know where it is." Chelsi replied

"Okay, once everything is ready, we will bring the people to General Budd and persuade him to cooperate with us," said Elisa.

"……Are you okay?"


Chelsey's words made Alisa visibly stunned. She then reacted and replied

"Of course I have no problem with that. You can't force relationships.……"

Alisa knew Chu Yufan very well. If she told him her feelings directly, Chu Yufan would definitely reject her without hesitation. He was just that kind of person.

"So, I thought……"

"You don't think I would set up a trap for Sister Cole and put her in danger?"Chelsey, you've read too many novels. A truly smart person wouldn't do such a thing." Alisa complained to Chelsea.

"The reason why you have been working with me for so long is naturally because we know each other very well."

"Adults know very well that I will not do this, and I also know very well how adults will respond if I express my feelings."

"Why repeat the process if you know the result?" Alisa explained.

"Moreover, we have never been together because of love. From the beginning, we acted together because we had the same goal."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

""I see! I am the one who is meddling in other people's affairs." Chelsi replied with a smile.

"Woof! Woof!"


The barking of a small black dog attracted the attention of the two. Turning around, they saw that it was Sibi's imperial weapon.

"Sister Sibiya's imperial weapon? Did something happen to her?"Alyssa asked Huohuo to come over, and then she found a piece of paper tied to her body.

"What is written on it?"

"Sister Sibiya encountered a very difficult enemy a little way away from the imperial capital and asked me to send reinforcements."Alyssa said

"When you encounter a very difficult enemy, you still use your own imperial weapon to report the situation?" said Chelsi

"I'm afraid we've encountered a major crisis... We need to send people over to provide support as soon as possible." Alisa said


Location: An unnamed village southeast of the imperial capital

"Damn, what's wrong with these monsters? They can recover no matter if their arms are cut off or their heads are smashed."Sibi Ya hid in a corner, using the moonlight to look at the three figures in front of her.

The three figures were covered in blood and were still gnawing on human arms.

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