Alisa asked Akame, Myne and Hill to go to Sibiya's location for reinforcement. At the same time, Chu Yufan, Brand and Susanoo were asked to be ready for action at any time.

Now Chu Yufan had the imperial weapon Dimensional Array [Shangri-La], so even if Akame and the other two encountered a trap, Chu Yufan could immediately reinforce them.

When Akame and the other two arrived at the scene, it was already late at night. They did not go directly into the village, but observed from the outskirts of the village.

"How is it, Myne, have you found anything?" Chi Tong asked in a low voice

"Many villagers were killed in the village. I guess the murderer is still inside... Got it! Someone is fighting!" said Marin

""Let's go!"

At the same time, Sibiya and the three ogres encountered each other again.

The strength of the three ogres was not that good. Normally, Sibiya, who had the breathing method, could easily deal with them.

However, these three ogres actually had extremely strong regeneration abilities. No matter whether it was Sibiya's attack or the attack of the imperial weapon Huohuo, the opponent could quickly recover to its original state.

Moreover, these three ogres seemed to be tireless, or had unlimited physical strength. From just now to now, their movements were still as fast as before. In contrast, Sibiya's physical strength gradually declined due to continuous fighting, which made her fall into a disadvantage. She had no choice but to let Huohuo go to seek support.

"Breath of Love, Land Style, Cat-foot Love Wind."

The soft knife in Sibiya's hand, like a whip, chopped the three ogres quickly, but soon the three ogres recovered again.

"Or reborn? Are these three guys immortal?"Sibi Ya complained when she saw this. She doubted whether these three guys were cheating.


A wave of energy shot towards the three ogres, and the figures of the three ogres were immediately submerged.

"Are you okay?" Chi Tong looked at Sibiya and asked

"I'm fine, you guys be careful, these three monsters are probably still alive."Sibiya said vigilantly

"How is it possible? They are……"


Before Marin could finish her words, three cannibals appeared again and rushed towards the four people.

"Hey, hey, hey! What on earth is going on?"Ma Yin asked immediately after seeing this.

"These three guys are not conscious and can't speak. But they have strong regenerative abilities and plenty of physical strength. I tried to attack their vital parts, but it didn't work."Sibiya said

"How can we kill him like this?" Hill asked.

"……Let's try using Murasame!" Akame pulled out Murasame and rushed towards the three.

The three ogres were not very strong, and Akame easily chopped them with Murasame. The place where Akame chopped began to show poison, and soon spread to the whole body.

The three ogres soon fell to the ground and did not move.

Akame and the other four did not approach quickly, but waited for a while, and then slowly approached the three.

The appearance of the three became half-human, half-ghost, and the whole body was full of blood. Some pieces of meat could be seen on their bodies.

"What exactly is going on?"

"I don't know. Let's take these three people back to the base first." Sibiya suggested.



"I passed by that village while on the road. I smelled blood and went in to check. Then I found that all the people in the village had been killed by these three guys, and they were eating human flesh."

After returning to the base of the night raid, Sibiya told everyone about how she encountered these three guys.

"Cannibal……"Chu Yufan suddenly said

"Sir, do you know what this is?" Elisa asked

"A kind of evil ghost that only appears at night and turns into ashes when it encounters the sun. It specializes in eating people. It also has a strong regenerative ability and unlimited physical strength."Chu Yufan said slowly

"Have you seen it?" Nadezhda asked

"No, this is just a legend I heard when I was a kid." Chu Yufan said.

In fact, this was what Chu Yufan's missing memory told him, but it was very difficult to explain it, so Chu Yufan lied.

"Then do you know the weakness of this cannibal?"

"If I remember correctly... the weak point should be the neck." Chu Yufan replied

"No, I tried to attack the cannibal's neck, but it still regenerated."Sibi Ya shook her head and said

"Legend has it that ordinary weapons cannot kill cannibals. It seems that special weapons that can absorb sunlight are needed... Ah! That's right!"Chu Yufan suddenly thought of something and pulled out the knife from his waist and said

"My knife is made of a mineral called Carsley Steel that can absorb sunlight. Maybe if I use this knife to chop the cannibal's neck, I can kill it."

"Well... Having said that, this is a legend after all.……"Brand said

"No, I think we can give it a try first. And the sudden appearance of the cannibal ghost makes me feel a little strange, maybe this matter is not that simple."Alyssa said

"Anyway, let's investigate first."


"Good morning, Mr. Bakewell. Chu Yufan came to Bakewell early the next morning.

"Haha! You came just in time. I have already prepared what you want."Beckwell saw Chu Yufan coming and hurriedly took out a hand armor-like thing.

"I have embedded your imperial weapon in my gauntlet so that it can be used at any time during battle." Bakewell said

"Thank you, this will make it much easier to fight." Chu Yufan said happily after putting on the gauntlet and moving around a bit.

"The Shangri-La imperial weapon has limited energy, which limits its ability to a certain extent."

"What are the specific aspects?"

"Short distance teleportation is not a big problem, but long distance teleportation will enter a cooling period and make the imperial tool temporarily unusable."Beckwell explained.

"That's it. I'll pay attention to it."

"Oh, right! I've already made the throwing knives you asked me to make." Bakewell took out six throwing knives. The six throwing knives were streamlined and very suitable for throwing. There were circular patterns printed on the handles of the throwing knives. If you look closely, it turns out to be the teleportation array of Shangri-La.

"Hehe, if it can be used like this, it will be interesting." Chu Yufan thought to himself as he looked at the six flying knives in his hand.

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