"Hey, you, what did you do to my Cornelia?"

"Who do you say is yours?"

At the meeting point, Guy was excitedly yelling at Chu Yufan. Then he was punched in the face by Cornelia, and he screamed in pain.

It's no wonder Guy was so excited. After all, Chu Yufan and Cornelia looked a little strange when they came back. It's easy to let people have wild thoughts. Even Bonnie and Tsukushi sat next to him and whispered.

"Ahem... It takes a while for me to get useful information, how about others?"Cornelia hurriedly changed the subject.

"I didn't gain anything here either." Tsukushi said

"My fish cutting skills have improved again!" Bonnie said, waving his hands like a knife.

"Well, this doesn't seem to be something to be proud of."Green complained

"Then, the only one missing is Akame. Hasn't she come yet?" Nahas asked.

"Since I am in charge of the horse feeding, I will be here later. After all, feeding horses is very hard work."

"Are you really feeding the horse? Or are you eating the horse?"Chu Yufan said seriously

"I really am feeding the horses! And horse meat doesn’t taste good either!" Chi Tong opened the door and explained.

"You really have eaten it?" Chu Yufan said in surprise

"Boss, I have carefully checked the condition of the governor's horses at the stables, and it seems that he will go hunting in the forest soon."Akatō did not intend to continue this topic, but told Nahashu about his findings.


"There is no prey at all! Didn't they say there would be a herd of Lelang deer?" Rakiri rode his horse and led the team through the forest, not knowing that he had fallen into the trap set by Nahasu and others.

"Did they arrive here as planned?"Tsukushi, who was hiding in the tree, looked at the assassination target riding a horse on the ground, raised his Prometheus and fired at the tree in front of her.

The bullet hit the tree and bounced, turned a big bend and hit the Rakiri's head. Rakiri fell off the horse and fell to the ground, and the team became panicked.

"Where is the enemy? Find it out!"

"The bullet came from there, hurry up and chase it!"

One group of people in the team chased in the direction where the bullet came from. Another group chased in the opposite direction.

After Chikushi's hand, he quickly joined the others and started running out of the woods.

"Haha, thanks to me for going into the field and dispersing the deer." Guy said as he ran.

"Well, thanks to you for leading the target to the deepest part." Nahasu said affirmatively

"So, what should we do now?"Chu Yufan turned his head slightly and looked behind him and asked

"When will we start cleaning up the mess?" Chi Tong also asked

"It seems that everyone understands, and it's a good opportunity to teach those who didn't notice it a lesson." Nahasu said without turning his head.

"Why were we discovered?"Boni asked in confusion

"Could it be because of... the smell of gunpowder?" Chi Tong sniffed and said

""Everyone, turn around and meet the enemy!" Nahaxiu said to everyone.

Everyone stopped and looked behind them. A group of people wearing cloaks also chased after them and stood not far from Nahaxiu and others.

"Although they are not the target, since they have seen our faces, there is nothing we can do." Nahaxiu looked at the enemy in front of him and said softly

"They can chase us here. We should not underestimate their strength. Everyone should be careful."Cornelia reminded everyone.

"Are they actually a bunch of little ghosts?……"Just as the leader was about to speak, Chu Yufan came in front of him and killed him with a single blow.

"You're almost dead, why are you still talking nonsense?"

"Bastard!"When the other party saw their companion being killed in an instant, they rushed towards Chu Yufan's position. Nahaxiu and others also rushed up at the same time, and the two sides were engaged in a short battle.

As for the battle process, Nahaxiu and his eight people completely crushed the other side, and soon the chasing enemies were all wiped out by Nahaxiu and others.


"Hahaha, not bad, not bad, I didn't expect to complete the task so quickly, it's really unexpected!" Goziqi touched Tsukushi and Bonnie's heads and said happily

"Humph, of course! No matter what kind of enemy comes next, let them come!" Guy said excitedly

"Don't be too careless!"Goziqi frowned when he heard Guy's words, and then said seriously

"The foreign tribes and rebels have begun to notice us and are planning to launch a counterattack."

"That means we will become the enemy's target in the future." Nahasu said calmly.

"That's right, the enemy's counterattack means that they must send assassins. So next we may encounter a duel between assassins, and we must act more cautiously in the future. Stay alert at all times and don't let anyone fall behind before completing the mission!"


After hearing what Goziqi said, everyone became serious. It's better to be careful than to be cautious. It seems that we need to be more careful next time.


"Well, the next target is the assassination force of the empire? The location is at the border."An old man wearing a tattered cloak, looking at the report paper in his hand, said softly.

Next to him, a girl wearing lavender clothes and holding a long knife stood next to the old man, but did not speak.

"The border? It's so far away!"Behind the two of them, next to the tree, a beautiful girl with long hair and headphones, wearing a British-style uniform and eating candy in her mouth, said helplessly after hearing the mission the old man said.

"Cheer, stop grumbling and get going.……"Hearing Chelsea's complaint, the old man said to her

""Yes! Instructor!" Chelsi replied hurriedly.

The three of them were members of the Assassin's Society. The old lady in the lead was named Barbara Oberg. She was a big shot in the Assassin's Society and also a top-notch warrior in the Assassin's Society.

The girl with a knife following Barbara was called Taeko. She was a killer who was trained by Barbara since she was a child and her strength was not weak.

As for Chelsi, she was an imperial weapon user!

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