"I'm sorry, instructor, my feet are numb." Chelsea said to Barbara breathlessly. Although she was very tired, she didn't drop the candy in her mouth.

"Really? Just bear with it."

"Have you forgotten how far we have walked today?"

"Don't treat me like an old person. I remember exactly what I ate a week ago." Barbara turned her head and looked at Chelsea.

"But instructor, don’t you only eat hamburgers?"

"I carry you……"Seeing this, Taeko took the initiative to carry Chelsi on her back.


""Tiako! Don't spoil her too much!" Barbara couldn't help but say

"Thinking back to those days, when I was young and beautiful……"

"Ah...ah! Speaking of which, this time the mission is to assassinate the secret forces of the empire, right? Do we want to lure them over here?" Knowing that Barbara was going to start preaching, Chelsi hurriedly changed the subject.

"【Cut off the rebels' source of income, which is their trading channel with foreign countries. This order should have been sent to the Empire." Barbara explained.

"So that's why our goal this time is to pretend to be the person in charge of transportation in the transaction and fight them.……"Taeko said

"Hmm? We've arrived at the meeting point, instructor."Chelsey noticed the handkerchief on the dead tree on the right and said to Barbara


"It's quite strange.……"Chu Yufan murmured to himself

"What's the matter?" Cornelia, who was sitting next to him, looked at Chu Yufan and asked curiously.

"This mission feels like a trap to me."

"Why do you say that?" Green asked

"If they had discovered other things of the rebels, it might not have been strange, but this time they had discovered the rebels' trading channels! This is the economic lifeline of the other party and the basis for their rebellion. How could it be discovered so easily?"Chu Yufan explained.

"You are right, this is indeed very strange, but there is no way, no matter whether the information is true or false, we need to verify it."Nahashu confirmed Chu Yufan's idea, but there was no way.

After all, military orders are like mountains, and there is no way to determine whether it is a trap, so he can only verify it in person.

Night fell, and the location was on the Bailang River.

More than a dozen ships were moving forward in the dark in the middle of the night, and on each ship, there were five to seven people standing on the deck and observing the surroundings. Barbara, Taeko and Chelsea stayed on the last ship of the team. According to the guess, the enemy was most likely to attack from behind.

However, they didn't know who they were going to face.

"This position is quite suitable for a sneak attack. Chelsi, scout!" Barbara ordered.


Still eating the candy in her mouth, Chelsea took out a box full of cosmetics. She took out a few cosmetics and drew them towards herself in the air. In an instant, Chelsea turned into a huge giant owl and flew into the air. The imperial weapon, Gaia Foundation, allows the user to transform into anything according to their own wishes. It has certain requirements for the user's physical strength, and it also cannot improve the user's combat effectiveness.

At the same time, in the center of the team

"Hey! There's a ship approaching!" said a guard.

"Get your guns ready, let's take a closer look!"

"Hmm? Is there no one here?"

Just as the guard was about to board the ship to check, a figure approached him. It was Nahaxiu holding the Water Dragon Sword. He killed the three people in front of him instantly after approaching.

"Surprise attack on the center... Did you get the wrong location?……"When Mio saw this, she was about to draw her sword but Barbara slapped her on the butt, causing Mio to scream.

"Wait a moment."Barbara came to the edge of the boat, looked at the body floating on the river, and said to Taeko

"It seems that we got lucky in the end, as those people were killed in an instant."

"!"Mio looked at the bodies on the river in shock. Maybe these people were not that strong compared to her. But they were also top-notch masters. How could they be killed so easily?

"Abandon ship before the enemy arrives!"


"The rest is your job, Chelsi.……"Before diving into the water, Barbara looked behind her and thought to herself.

At this time, Chelsea, who had transformed into a giant owl, was hovering above the boat, waiting for the other party to come on board for inspection. Soon, Nahaxiu, Green and Chu Yufan came to the boat.

"Weird? No one here?"Green said strangely.

"Did he jump into the water and escape early?" Nahashu said

"It seems that we can only leave it to Chi Tong and the others underwater."Chu Yufan said


Chu Yufan and Nahaxiu suddenly felt something and looked up at the same time. A giant owl was circling in the air. Nahaxiu frowned, and Chu Yufan was about to draw his sword. At this distance, the Wind Breathing skill could hit the giant owl.

However, the giant owl seemed to sense the danger and flew away without looking back.


In an abandoned house, Barbara and Taeko, who had escaped from the pursuers, were waiting for Chelsea to arrive.

""Huh! Huh! I'm so scared, it's really too scary!" Chelsi, who had untransformed, came here quickly, her face pale as if she had seen a ghost.

"Did you see the other person's face?" Barbara asked

""I saw the faces of the other three people." As Chelsi said this, she took out three pictures she had drawn, which were portraits of Nahasu, Green and Chu Yufan.

"……Isn't this a child?"

"It looks much smaller than me!"

"There should be more than just these three people, right?"

"It should be, but these two people seemed to be about to find out that I had become a giant owl. One of them even seemed to have the means to attack, so I didn't stay any longer."Chelsea explained with some fear. Although they all had a strong sense of oppression, one of the guys had already put his hand on the hilt of the knife, which was simply too scary.

"You have to remember the feeling now. After all, knowing the opponent's appearance is a good effect."Barbara did not blame Chelsea, but comforted her.

"Then, it’s up to us to set the trap."

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