Compared to the miserable state of Barbara and the other two, Chi Tong and the others were enjoying the hot springs on the mountain near the Bailang River.

"I never thought there would be a hot spring here!" Chi Tong said happily.

"It is said that hot springs are very effective for shoulder pain.……"Bonnie was soaking in the hot spring, glancing at a certain part of Tsukushi's body and reminded him:

""Hmm? I don't have shoulder pain, Bonnie." Tsukushi replied with a slightly red face.

"Come to think of it, I was really shocked when I was in the river just now. I didn't expect there were armed groups in the river."Akagi said while soaking in the hot spring

"This is the first time we have fallen into a trap."Tsukushi said

"Just like my father said, I have become prey."Cornelia said

"No problem! Next time, just give it back like this time!" Bonnie stood up from the hot spring, put his hands on his hips and said

"The correct phrase should be"Anti-tooth for an anti-tooth", Bonnie." Tsukushi corrected Bonnie's typo

"Alas, it's all the same, Tsukushi."Boni, who had long been unhappy with Tsukushi's two weapons, took this opportunity to attack him, and Akame also joined the battle.

"Okay, okay, it's about time to go out and take over from the boys.……"Cornelia also got up from the hot spring and said

"Ah! Speaking of which, Sister Ke Er, when you assassinated the governor last time, did anything happen when you and Chu Yufan sneaked into the castle?"Aka Tong saw Cornelia get up, and suddenly remembered something and asked, and Cornelia was stiffened by Chi Tong's question.


"Oh? There's a problem!"

The three girls rushed forward and pushed Cornelia to the ground. Akahime and Tsukushi controlled her left and right hands, while Bonnie sat on her, shaking her fingers and asking with an evil smile.

"Leniency to those who confess, severity to those who resist. Sister Cole, just confess!" Bonnie raised his hands, aimed at a certain part of Cornelia, and began to knead it up and down.

"Stop... Stop... I told you to... Stop!" Cornelia, who tried not to scream, burst out with amazing strength under her shyness and threw the three people directly into the hot spring. After all, Cornelia was the second best in physical skills in the team.

"Damn it! Sister Cole actually ran away!" Bonnie stood up from the hot spring and shouted

"Nothing happened between him and me! Don't think too much!"Cornelia also retorted loudly

"Oh~ Really~" The three of them stared at Cornelia’s face and said at the same time

"I... let's go and take over the boys." Cornelia, feeling a little guilty for some reason, changed the subject.

"Oh, right, let's hold our breath and sneak closer to see if we can get caught by the boss."Akagami suddenly suggested.

"Ah! Great! If the boss doesn't find out, everyone can call him trash from now on!" Bonnie said with a cunning smile.


The boys' group on the other side was guarding the camp.

Nahasu was still sitting by the campfire, reading a book in his hand. Green was sitting on his right, looking at the campfire, and Guy was tied up with ropes and sitting opposite Green.

As for Chu Yufan, he was meditating and practicing breathing techniques a little further away. Although he had entered the state of full concentration, if he could concentrate on practicing breathing techniques, the effect would be slightly higher than normal. Therefore, every day when Chu Yufan had free time, he would concentrate on practicing breathing techniques.

"Has Chu Yufan become stronger again?" Nahaxiu glanced at Chu Yufan's back and thought strangely.

"Really, girls are too slow in taking a shower, five minutes is enough." Guy said, unable to do certain things because he was tied up

"No, you have to take a bath for 45 minutes." Nahasu retorted

"Gay's is too short, and the captain's is too long."Green complained

""Why hasn't Dad come yet? I want to go to the big city to have fun." Guy asked

"I remember he said he would take us to a hotel famous for its cuisine."Green replied.

"Yes, and there must be a customs street on the hot spring street!"Guy said excitedly

"Ah, so that's what you were talking about."

"What a complete trash!"

In the forest behind the four people, the girls have quietly approached here, and this position is just right to hear the boys' conversation.

"I said, I need to pee, please untie me first."Guy said

"If I let you go, you will definitely use the Thousand Layer Cloth to spy on me."Green refused directly.

"We must not let Guy see them taking a bath."

"Tsk... why don't we all go and peek together... huh?! Wait, Green, you just said"You must not let me peek" is it because of jealousy?"Guy complained, and suddenly realized something, and then asked Green

"Makes sense……"When Nahasuo heard what Guy said, he also looked at Green, which made Green feel panicked for a moment.

"Are you attracted to one of them?……"

"Well……"Green's face turned red and he couldn't answer a word.

"Are you also interested in Cornelia? Tell me the truth, you bastard! Guy said angrily.

"It's not Miss Cole!"Green blushed and retorted

"Is it Akagi?"


Chu Yufan, who had not interrupted, suddenly stopped meditating, turned around and looked at Green and asked directly. Green was also confused by Chu Yufan's question and could not refute it.

"How do you know this?" Guy asked doubtfully, and Nahasu beside him was also quite surprised.

"Because he would peek at Chi Tong from time to time, so it was obvious that Green liked Chi Tong."Chu Yufan explained

"You...I...Yes, I am in love with Akame……"Green shook his head from side to side, and finally blushed and whispered

""Oh! I didn't expect that! So what do you like about Akame?" Guy asked.

"Just treat it as a casual chat after dinner, and let me hear it." Nahasu also said the same thing

"……Well! This is a touching story that will make anyone sad and cry. You should prepare tissues!"Since the words have been said, Green simply stopped pretending and told the three people this touching story directly.

——— half year ago……

""Akagi, it's almost time for training." Green said as he opened the door. Then he saw Akagi sleeping on the sofa. Akagi was sleeping on her side with her hands on the back of her head, so her armpits were exposed. Green's cheeks flushed when he saw this scene, and he couldn't take his eyes off Akagi's armpits.

Just like that, Green fell in love with Akagi and would stare at her armpits from time to time. It's a really touching story.


Nahaxiu, Guy and Chu Yufan were petrified on the spot, unable to say a word. It seems that the more lustful Guy seems to be quite normal.

""Ah, what's your reaction?" Green asked, looking at the expressions of the three people.

"……"Guy was speechless, and suddenly he felt that he wasn't so abnormal after all.


""I'm sorry, you bastard."

Nahaxiu and Chu Yufan apologized to Green at the same time, which made Green a little confused. Nahaxiu and Chu Yufan did not explain too much. They had already discovered the girls hiding behind them, but they did not expect Green to reveal such a big melon.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! I was so shocked that I had to run away."

"Green... I had my suspicions, but this is too abnormal!" Bonnie complained

"It's even better than I thought.……"Cornelia also complained

"That Akagi, are you okay? Hearing Green say that……"Tsukushi looked at Akame who turned her back and asked with concern

"No matter what the reason is, it's still nice to hear that others like you. But, I just want to be friends and comrades with Green."Akagi said with a forced smile.

"it is as expected……"The other three thought.

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