"I'm leaving now. Goodbye, Cornelia."

"Well, thank you."

After delivering the lunch boxes, Cornelia and Guy returned to the door of the hotel, and then Guy was about to return to the mountains.

"……I won't lose to that newcomer, just watch carefully!" Guy suddenly looked at Cornelia seriously, and this expression made her stunned for a moment.

"I told you, it's not like that!" Cornelia retorted.


"Go back to the mountains and stop wandering around outside."

Cornelia sighed as she watched Guy walk away.

""Alas~ What should I do? I don't understand this kind of thing~" Cornelia said to herself. Indeed, she has a certain liking for Chu Yufan, but is this what is called love? Although he is a killer, he is essentially an adolescent girl and is ignorant of this kind of thing.


"Ah! Taeko, what's going on?" Hearing someone calling her, Cornelia turned around and saw that it was Taeko.

"I want to talk to you about the man just now. Can you come over? It's nearby."What Mio said surprised Cornelia, and she agreed without thinking.

The two soon came to an abandoned house.

"I... I say... Taeko... are you saying that you like Guy... well, although he is indeed manly,……?!"Cornelia was about to persuade her friend, but then she felt a cold light flashing towards her and quickly stepped back.

"……Have you avoided it?……"Mio said calmly, but there was no surprise in her tone.

"Although I don't want you to die too sadly...……"

"Taeko, who are you?……"Cornelia's face became serious at this moment. If she hadn't reacted in time, she would have died on the spot.

"I am an assassin hired by the revolutionary army."


"……At first I thought we could be friends, but... it seems that this is the limit of my relationship with Cornelia."

"……Since you are the enemy who is coming to kill me, I will kill you!" Cornelia launched the Crushing King, and her expression changed from shock to a cold expression.

"I am the breath of the god of death, Oberg, the wind of impermanence, leading you to the underworld." Seeing this, Taeko also took a stance and muttered this sentence.

The two of them stood still and guarded each other. Then Taeko took the lead and came to Cornelia in an instant.


A swift knife slashed towards Cornelia from bottom to top. Although the speed was fast enough, Cornelia still reacted quickly and took a few steps back.

Mieko's attack failed and she turned to sweep towards Cornelia's head. Cornelia used the Crushing King to resist, and then kicked Mieko away with a swift kick.

"What a quick reaction!"The kicked Taeko thought in shock. Cornelia's reaction speed surprised her.

"Very strong, but still far behind Chu Yufan."Cornelia commented in her heart.

After all, everyone in the Panlongling team had practiced with Chu Yufan last time. That guy's speed was too abnormal. Compared with him, Mioko was just faster.

""Hanafu, whoever comes near will be killed." Taeko closed her eyes and raised her knife. Although she did not move, Cornelia felt that it would be very dangerous if she rushed in rashly.

"Sister Cole, your boxing gloves have a very short attack range, so you have to get close to the enemy every time you attack. This will be very disadvantageous when facing enemies with long weapons. I think you should think of some long-range attack methods."

Thinking back to Chu Yufan's words, Cornelia suddenly had an idea. This is an abandoned house, and there are many things that can be thrown.

Then Mio saw Cornelia raised a square pillar with one hand and threw it towards her.


Although she was shocked, Taeko still reacted and cut the pillar in half with one knife. The pillar fell to the ground and raised a cloud of dust. However, before she could do anything else, several small cylinders appeared in the smoke. Taeko tried her best to dodge them in a panic.

"Crushing King!"

While Taeko was focusing on the thrown object, Cornelia had already approached Taeko and used Crushing King to smash towards her with maximum power. Taeko had no way to avoid it and chose to block it with her left hand. She was instantly knocked away.

"What?! She was able to continue fighting after being hit by the Crushing King?" Cornelia was about to step forward to continue attacking, but she saw that Taeko was able to stand up after being hit, so she stopped her guard.

"Even though I have hardened my muscles, I still feel this kind of paralysis. I guess I can't let her get close to me anymore.……!"Taeko felt her injury and just as she was thinking of a solution, Cornelia suddenly kicked her.

"So fast! And it also loosened the joints to make the legs longer!"

"Although I can't do whatever my father wants, I can still use it. You are too focused on my fists."Cornelia said

"Well, let’s go beyond the limit here too!"


Taeko disappeared instantly.

Cornelia did not move, but focused on sensing the surroundings.


Cornelia raised her sword to the right, and Taeko's sword also chopped over, making a crisp sound.


"Drink hahahaha……"

The moment they came into contact, the two began to fight fiercely. The fists and swords were in a stalemate. If one party failed to catch the other's moves, the other party would counterattack fiercely.

"puff……"soon���After being punched, Mio couldn't hold on any longer and quickly retreated, waving the knife in her hand wildly.

"!"Cornelia would definitely pursue the opponent when she saw this situation, even though she might be hit by the opponent's knife.……

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Did she notice?"Taoko thought to herself as she looked at Cornelia who had suddenly stopped.

"Someone once told me that no matter how strong or weak your opponent is, you should not be hit by his weapon. After all, you don't know if his weapon is coated with poison.……"Cornelia recalled Chu Yufan's words, and then said helplessly

"But who can be like him? Every time he fights, his clothes won't get torn? He defeats his opponents without getting hurt. He's younger than me, but he's so awesome.……"

""I'm sorry, Taeko. I can't be defeated by you here. I want to catch up with that guy and let him know that his sister Cole is very powerful!" After saying these words, Cornelia exhaled lightly, and then looked at Taeko with a firm look.

"Is that so... Then I must respond to you properly, Cornelia." Taeko heard Cornelia's words and then she hid the knife in her hand

"That's it!"Although it was different from Chu Yufan's knife holding posture, Cornelia knew that the two moves were based on the same principle.



Cornelia raised her right hand to block Taeko's sword-drawing move, and then kicked Taeko's head. Taeko was instantly knocked back, and then she took the sword-drawing stance again.

""Light Wind!"

The sword slash came again, and Cornelia used the Crushing King to block it again, and then kicked Taeko in the abdomen again.

"Has she been seen through again? Damn it!" Taeko thought to herself

"Her movements became slower, but she couldn't be careless! Chu Yufan said that prey that was cornered would often burst out with more powerful potential to seek a glimmer of survival."Cornelia thought, and then picked up the abandoned cement pillars around and threw them at Taeko again.

Seeing that Cornelia was no longer close to her, Taeko, who kept dodging the attacks, felt a little irritated. She couldn't use Tornado continuously, so……

"Flower wind, kill those who come near"

"This move again?" Cornelia stopped her long-range attack and said

"Let's fight it out, Taeko." Cornelia slowly raised the Crushing King in her right hand and began to charge up.

"……That's right, Cornelia." Taeko replied

""Smash the King!"

Cornelia threw a punch at Taeko, and the huge wind pressure instantly blew Taeko from where she was and hit the wall, creating a big hole.

"Wind pressure?!"

""Light Wind!"

Taeko quickly adjusted her position and prepared to use the sword slash again. Cornelia also quickly moved closer to give Taeko the final blow.



Mieko looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief. She originally thought that Cornelia would use the Crushing King to block this knife. But she didn't expect Cornelia to���She actually blocked the knife with her left hand. If you look closely, you can see that she was wearing a short armor on her left hand.

"You pay too much attention to my right hand, Taeko"

"Crushing King!"

The Crushing King in his right hand gathered strength and delivered a fatal blow to Taeko. The huge force smashed the wall behind her into pieces, and Taeko flew out, with the knife in her hand falling to the ground.

The battle finally came to an end.

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