"I lost... Cornelia……"Mio was lying on the ground, speaking calmly. At this moment, she was completely unable to move, as the special mechanism of the Crushing King had completely destroyed her body.

"Taeko...I……"Cornelia stood in front of Taeko, but couldn't say anything. They were good friends yesterday, so why did they fight with swords and fists today?

"I am very happy to meet you...……"

"……Me too……"

"In the next life...if there is a chance...let's be friends again...……"After Taeko gave Cornelia a happy smile at the end, her life just disappeared.……


"Huh? Why?……"

Cornelia shed tears unconsciously, and she wanted to stop them but she couldn't. She was taught not to sympathize with the enemy, not to cry for the enemy. But why... she just couldn't control herself...

In the end, Cornelia knelt on the ground and cried loudly. No matter what kind of education she received, what ideas she was instilled with, in the end she couldn't resist the true feelings.……


While Cornelia and Taeko were fighting, another battle had already begun in the mountains.

Barbara vs. Nahasu, Green and Guy

"Ding Ding Dong……"

Nahashu's Water Dragon Sword and Barbara's dagger kept colliding, and the two sides fought back and forth and were evenly matched, which shocked Barbara.

After all, she always thought that Taeko was the strongest master of the younger generation, but Nahashu was much stronger than Taeko. What's more exaggerated is that Nahashu's combat experience is even comparable to that of a veteran, which makes it impossible for Barbara to defeat him.

What's more, he is not the only one here.


Guy crawled out of the mud and grabbed Barbara with the claws on both hands. The Thousand Layer Clothes itself does not have any weapons, but in order to achieve the ability to dig, its hands are made of hard metal, so it also has a certain lethality.

Barbara barely dodged the attack and quickly retreated. Then she heard a"swoosh" sound, and Barbara grabbed with her right hand. It was Green's rattlesnake attacking her.

Barbara took advantage of the situation and pulled hard, pulling Green over. Just as she was about to chop Green with the knife in his hand, Green reacted faster, and his whole body was in mid-air, and he kicked Barbara's head directly.

As Barbara leaned back to avoid the kick, she let go of the rattlesnake and retreated again.

"These two are also, although they are not as good as the young man with the sword, they are also quite good."Barbara frowned slightly, it was obvious that the difficulty of the three people was much greater than she expected.

At this time, the three people were also a little surprised. The old woman in front of them looked so old, but her strength was so strong. If she had not practiced with Chu Yufan before, it might be dangerous.

"I'm going to use my power, cover me... It seems that it's not necessary." Nahaxiu was about to use the power of the Water Dragon Sword to make a quick decision, but then he decided not to use it.

""Huh?!" Barbara's pupils shrank and she looked to the right. A young figure walked slowly towards her and stopped not far from her.

"What Chelsea said is right. Maybe we should seek support first... There are actually such strong people in the empire besides the general.……"As a killer from young to old, she had a very accurate judgment of the danger level of her opponents.

So when Barbara saw Chu Yufan, she knew she was no match for him. What surprised her even more was that the other person even looked younger than the others.

"Old lady, why don't you retire and enjoy your life at such an old age? Why are you still wandering around here?" Chu Yufan said to Barbara. The sense of oppression brought by the old lady in front of him was not as great as that of Ravel, so naturally it did not pose a threat to him.

"Yeah, I regret it too. I should have retired earlier.……"Barbara said helplessly

"It's not too late now, go back quickly, old lady."Chu Yufan said politely.

"Well... then I, the old lady... will retire now!" Barbara stepped hard and instantly came in front of Chu Yufan and swung a knife at him. She didn't believe that Chu Yufan would let her go, so she had to take the initiative.

"……It's actually an afterimage?!" Barbara was shocked when she saw the knife in her hand pierce through Chu Yufan's body.

"What a pity... I didn't lie to you, old woman." Chu Yufan flashed behind Barbara without knowing when, and swung his knife quickly, directly cutting off one of Barbara's hands.

"Strength... is not in the same dimension……"Barbara thought in shock. She had never expected the other party to be so strong. So, maybe he really wanted to let me go?

After all, no one cares about the life and death of an ant.

"what a pity……"Chu Yufan said again, and then chopped off Barbara's head with a knife.

"……"Nahaxiu and the other two opened their mouths wide when they saw this. They thought that Chu Yufan would definitely be able to defeat the old woman with his strength, but they didn't expect that he would win so easily.

"So weak, when can I meet a stronger guy?" Chu Yufan thought to himself


"General! The enemy has been completely wiped out."

In a certain battlefield, corpses were everywhere, but the corpses looked like they were all from the same faction. It seemed that this was a completely crushing war.

"Is this the force that the ministers regard as a powerful enemy? How boring!"The blue-haired lady in white military uniform said dissatisfiedly

"The whole army is back!"

"Yes! General Esdeath!"

"Where can I meet an interesting opponent?" Esdeath muttered to herself as she watched her subordinates leave.

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