"This time, facing Oberg’s attack, we defeated the enemy without losing any members of our team. It was truly a great victory!"

"Let's have a good meal!"

Soon after getting rid of Barbara, Gozizi felt a little uneasy and went to the mountains to find Chu Yufan and others. When they learned that Oberg's killer would not act alone, they hurried to the hotel in the town, and then learned that Cornelia had defeated another killer.

The danger in the town had been lifted, so everyone had a meal in the hotel to celebrate the victory.

""Ms. Ke'er, what's wrong with you? I see you haven't eaten much." Chikushi asked while eating.

"Haha... I don't have much appetite.……"Cornelia forced a smile and explained.

"Chi Tong doesn't seem to have much of an appetite either. It's rare that she eats so little."Green also said when he saw that Chi Tong's eating style was different from usual.

"……"Akahime didn't say anything, because she was the first one to discover that Cornelia was fighting, so she also knew who the enemy was.

""Phew! I'm full. I'm going out to get some fresh air." Cornelia stood up and walked outside.

"Strange? What happened to Miss Cole?"Boni looked at Cornelia's back. Even she, a fool, could tell that Cornelia was worried.

"I'm full too, I'm going to get some fresh air." Guy couldn't sit still, so he stood up and walked outside.


"Alas! Cornelia sighed as she gazed at the night sky.

""Why are you sighing, Cornelia?" Guy asked as he followed.

"……The killer I fought with...is a friend I just met here……"Cornelia hesitated for a moment, but still spoke out about it.

"So that's it……"Guy said softly.

"Things in the world are sometimes so helpless. You are friends, but in the end you become enemies. However, even so, you can only persist in living, because there are other people who care about you and are waiting for you to come back.……"

"……You can actually say something so serious?" Cornelia said in surprise

"I've always been serious, okay! Especially to you……"Guy looked at Cornelia and said

"……sorry, I……"

"I know you like that guy. That guy is really strong, so strong that even enemies that Nahasu can't do anything to can be killed by him in seconds. But I won't give up easily!"Guy looked at Cornelia seriously and said

"Well, I won't say any more. I'm leaving now!" Guy didn't say anything more and went straight back to the hotel.

""Huh!" Cornelia let out a long sigh. During the battle with Mio, she kept thinking back to what Chu Yufan had said. It was as if he had always been beside her, fighting side by side with her. It was a wonderful feeling.

"I don't know, does he like people older than him?"


The next morning, Gozizi led everyone out of the town. A major force of Oberg was killed here, and the other side would definitely send many people to investigate.

Now is not the time to engage in a large-scale conflict with the other side, so let's retreat for the time being.

"It is safe here for the time being. You can rest here for a while, and then get ready to continue working."Goziqi led everyone into the mountains again and said

"Hmm... there shouldn't be anyone else here, right?" Chu Yufan asked seriously.

"Don't worry, I have confirmed again and again that there is no problem, and you are still here, right?"Gozzi looked at Chu Yufan with a strange look. After investigation, he confirmed that the old woman who attacked Nahasu and his men was Barbara Oberg.

Even if he took action himself, it would take him a while to defeat such an opponent, but Chu Yufan could kill him in seconds. This made Gozzi feel fortunate that his original decision was correct, but he also felt a strong fear of Chu Yufan. After saying goodbye to Gozzi, everyone stayed here temporarily. After two weeks of peace, Gozzi came with a new mission.

"This time you need to go abroad, to the Land of Putora】"

Putora is located in the valley area in the northwest of the empire. Since ancient times, it has been a place for caravans to replenish supplies during long journeys. Due to its rugged terrain, it has never been occupied by foreign ethnic groups in the north or west.

"Putola is a barren area with rocky land, so it is impossible to cultivate it. It is useless to occupy this land. However, due to its long history, there are tombs of ancient emperors buried there. The people of Putola probably respect this emperor very much and often offer sacrifices to the tombs."Goziqi explained.

"It's a good thing they didn't go to rob the graves." Green sighed

"There is a grave keeper there." Goziqi's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"The grave keepers are people who use strange sorcery, and curse the death of those who approach the royal tomb. But the next point is the key point. There are rumors that the treasures offered to the royal tomb were stolen from the empire, including the missing imperial tools."

"Did you steal it from the Empire?" Chi Tong asked doubtfully.

"Given the barrenness of the place, they must have tried their best just to raise tribute. I don't think they have a lot of money either." Goziqi replied.

"What’s more important than the value is the thought behind it!" Bonnie said.

"Since he is a respected emperor, he must consider the issue of face when paying tribute."Nahash replied

"I always feel a little weird……"Chu Yufan listened to what Goziqi said and felt something was wrong.

"The empire quickly sent people to investigate. After all, it was too much to convict someone based on hearsay. But what they didn't expect was that the empire's investigator was killed by the gravekeeper. And not only that, a few weeks later, the investigator's family in the imperial capital was also killed."


"Stealing someone's things and killing them is unacceptable."Goziqi snapped his fingers and continued.

"All members go to Putola, defeat all the tomb keepers and take back all the treasures in the tomb. This is your mission this time, and the empire has decided to use the treasures to improve people's livelihood, which can be said to be a great achievement!"

"Do we even have to go abroad? The missions are getting more and more difficult."Green said

"It’s my first time going abroad, so I’m a little nervous." said Chikushi

"……By the way, this mission was not originally ours. Another assassination team trained by the Empire has already headed to the local area.……"Gozizi said again

"Black pupil?" Red pupil suddenly became nervous

"The assassination team sent a distress signal after that. If even the bald man couldn't help asking for support, it seems that the situation is quite bad."Goziqi said solemnly


On the other side, in a cave deep in Putora

"No, Barul is dead.……"A girl who looks a bit like Akame, but with short hair and black pupils, is taking care of her teammates, but the teammates still die.

"I didn't expect the gravekeeper to be so powerful. We need to evacuate as soon as possible."There is also a man and a woman in the cave. The man's name is Natara and the woman's name is Yin. Both of them are Hei Tong's companions.

At this time, the three of them have been trapped in Putora.

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